Hello fat Americans

Hello fat Americans,

How is your poor country doing today?
As a Dane I earn above the average wage of $16 USD, I earn around $19.44 an hour and if I lose my job I get guaranteed benefits to match my wage for 1 whole year, making it easy for me to pay bills and to find work again.

All because we love our country and pay reasonable taxes, not only that I can be safe knowing I do not have to mortgage my beautiful home to pay for healthcare.

Our food is delicious, fresh and quality produce. We do not eat mass produced cows anus burgers, which makes you sick and fat at the same time.

Also we do not need to tip our waiters when we go eat our reasonably priced high quality meals, we tip if we feel like it. Usually we just round up to the nearest 10.

Also our benefits to working is great, we get 5 weeks paid vacation, 52 weeks paid maternity leave which can be split between both parents. Our government also puts money into a bank account for our kids for when they reach age to get it.

So why is your country so poor to not do these things America? Why do you live in a shit country?

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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

$19.44 an hour .... i remember my first part time job

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You sound like a faggot who doesn't understand how things work.

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Go ahead and tell us how much you pay in tax: income, sales/VAT, and property. Go on, we're waiting. . .

Also, say hi to your many muslim brothers in Denmark. Asalaam aleikum daney-waney.

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You forget our prices aren't inflated, so our $19.44 would be the equivalent of your $25.

We don't have to pay over the top prices for food, plus it is fresh and not made from the leftovers that most fast food is made from in the states. Look up machine reclaimed meat and meat glue to see why your food is sub standard.

As said, tell me when your government covers your wages for 1 year after losing work? Oh right it doesn't.

Tell me when your government helps pay for your healthcare from simple taxation that pays for a multitude of things, not 40% like most of your ignortant roly poly people think it is? Oh it doesn't.

Seriously what does America have that Denmark doesn't? Obesity and sickness and paranoia, things we don't need or want.

Sad sad USA.

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OP, you wanna shine some light on how much you paid for your house?

Ahh the usual American ignorance of believing a far right website.

Islamic Extremism isn't a huge problem at all, it is a problem when it happens, which is rare, but they are not a problem. And Denmark is one of the most anti-Muslim countries in Europe, which makes what you said clearly show your ignorance even further.

Tax, I pay 20% Income Tax, which covers healthcare, maintenance, schooling, policing etc

VAT is 22% and we happily pay it, because what costs you $1 costs us $0.70.

Tell me how much does it cost you for emergency surgery again? 100k? 200k? 500k? How much mortgages do you have to take out to pay for it when your insurance doesn't cover everything?

Must suck balls being paranoid every day, and think you are rich when you eat the most pathetic foods in history.

I am laughing here at how ignorant you are.

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obviously you did by posting

Fellow yurup here. That was a good blow. I see you've done your research americuck

Sure for my 120 square meter home including the land, came to 1.4m kroner. About $210k

No one cares about your irrelevant country, come back when your country is an actual superpower and is capable of leading the world

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rent in denmark is about 20% cheaper in average than the US. Owning a home requires you to buy the land also which is why it is a bit more expensive.

>Actually believes America rules other countries

Replying isn't the same as caring you dumb foreign faggot.

>Hurr durr u believe propoganda
>Believes every American is fat

not the same person you thought you were talking to Ohio-fag here.
get rekt fuckmonkey.

America has 72% of its population overweight, 30% of them are obese to super obese.

Yes I can safely say the majority of Americans are overweight and fat.

Ehhh, "a bit more" is an understatement but yknow, ill keep my lips seal. Its okay. Just wanted to share that my buddy is paying on his nice little 3 bed, 2 bath which landed him around 50k. His wife really likes it. Hes 22, by the way.

>Doesn't understand that this is next to impossible with the population we have

Source? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

>doesn't know the different between lead and rule
Nice to see you're education system is working out

Point still stands faggot. "Hurr durr u replied so u care" isn't an argument.

is that a home in the US, if so I bet it is mostly made from wood right? and the land it is on may not be owned by him but by the city right?

>ITT : little babbies who boast about their tiny entry-job salaries

i earned 19 bucks like ... 10 years ago, after my job training ended. U mad?

