trap thread
Trap thread
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It's pretty sad that he only posts those ultra-processed images, I would love to see him doing it besides twitch stream
Penis or toe?
That's a fine ass. More?
wish I had been the one to deflower this tight bitch
Dear god more. I would make her my bitch
C9 Sneaky, my nigga
Got more?
anyone got the mega folder of c9sneaky's patreon posts?
Im new to this... Rate :3
Also looking, want to bust to this little twink
Actually nvm the -5/10. You are pretty cute. Sorry for being mean out of habit
No worries, I expect it lol. Literally my first time, appreciate the honesty.
Rate first time uwu
australian rhinoceros /10
9/10 pls cuddle and take my cum
Yeah, hard to drop the hostility sometimes.
The lipstick needs some practice, other than that you're doing great
I wonder if you cut off the horn and grind it to dust that Asians will think it's an aphrodisiac
traps aren't "her" idiot. traps are dudes that can trap you, passable crossdressers. you only would call a tranny her.
Hi newfag. "Trap" used to include trannies too. Bailey Jay is a tranny, and we gave her the nickname "linetrap". Sorry about you being new.
Is this a trap? Wew lad, would date
not a trap if i can tell it's a fucking man lmao
That makes two of us
I still think calling any one trans a trap is fucked up. Traps are a fetish, trans are just humans. They dont need that shit.
"trap" is just Yea Forums slang for passing that for some reason spread across the entire internet. Whatever baggage you put on the word is your own to deal with
Trap cocks plzz
that faggot is enjoying it
I love trap tits. Always liked smaller tits and puffy nips anyways so its perfect.
That's sneaky. He's gross.
looking that cute, why wouldn't he?
might as well grow a beard dude
He's not a twink. he's a disgusting, gassy, nasally, just plain disgusting pizza and burrito eating "basement dweller", only in quotes because he's successful enough at "pro-gaming" that it's not literal.
Its still something i see in real life. And it pisses me off. I get thinking its hot porn, just like how some people like incest porn. Its porn. But walking up to someone in real life and saying "are you a trap?" Is just fucked up. Its like me walking up to my cousin and saying "you wanna do anal?" Its just fuckin shitty.
lmao yeah that's retarded irl, I don't ever call anyone that outside of here. Just like I don't bring other Yea Forums shit to the real world, same kind of cringe
They are delusional fucks and their only purpose is to be sucked penetrated and to suck
Let see more of you cutie.
Girls, show your pretty feet please
What the fuck is that?
Congratulations, you look like a very ugly girl!
Who’s this lil’ cutie?
Any traps in the Seattle area that want a fuck buddy?
Whats the status of Sarina these days?
Extreme plastic surgery and not even worth watching. Sad because Sarina and Bailey Jay were the one's that got me into fucking trannies.
Holy shit sauce.
I dont know what went wrong with Sarina but now she is a monster.
Hot as fuck
His gf is hot as fuck. Would love to have a threesome where I could ruin both of their holes.
Madison has a cute little worm
Haha sauce is me, I haven't posted in awhile... Thanks though! You guys are awesome ;)
>that got me into fucking trannies.
You've had luck?
Fucking delicious
>trap thread
you mean Faggot thread.
trap = faggot
Faggot thread.
Trap for the trap gods
Yea man. Back when Craigslist still had personal ads. Fucked a few trannies that were pornstar quality.
Now that you're here I guess you have a point
I wish more faggots knew how to use proper camera
Sorry for the late response
Hehe thanks :D
Lol, I'm glad my useless ass photo degree came of use in one facet of my life XD
Also ass pic for my felllow buttocks connoiseurs
I am going to fuck a whore anyone interested?
Because it wouldn't look nearly as good, duh. Same with 90% of all "traps".
i'm down but I only top.
Lucky fuck. Whenever I'm in a big city for work I always dream of bagging one of these cuties, but haven't got a fucking clue how
kik: dawnbrokenhd
pref traps/fem
Where abouts are you? Maybe I need some pictures taken too.
oc (2)
If you want to see all his patreon content just visit yiffyiff
>photo degree
fuck photo degrees, all you need is youtube
>fool frame zeiss reporting in
SO CUTE. any social media of u I can follow?
post butt
I’d love to take your ass for a ride and have you call me daddy
A pic of me
What do you guys think?
hell yeah, nice butt and thighs. more?
