After few years of relationship, my gf suddenly wants to party. Whats too much? Were are the boundaries...

After few years of relationship, my gf suddenly wants to party. Whats too much? Were are the boundaries? Should I be worried?

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shes gone
say bye bye

Thats what happened to you?


She'd rather be miserable than bored.

well i think its good to go out here or there but not like every second weekend, I'm a good guy and even go pick her up if no1 else can drive her home safely. Don't want this, to go out of hand.

Take it from experience,it sounds like it already is.

Ok, what to do? Any suggestion?

You're fucking nuts no wonder why she left you (because she already did so).

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Either party with her or she’s going to fuck other guys. Telling her no will just make her fuck other guys

This. Be cool, Don’t lose her to social retardation

Find a nice tradcon. The girl you're with is already gone.

Oh you mean party without you?
Yeah bro next stop:
Cucktown, population: you

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Every second weekend isn't even much though. I thought you meant she's speedfreaking herself through days of partying on end

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Either confront her about it or leave her ass. I used to party with my gf but when i had hospital bills to pay my social life was over and work took over. Gf wanted to keep partying, didnt see the harm in it at the time, found out she was cheating and I dumped her ass. Women will leave you for a good time

No1 can just join the girls. I'll look like an alien. Hard for her to be with some1 else if i come pick her up...

The relationship's already over.
Either she:
>Is shopping for another guy so she can dump you without being alone
>Wants to ride the cock carousel thinking that'll help her cope with a relationship she's no longer happy in
>Wants to regress to an earlier stage of life to cope with her unhappiness
>Is finally showering her true colors after reeling you in
Either way, dump her now. Better to be a jerk than a cuck

she be sucking mad nigger dick fam

Not that hard when she gets railed in the club bathroom, or sucking a dick in a corner. Bro girls are sneaky cunts

Dont let that bitch manipulate you,user, dump her and go on to the next girl,nothing of real value would be lost

Dump her before you catch an std.

I'm so glad my fiance is a conservative girl. She has never partied in her life. Now my ex liked to do that shit and cheated on me. OP she's most likely cucking you.

Just be chill, bro. If you want to go out with her, go. Or just stay home and chill. If she cheats on you, you dump her. Its easy. She can go out for fun without getting railed by randoms.

Ok, I get your point. But she really doesn't seem that way, throwing away relationship based on a assumption is hard...

It's a shitty idea to take advice from Yea Forums on this anyways. Talk to her, not us.

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Worrying never solves anything. Just be clear with her from start.If she wishes to fuck some guy just tell her to go and do it and fuck off, then you just forget about her and keep moving on

Gf isn’t a conservative but similar boat, she legit hates peoples, we do a lot of activities in nature, shits cash

You guyz like never had such a "problem"?

Depends on how easy it is for you to get girls, if you have the ability to get another than you’ve lost nothing and nothing to worry about.

If you suck at dating than yeah maybe better to go with the relationship until heart break.

Divorce is like at 60%? Just imagine the percentage on dating, really easier to go with the odds

Past gf in college, joined a sorority, knew it was over then.

Current gf that hates people, yeah no problems, just find the right one, don’t try to make someone the right one.

Party with you or without? If it's with you then she's a keeper. If it's without, she's already fucking someone else if you already know she's going out without you.

Well this is no sorority, Its her old friends from highschool and started hanging out again after years of almost no contact.

>Its her old friends from highschool and started hanging out again after years of almost no contact
Refer to
And the point about regression

Without me, I suggested if we go together, but they tough it was some kind of joke... :(

Easiest way to find out, ask her if she has any interest in cucking you? If she responds in anything but disgust, it’s over

At the university. But only once. From there, i just noticed that if someone really likes you she will simply not go whoring, sure she can have fun, but there are limits that you respect if you value someone. And if you dont then you are not relationship material. Just stay whoring

Look user u got 3 options
>Dump her ass rn, move on
>Keep the relationship but cheat on her ASAP, that would equal the odds, if u know how to play your cards, both of u could forgive eachother and make a stronger relationship
>Get cucked by a thousand and one cocks

Same shit happened to me we start dating she always tells me I don't like going out and rather stay in and shit like that. I'm like okay cool we can chill smoke and fuck at home no problems from me. Then after a year and half she all of a sudden wants to party after getting a job at a restaurant as a pastry cook. Then we go out and party a few time together and then the goes a few time alone cause I was working and then bam she fucks her coworker and we break up and I move to New York

People who party just to party are nuts eitherway.
Sorry you had to find out your gf is retarded.

>stronger relationship by cheating on each other
sure thing mr. armchair psychologist

OP sounds like quite the beta, he needs to assert dominance by showing he can be a dick as much as her

>trying to get "equal" to a woman on ANYTHING

You seem to be the ultrabeta faggot one here lad tbh.

Not all cunts cheat. But some do. Depends how trustworthy she is and how shady her past is. If you got a problem with it then speak up, faggot

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