>meme liscence

Spouting shit without facts or source to back him up. Typical eurofag



I appreciate this is a bait thread, and that you've taken the bait quite hard but fuck dude, you can't possibly believe your current administration could run a fucking bath let alone the world.
Ha ha ad infinitum

One of the most minimum wage posts I ever did read. Why lie online?

I dont think so. I mean, id have to ask him in truth. He was the one who got his shit together, not me. I cant even give you an honest estimate of his land size because im retarded. Regardless, his house isnt inches away from another house, so theres that.

dude, your goblin american shoops are getting better.
it's always nice to see shitposters grow up

Americans love ugly people that they're willing to put them in power, let them live out of handouts, and intermarry with them. That's no compassion, white guilt, or empathy, that's just being an American.

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Figures are from years ago, looking at other sources like the American Medical Association the overweight number has increased while obesity has slightly gone down, other sources show it the other way about.

So out of all the sources I seen, I averaged it. And that was me being generous with the numbers as you can see.

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Yes user one president we have for 4 years is able to undo everything that America has done or will do that's how it works

in my country, we didnt even have minimum wage until a few years ago .... sad but true. And yet : i earn much more than almost all retards ITT (including you).

>Also, say hi to your many muslim brothers in Denmark. Asalaam aleikum daney-waney.
Ah a conservative, the pinnacle of human evolution.


server with no rules. Anything Goes!

loli, cp, gore, nudes, and A LOT of shitposting!

At least it was worth your attention, nig

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Wow I am an American and the fact that you are this in denial proves you have never been to the south

Quit fucking bragging, it's because some ultra elites a long time ago figured out it's easy and funny to make poor people fight eachother for the profit and glory of the rich.

Live here because I'm too fucking poor from all the hatred imbued into every fiber of our society.

>Our food makes you sick
>Our wages make you tired
>Our news makes you confused
>Our hospitals cause addiction
The whole situation just makes niggers chimp out too hard to figure shit out, even as i'm typing this i realize im sick from eating junk, and mad at niggers for shit they probably didn't even do.

>on discord
Oh, boy... hope you enjoy jail.

You seem to be angry that you got caught out, why do you care, why do you continue to post in a thread you claim you don't care about.
Please cry some more.

>you're education system

Yes it is working much better than the one you have.

Um... roll

Imagine being this fucking stupid.
Keep sucking the media's dick you fucking cuck. You're the reason why the white race is dying.

You left out the part where you pay thousands of dollars in tax every month, getting invaded and raped by muslims and your currency is inferior to ours.

>I earn around $19.44 an hour
Hi yuropoor. That's about $10 an hour after yuro taxes.

and don't forget the muslim rapes every day.

Angry fatboy is angry.
Doesn't know the demographics of my country.
Just spouts out shite that Alec fagboi and Breitbart push into your minority brain.
Newsflash your shitty country doesn't exist outside of the US.

fuck she's hot. Someone posted nudes from her and another one yesterday.

>our prices aren't inflated
Poorfag plz. You niggers pay about twice what the US pays for gas and food.

>u mad?
you should be cuck
enjoy not having a country in 20 years

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Well since you didn't bother to read or do research. Let me take each point in turn.

1. We mostly pay 20% income tax, the more you earn the more you pay.

2. We aren't being invaded no matter what CNN or Fox says over there.

3. We are not being mass raped by Muslims, another lie pushed around by people who hate anything non-white, Denmark is super pro-white in politics and even we aren't as ignorant as Americans.

4. Our currency is fine, we can afford everything we need, we are happy, our crime numbers are low, we have great world trade, people work, people are healthy, people eat correctly, people are schooled correctly, nations love us. You just clearly do not understand economy and again just listen to what you are told by your favourite suck-my-dick media channel.

Are you mad?

cant wait for europe to burn

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I'm not mad at all, you are posting facts and so am I.

How the fuck is everyone taking this obvious bait?

Higher floor lower ceiling.
Good deal for people with no economic value.

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Not at all, when we buy eggs or produce we buy quality and not mass farmed rubbish.

There is a reason why chickens have to be chemically washed to hell in the US. Look it up to see why, and look at what you are buying and think is premium meat but is scraps stuck together with meat glue.