Need to see your butthole before I can make a determination.
That camera is a Pentax or Sony?
Couldn't agree with you more there hence "useless" lololol
Gotta show face to determine
damn I wanna rim that pussy and then fuck you..
reddit or twitter I can follow?
Don't have any face pics and I can't take one right now since I haven't shaved in while
I’d fuck that cute little pussy
Just fucked a trap today and I gotta say, it was good. There’s just something so hot about emasculating these little sissies. It’s natural selection at this point, they aren’t men, they’re women born to serve real men with bigger cocks.
My reddit is u/6403johnsilker6403
I don't have any lewds posted in there but I might post some tonight
Goes by Lexi trap or sexi Lexi.
She had a Tumblr for like 6 years so there must be a load more out there
How'd you find your trap?
Very pretty hole
Nice asshole
That's not good your skin also looks like shit take better care of it
whats the status of Kimber James these days, anybody know?
How old is too old to trap?
nana Mars did it in 30s so you still got time
dat boipussy
I know she's post-op, does she cam, escort etc?
What kind of channel?
>pic rel
momi ko on fb and tumblr, although I rarely post anyhing nowadays
Post dic
Literally looks like a 8/10 girl
>Traps are a fetish, trans are just humans. They dont need that shit.
Fuck off retard
try to look less like a crazy person in the future
love it when they drink too much of their own koolaid wew
>How old is too old to trap?
I don't think it's an age thing
It's about what your body and face looks like
There is a 40 year old Asian woman who looks 12
Ive seen pics on plebbit with trans timelines and some start in there 40's and a few look good just because their face had feminine proportions. (Most don't though)
This, in full HD glory pls
What do people use to hook up with traps now that Craigslist is gone?
You're totally right, but good luck getting Channers to change (it's like war and fallout and shit lol). I just tend to go with the flow on here. IRL trans, ITT trap. It's whatever. If half of the trogolidites in here met some 10/10 trans girl in real life they would probably just make some snarky ass remarks behind their back if they got enough context clues to realize they're trans. If they said some fucked up shit out loud then they just deserve whatever happens to them. Just part and parcel of being different. Honestly if we're (trans girls, traps, non binary people, what the fuck ever) posting in here we get it, and hopefully they do too to some extent. Yeah it's fucked, but remember where you are lol. I just like giving a show and making a few people's day a bit better with jizz.
You need to get fucked. Got any social media accounts?
Id to take that ass. It looks so tight and welcoming
oc (3)
pref trap/fem
I have a kik, but I'm about to head back to work in a bit so I probably won't get back to y'all until later ;P
Clean your room bucko!
Aha, naw seriously though, your ass is cute. Sorry I got back to the thread kinda late user.
u like black guys?
Nah Oklahoma/Texas looool didn't catch the "y'all" I threw out a few times?
So a nice little southern ass
I like everything and probably too much sweetie ;P
Well hello there hottie
When can we see your cock?
what size are those socks and how tall are you?
We're going to talk about that statement later.
Already showed it. look further up. Here it is again lol
So what do you like from a man
Love this pic so sexy
30/M/straight here, in the Seattle area. I'm a power bottom looking for a trans top. Anyone like that around here?
My boy, I've seen a whole bunch of pics of you (from you, maybe).
Do you use any nickname around here?
It's fabulous
I would. Where you at?
moar plz
Haha i know its as mess but im lazy aff ;/ but thx :D
Theyre S size and im 5.9ft or 1.79m
do you have a BDSMLR account or plebbit account?
You should post your pics there they are great
ur ghey
Hey cool I'm in Tx too
>Haha i know its as mess but im lazy aff ;/ but thx :D
Well, I'd rather you thank me with more of that ass ;P How about that huh?
How does this homo have no body hair?
I think traps just existent because people are desperate for attention and they’re also delusional fags
I have plenty moar~
last I heard she was talking with the people that run the show botched because shes lloking like a monster rn
Post 'em
post then thx
How do I gain a more feminine body without taking hormones
I wish I was straight again so I could turn gay for you two sexy beasts.
Who is the fuckin hijo de puta that keeps posting that same old ass pic of me
Step 1: be born female
If you can’t follow Step 1 then just be a man.