As long as you believe you buy premium that is all that matters isn't it fatboi? Doesn't matter it makes the majority of your people fat as fuck right? And unhealthy right?

VAT is 25%.. taxes for people earning less than 75k a year is atleast 41%.
Which means we pay like 56% in total when spending money. If you earn more than 75k a year add 15% tax on top of what you earn above that. But its totally worth it tho. Free education + stipend.

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>I bet it is mostly made from wood right?
Not who you're replying to but do you honestly think all Americans love in lean-tos or something? Or are you referring to the wood frame? Are yuropoor houses framed with marble or something?
>and the land it is on may not be owned by him but by the city right?
I live in a large town/small city, but is this actually a thing somewhere?

Paid $90k for a 1300sq ft 3br/2ba on 5ac on the edge of town. And yes I own the property (except mineral rights)

Yeah well it's easy when your government only has to worry about like 100 idiots.

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oh noes america is bad love me plz

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>if I lose my job
Lol eurocucks shit economy. America has more job openings than people on unemployment

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I make between 2-7 thousand a week easy.

The majority of Americans here typically have alot of money and most of us are middle class citizens

Those working minimum wage is because they are either college students or lazy fucks who don't want to actually work towards earning more.

Even though denmark is doing quite well, we are doing much better. Regarldess of what you see on TV

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Nihonfag here, in Japan our McDonalds, BK, KFC etc are superior to the American versions, because our ingredients are 100% what they should be.
I went to california and new york once both times I tried BK, McDonalds etc and their food is greasy and tasteless, I felt sick after eating them.
Why do Americans enjoy eating so bad food?
Now I ate at a barbecue place and the food there was amazing, because I paid the right price for it, brilliant, but not every American can afford or will eat like that, they prefer fast food, convenience food.
Even Americans are mostly afraid of MSG and all it is is a seasoning and doesn't cause problems, that is why I think Americans are paranoid about everything.

Europoor never heard of healthcare.

Euros have universal healthcare.

>I made between 2-7 thousand a week easy

>a week

>2-7 thousand


I'm 6'1" and weigh 168 you fucking nigger. Get lost.

We won't be there to save your ass next time germany takes you over.

Its cause our government super subsidized corn to create lots of corn bi-product lol. It sucks but a can of black beans is like 40 cents so Americans actually do like eating shit. I definitely hate that about people.

eat a nuke

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They are trying to push for 25% VAT by 2020, but many are against it. 41%? Are you crazy, did you just do a quick web search and think we pay 41% below 75k a year?

However depending if they have a partner who also earns a fair amount, that can increase the tax level they pay, but it brings benefits for children as said above we can split our 12 months of paid leave for child rearing between both parents so they can both take 6 months each after the birth of the child if they wish, or let the mother have the full 12 months.

I'm a welder, companies pay really good coin for welders. I also supervise the new younger welders.

Germany never took us over, it seems your history knowledge is sub par also.


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But you aren't, when Corporations get let off from paying the full 10.5% GDP tax rate for only 1.5% you know something is wrong. 1.7 trillion dollars given back to "keep them happy".

When you cannot easily afford healthcare, that is also something very wrong.

When you are prescribed mountains of pills because you are paranoid into believing you are sick for no reason, that is something very wrong.

When you can be easily swayed by propaganda and lies no matter your news network of choice, there is something seriously wrong.

When you leave a world trade deal worth 1/3rd of the world's trade to get a 5% exclusive deal with Taiwan and think it is a good thing, then there is something very wrong.

>but you aren't

Actually I am.

You do realize there is literally no Americans in this picture right? Even Bieber is Canadian LOL

I'm sorry your country is so terrible that you have to make such a long post trying to diss the greatest country on Earth to make yourself feel better. You have my sympathy, friend.

You think you are, but you're not.

I'm pretty sure I just made 3 thousand this week because my bank is showing a deposit for that amount.

>You do realize there is literally no Americans in this picture right?
the point is to illustrate the results of the 'help' to 'save' us, what are you talking about you dumb fuck

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>Based welder bro
Trade skills don't really fit in with yurop's depiction of Americans, so prepare for autistic screeching about how you can't possibly be living well unless your last name is Warbucks

$3k is just above average, how much will you pay out on designer stuff you don't need the following month, how much junk food both fast food and snacks will you buy? How much do you pay out in insurance per month?

You're either drunk or just retarded because the only thing you can illustrate is the shit stain on your tighty whiteys.

You're confused 3k in a single week is 12k a month.

>how much will you pay out on designer stuff you don't need the following month.

Money I don't need is put in a savings account or donated to a school.

>how much junk food both fast food and snacks will you buy?

I dislike junk food and fast food greatly I am a hobby chef and cook at home. I only drop by a Taco bell if I don't have time to cook.

>How much do you pay out in insurance per month?

Health insurance? Usually I don't need it. I think most of those are rip offs anyway.

Car insurance? Around 10k a year

Case in point

Your "point" is flawed.

I forget to mention I got a CDL (diving) and when I go underwater for welding I make MUCH more. I'm looking at 100k - 300k a year until the contract is out.

The Dutch are scum.

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Don't you have to worry about marine life? Sharks/whales? Shit like that.

>Underwater welder
God damn that's impressive. Aren't you only allowed to do that for seven years or something because of the strain it puts on your body? Nonetheless I know there's a shitton of welding work out there.
You're autism is my point, keep proving me right

Actually America is seriously starting to lack producing professionals to take over in specific industries there is a reason why the US health service is made up by 20% of foreign workers.

And why the US buys technical parts mostly from Germany.

As said the US isn't producing the next gen of people to take over, because the US mantra now is do little for more money - sports, legal, entertainment. So very little are interested in the careers that involve hard work and study.

Our boats have watch teams to be on a look out for sharks or change of weather. Usually sharks don't bother me I have a WASP knife just in case, but you'd be more likely to die from drowning or explosion than an attack from a shark.

Usually anything besides sharks avoids me.

>no u
okay, have fun being raped in your elderly home by your pet projects

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unless you are self employed you wouldn't be paid weekly, and you wouldnt be seeing a "deposit" in your account if you were self employed.
So why not come clean and actually say what your actual job is and how low your salary is too.

>Actually America is seriously starting to lack producing professionals to take over in specific industries

Yes most of those are industries that require college degrees or professional PhDs

The trade industry however is booming right now in Kansas City especially welders.

>still spouting garbled nonsense and generic statements

Stay rekt shit stain artist

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try harder m8 with your h8

>you wouldn't be seeing a "deposit"

Yes you would.

>unless you're self employed

Technically welders ARE self employed. We are contractors we work for whatever company needs us and they always pay nicely.

You can literally google this yourself.

An entry level welder however makes much less. This job is based on skills and mert not degrees or intelligence.

USA is still number one super power and would crush all others. 19.and hour wow bitch I make 32.50 and don't break a sweat no where compares to us call

If it's so great why are so many of you living in poverty?

>As said, tell me when your government covers your wages for 1 year after losing work? Oh right it doesn't.
False. If you work five quarters (one year +3 months) you get six months of unemployment based on your highest quarter, and can re-up for another six months.

As for the eating, thats a choice anyone can make. Just because we have junk food and fast food doesn't mean we all eat it. I drink water, my snacks are fruits and veggies, and I make all my own meals from scratch.


What job?

Whats the problem OP? Hard to believe Americans make alot of money?

You are missing a crucial part of your post, it depends on what to get that 6 months?

not OP don't cry though.

Oh, alright then.

I can get an average house in a quiet town, 1200 sq ft (which is kinda small) for about $60k. It would require some cosmetic fixes, maybe new kitchen fixtures, but it wouldn't be bad. With another 20k, it would be pretty nice. Tax would probably be about $1800 a year.

Property tax here is much lower, OP cant seem to grasp that.

I'm on disability even tho I just have anxiety and don't want to get a job, I sit around smoking weed all day and blame everything on my medical conditions, not the fact i'm just a lazy NEET fuck. Oh and I get my college paid for now too

But yours doesn't pay towards maintenance of grounds around your home, the roads, etc

There is a reason why our homes are superior to American wooden homes, because they are scared to use brick as it would be costly to rebuild after natural disasters.

No rage, this is actually true. I went to Japan for about a week.

What drugs are you on, son? I have a farmers market here which sells eggs, veggies, fresh meats, hand-made candy, everything you could want. The Amish run it, and it's fucking cheap.

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the acres of land I own.

Don’t be silly, all Europeans have something Americans will never have. A permanent Islamic cock-stool. I’m comfortably perched upon mine as I type this. Lodged deep inside my anus, the Islamic cock allows for quick height adjustment and swivel action, ideal for gaming and only requires minimal cleaning, which can be easily done anywhere with ones mouth and hands.

>But yours doesn't pay towards maintenance of grounds around your home, the roads, etc

Yes it does, where are you getting this?

>There is a reason why our homes are superior to American wooden homes, because they are scared to use brick as it would be costly to rebuild after natural disasters.

Actually, alot of our homes are made from bricks and rocks. Sure we have wooden homes, but it depends on the material of the wood. Not because we fear it's more costly from natural distastes, brick and rock actually have a higher chance of surviving natural distastes; some of us just prefer colony style homes and some of us don't. It's more of a matter of style you like. Whats the problem?

He's talking about stone houses. Fairly common in euroland. Also, they often have to lease the land for 99 years, which makes buying a house a weird concept. Sometimes the land is for sale, but it can be super expensive, or simply not for sale. They have weird laws. The closest thing here is buying a cabin in a state gameland preserve, where you buy the house, but lease the land. Thats often a throwback to when the land was owned before the gamelands were established.

>Our food is delicious,

HOLY....I'm a snownigger nao...

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We also have different style homes. Some just want it made of wood and some want it made of rocks.

I fail to understand the problem.

Yeah but does it supply to all Americans, no.

I'm a software engineer in the US so I'm fortunate, even from a Danish perspective.

>Hello fat Americans

Hello eurofriend

>How is your poor country doing today

considering we are the most wealthy nation in the world and no where near poor, we're doing great.

>As a dane I earn above the average wage of $16 usd

Cool story bro, I earn the average wage of $25 an hour.

>if I lose my job I get guaranteed benefits to match my wage for 1 whole year, making it easy for me to pay bills and to find work again.

I don't see how reaping benefits and sucking your taxes dry is a good thing, we have unemployment benefits as well.

>All because we love our country and pay reasonable taxes

Debatable, many danes who live here came to American because they disliked how their country was being run.

> not only that I can be safe knowing I do not have to mortgage my beautiful home to pay for healthcare.

That's great user, we get free healthcare from work as part of my benefits, so if anything were to happen to me my company is going to handle it.

I also don't pay mortgage either.

>Our food is delicious

Eh, that's subjective. I prefer Japanese food over European food.

>We do not eat mass produced cows anus burgers, which makes you sick and fat at the same time.

Neither do we. If food made us sick that's a health violation and you'd end up losing your restaurant. It's your opinion if you don't like burgers. If someone chooses to willingly stuff their fat ass face with Big Macs that on them, but it isnt me.

>Also we do not need to tip our waiters when we go eat our reasonably priced high quality meals, we tip if we feel like it. Usually we just round up to the nearest 10.

I mean so do we? We usually tip anyway because it shows we are thankful for their service and commonly tip way more than 10 since we're talking about a fine dining.

>Also our benefits to working is great.

So do we? What's so special about Denmark? Besides the 20 - 25% tax rate?

It depends on losing your job. It can be a relocation or the company eliminates the position. You just can't quit the position, thats all. After the 26 weeks, you can re-apply for another 26 weeks.

>55.8% Tax Rate
>Reasonable Tax

Pick one OP. You can't have both.

Ya, he's just making blanket statements based on watching television.

You’re shitty little country doesn’t equal 1/50th of US GDP. Also the US has been paying for you cucks share of the United Nations. If you wimpy shits had another country attack you it would be the US who would bail you out so stick that cock back in your mouth and STFU.

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I accept our country is fucked in some ways. It's obvious we have flawed and broken systems, but OP is obviously baiting.

Buckshot gtfo with your nonexistent country.

In the US, many homes are made of wood because when the towns were being built, we had virgin forest. In my town, we had a logging mill about five miles from here, and it ran for about a hundred years. My family's cemetery is from the late 1700s, just to show when the towns started popping up around here. We have stone houses, too. Many of those were the main house for the farms, the stones came from plowing the earth. In the cities, they used lots of brick, because brick foundries were located in cities where stone was less available. The cities of the northeast are almost entirely brick. Just google some pictures of Boston or Philly, you'll see.

Actually yes, it does. We have farmers markets all over the USA

Imagine being so jealous and insecure about your life that you make this thread all the time

Also this.

Every town has a farmers market. Its just that most people don't use them because chain stores are more convenient.

And posting lies. He thinks USA is poor yet the state of MI makes the exact same amount as their entire country.

Most people use chain stores because they are cheaper. Farmers markets are made local and organic.

This is some weird bait, but okay. I'm an American and I'm free to eat as healthy as I choose. I eat mostly vegetarian and fresh produce is not hard to find here. As far as tipping goes, it's customary and I don't think it's much of a financial burden. I live comfortably, go out once or twice a week and usually leave 20-30% depending on the service. I suppose you do have an argument regarding socialized medicine, but I wouldn't go as far as calling America a shit country because of it. We do have a global empire to maintain. The oil must flow.

The whole year of wages if you lost your job sounds great, but I wouldn't get out of bed for $19 an hour.

I'm 22 and on 50p/h so not half bad. But I feel as if I need/want more.

Looks like english isn't your first language.

Sure they have a farmers market, but if you put them all together could they feed 350m people daily?


Yes we can, we do that everyday.

That wasn't your original statement.

The USA feeds billions every year with exports.

If not for the US you would either be sucking nazi dick or soviet dick. Instead you are protected by the United States military. Which sucks for the US people because they must continually spend on military while whimsy EU can help citizens. The US people are better and stronger than you, however, the Jew run US and EU governments fuck a strong proud people over. Denmark is a silly place filled with foolish people.

Corporate consolidation crowding out family owned farms is why, not because it's not feasible. BigAgra is a cancer in the US.

Big anything is a cancer.

Especially big cancerous tumors those things are cancer

It depends on the scale. Thats how it was done. People had their own gardens and chicken coops. The house I'm in right now, we had chickens, and a big garden. We canned the veggies and killed the chickens, ate the eggs. It was common. There were very few things outside of the basics you'd need, like flour and milk, sugar. Pork and beef cuts. Could a farmers market feed everyone? No. But if people stocked their pantries like we used to, you could go a long time without needing to visit a store. Our practice here was to have enough to get through the worst part of winter, three months. And with one good freezer, I'm capable of that any time I choose.

Wow, this is one of the best criticism of the current state of America by an American I've heard in a long time

American think their cuntry is great so we just let them believe thir delusion otherwise they start spouting random shit to justify their shit hole of a country and miserable existence.
I would tell the idiots here to go back to school and learn something but poor sod just might get shot.

But yet people rely on food banks in the US.

How does that work?

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How many niggers and spics do you have in Denmark? Isn't you tax rate over half now. Fuckouta here.

Hope you don't get sucked into goo when the pressure seal on your caison fails

I make $80/hr in America and the US still sucks balls.

Most of the ones that think USA has a monopoly on being nice have never left the country, many have never flown

What about big chemotherapy

sure kid
you're so better?
then why so bitter?

weak bait

has it better
still so bitter

some little faggots opinion?

yet here you are

Lotta cancer going on when chemotherapy is around..

hows that car registration tax treating you?

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Not sure what the insult was supposed to be, but yes hear I am. Cancer ridden and small.

Denmark is a small country and that will probably cut down on their carbon foot print, Bc less people buy cars. Good on them.

thinks he was being insulted
I thank fucking god I don't think the way you do.

OP is a dumb Reddit fag.
Fat autistic and socially inept.

Sad sad op. All you do is work and come home to your depressing bedroom at mummy's house and play PS4. Every day.

Op is just another autistic who doesn't understand how things work or translate.
He thinks he's smarter than everyone. Not realising he's a fucking moron.

There are six million people in the entire country. They could drop out of existence tomorrow and it wouldn't budge the needle.

Hello stupid Dane. I make 24$ an hour and pay 12% tax on the first 40k. I have cheap health and dental, I drive a cheap affordable car with affordable gas prices. If I get fired I can also collect for a year up to 75% of my highest paycheck. Our food feeds the world and I have land that I grow my own veggies on.

you know he gets off on replies like yours

On the Chan anything goes. Look out for what’s next. Guy has other weird insults. Doesn’t think same as someone else. Tune in next week same Chantime same chanchannel

>t. seething yuropoor
Nicest bait in a while, though.

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Yeah I guess you’re right I just wanted something nice to happen ... ),:

Yeah but I think I know this guy and I think my reply Is 100 kek.

so you're a newfag?

sure kid

I don’t go on Yea Forums I heard about it after that terrible mosque shooting. So I am a “newfag” (I wouldn’t ever actually use the word fag, I’m not homophobic) but after the way I’ve seen everyone act today I doubt I’ll ever comeback to this place ever again. Later permavirgins! >:)

weak ass post if I ever saw one

Is this directed at the Danes or the Americans lmao

>"weak bait"
>aka truth

an even weaker reply greentexted
are you old enough to be here kid?

>Unironically saying sure kid
Wew lad. Definitely an autistic sjw antifa soy boy fgt

You are weak. I’m strong.

wow you get triggered easily.
don't shoot up your school tomorrow

>"reddit fag"

Yea Forums has been using double spacing since its inception

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could you step it up please.
I feel like I'm not getting my moneys worth

Minutes ago you got a good friend and now you have a terrible enemy. Watch your back.... I move in shadow.

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Ummmm uhhh fuck you!
*thinks to self*- “yeah that’s good what else”
And get off my board normie...
“Yeah that ought to show ‘em!”

it looks like it amature night

Op tells the truth.
Nice bait.
But the US is being conquered by muslims a lot slower.

Hey man 2 of those were mine! I’m getting so much attention! This must be what friends are like!

Some of us are more aware than eurofags on how corrupt and backwards the country is. Patrotism, sedation, and disinformation keep my fellow americunts proud and ignorant

weak and predictable

>american spelling at it's finest

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from the spell check generation folks

Weak and predictable meme is weak and predictable brainlet

you tried

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they have gun, and military.

lower iq is correct

but only one gun.

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Nigger + American = THIS

Yadda yadda, failing eurozone, yadda yadda, article 13, yadda yadda, Brexit, yadda yadda, Stupid beurocracy. Keep your peety wage. When I'm rich enough to swim in my bank account, I will be rounding my tips to the nearest grand.

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You piece of shit I’ll kill you! You fucking fuck don’t you dare talk to me that way. I am smart and better than you in every conceivable way.

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Every time I step in an american thread, as a foreigner, I fail to understand why money is so important for them.

I have money, because I have a job, but I just can't figure out what the hell would or could bring me to desire more.
What do you need to buy? You, just like me, have plenty of everything. What do you need more?

Not even trolling.

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They are paranoid, so they need more to feel safer. It also makes them feel like they are better than others.

It is very sad.

We also have guns, and a military, and have never been invaded.

We also don't have to rely on others because our ground forces aren't shit like America's.

As an American, I make over 100000, and greatly enjoy putting my cock in Danish women.

It's so easy, because women want a real man, not a pussy.


As uh Murican, me make fantasy salary of 1 with lots of 0s, and enjoy in my head putting my little pee pee in a womans foo foo.

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so ein dummes geschwafel op

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Hmmmm and has all this Faggy Europe shit made you a world power. didn't think so you knock off German Fag

Just proves my point, my salary is so large random strangers think I'm lying about it.

because you are
>inb4 the worse photoshopped bank statement

aw poor baby doesn't see the irony

Inb4 why don't you have more money: this is my checking account.

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Terrible, I make $70k annually, live as frugally as I can, got a STEM degree that I don't use, and I still can't afford shit. Most people here are obese and obsessed with hording useless shit/cars. Do you need IT people in Denmark? I'm blond haired blue eyed so I already would fit in, please let me immigrate.

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lol this guy is literally telling you his lived experience and you're telling HIM to keep sucking the media's dick? where'd you hear that, the right wing media YOU consume?

what a bunch of faggots
believing america even exists

>supposedly makes 100k a year
>only has a few grand in checking account
>how to fail at maths
>hides earlier balance to show small balance

Try again kid.

What do Danes think about the yellow vest stupidity?


You left your english class open shitskin

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this means what to an intelligent person?

but yet you want to kill.

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

we do deserve better


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This sounds 1000x times better that here. If you get hurt here, you go broke. Not only are you sick, but now you're fucked financially. Insurance is a scam here. This place fucking sucks if you're not a boomer or your parents payed for everything after high school.

you tried

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It doesn't bother us, because it is in France, and the French are always known to be greedy selfish fuckers.

That's a 3300 dollar deposit for a 2 week paycheck. It happened on the 15th. Do the math.

we have obamacare
best in the world

Still not 100k a year

Dane? Like a Great Dane?
You obviously aren't a dog you retard

dude that was weak
hes obviously a danish

your math is shit, if you get 3300 every 2 weeks then 26 x 3300 = 85,800
not the 100k salary you claimed
also it was your tax return not salary so stop talking shit.

Hi, I don't want to hear how much money I "made" when I have to return a "reasonable" amount of it to the government or go to jail.
I also don't need the government to tell a business how much they MUST pay me to discourage them from hiring me if they think it's too much, I can negotiate my salary because I am an adult.
Please keep your Eurotrash in Europe.

What are you talking about .I make $29 an hour and I dropped out of highschool, I own a 3 bedroom house with a giant back yard and a 3 car garage. You are right most food in the US is garbage, but we have a shit ton of farmers markets and farms where I am. So getting good food isn't hard. I'm an emigrant from eastern Europe and I like it more here in the US, more freedoms in general

This thread will be nuked in.

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Taxes and insurance dumb ass. Also, part of my salary is bonuses, which I'm not counting as part of the 100k.

I wanna move to Denmark. How would I go about acquiring permanent lawful residency?

The Evangelical faction has their thumb up the ass of the populace, have gerrymandered the fuck out of flyover America, and thanks to the fact that zoomers and doomers are too stupid and scared to vote, despite making up the political majority, America is dead.

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Denmark isn't a real country, retard.
Also imagine surrendering 6 hours after Germany declared war on you.
>Also we do not need to tip our waiters
Don't need to tip waiters its just highly encouraged to do so because we treat our fellow Americans like our own.
>52 weeks paid maternity leave which can be split between both parents.
Imagine getting MATERNITY LEAVE as a father. Fuck outta here with that gay shit.
>So why is your country so poor to not do these things America?
Our country is OBJECTIVELY richer than yours. We help you have free healthcare. We innovate in medical technology. We have the greatest universities the world has to offer. We are an economical powerhouse and the sole superpower of the world until India becomes one 2020.

Also reminder that Denmark isn't a real country

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Did you read all that in a book?

Are you assuming I read books, Mr. Redditor?

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Another faggot who thinks he knows everything

Moot is a fag, what's your point, Mr. Redditor?

please go back to your containment board okay

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Based Dane. Much love from Canada. You are 100% right about America.

This is Yea Forums you tism lord

salty sweat is dripping from your forehead to your mouth. Go for a walk... errr... go for a ride on your fat mobile.

Did those Laker Grils actually have to go to lunch at Carl's Jr. with him??


Brooooo EPIC TryHard Forsen1 OMEGALUL is this TWITCH MY NIGGA? Can I see my nigga ETIKA beating his dark roast lil smokie to some anime tiddies?

salary doesn't mean anything until cost of goods, services, housing and utilities in the area are factored in. I would argue that wealth is measured by the value of all luxury and extravagant spending over a given period, such as driving 2 hours to eat at a 5 star restaurant in a tricked out Bentley on a weekday and your wife purchasing a designer bag on the way home vs say, a man who saves all his days off to take his family on a cost cutting vacation to Florida, vs a man only able to take his kids to see a movie every 3 months vs a guy who eats potatoes and ramen every meal.
all these men could be making the same salary because salary is only one part of the picture and we need more information find where someone is on the wealth spectrum.

I make 28 an hour. Cool story though.

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no this is /aut/