Some kind of weird ass meme at this point
micro-penis alert
Looks like lunch to me.
kat is bae
I thought people were born gay and it's not something you can 'turn'?
Including the frosting, yes user?
I bet that anus feels just like a pucci
I dont mind uwu
gimme a sec ill take some more
Yep. Oh and it comes with sides, even better.
>I thought people were born gay and it's not something you can 'turn'?
People can do gay things as a fetish and get turned on by it and not be biologically gay.
People aren't born with Scat fetishes, or Vore fetishes, or any other fetish.
You can be "brainwashed" to do gay stuff and be "convinced" by porn to try gay stuff.
That's the dirty little secret.
Requires phone # and does not let you use fake/burners
the icing is the best part
I'm not so sure about that. The way I think about it is it's like taste. Most stuff you learn to like or dislike early on and it's pretty much permanent but some tastes change, some of them you acquire, and some you need to try first before you learn if you like them or not, hmm?
And then there's the issue of semantics. Suppose I was actually bisexual "deep down" my entire life. But if for the first 18-23 years of my life I was grossed out by the thought of gay sex and never thought I would be with a man, does it really makes sense to think of that time as being bisexual?
>I thought people were born gay
That’s an urban myth.
Great :3
Of course, always more.
You made a mess of that pretty, pretty hole, now be responsible and clean after yourself, yeesss?
Cute face
That's even more presumptive than his post.
From top to bottom. Gotta be squeaky clean before round 2.
Sneaky is such a shit tier trap. Get some taste. He's basically a trap for normies, who think that getting called gay is worst thing that could ever happen to them.
Sorry if its not very big im still working on that :(
wow hello there, wats the name of this one ?
Search for free DID phone numbers
Finally someone says something
sauce plz
kik plz
A man needs a name
Oh come on ruff post new shit
enough with this old pic shit
Good lad. Eating your own cum is so wrong. So wrong. You can't help but absolutely love it, can you?
It's wonderful, cutie, don't worry :3c Very sexy.
Sorry user, don't know.
How do you peeps shave your anus?
I need some tips on shaving
Dont use it :( ill make one tho
Ty :3
I wish i had a bf tho :(
So you saying that traps aren't human? Fuck off you intolerant POS!
I use a electric razor lightly
Mind if i message you too after you make one?
Trap is kinda a djmbass word anyway. Can we bring back shemale? I love shemale.
Or heshe
very nice......wish i lived closer to you ....
I would ravage you
you hot little sweetheart
I couldn't shave my asshole without inciting wildlife activists
It's super simple. Rub shaving gel in there, then use razor in a similar fashion you would on your face. Run it from the inside of the crack out. Short strokes.
Hehe, post a few more please~
Recently found an interest in traps with a good ass. Anyone want to kik me pics?
I aint even gay...
Trap and shemale have different meanings.
Id love to have you as my little shemale
I love Ruff because he admitted in a thread a while back that he likes to wear the same socks for a week and then sniff them afterwards
He's literally a foot fetish goddess
> tfw no qt smelly feet trap that caters to your fetish 24/7
I'm glad you don't cause then I can flirt more with you
Idgaf I would love to collar this broken little femboi. She's literally rebuilt herself for men's pleasure.
Your face is absolute bae
How about just “male”?
(not me, sorry user.... just random creampies)
>tfw you realize "Woman (Male)" is the only accurate description
Y chromosome? Male
No Y chromosome? Female
Look like a girl? Girl.
Look like a boy? Boy.
Is that sneaky?
Sure /smolpeepeetrap
Last one cuz im gonna schlepp
You got a kik?
Would suck her dick.
Wow! Who's this? More please
nah got a twitter tho that I rarely post on
s..sorry mami
>Last one cuz im gonna schlepp
Aha, same. Thanks for posting them user, you're a cute
Femenine buttholes
miss me?
It's OC
gah you are so cute
Have a plebbit or bdsmlr account?
More and cock
I asked the trans escort whose cock I sucked what she thought of the trap label and she said it didn't bother her. She just hates tranny.
Are you on hormones?
shut up you gay faggot
Any one having the new Sneaky set?
Thank you ^-^ I do but I don't want to post it rn
yes I've been on em for about 2+ years
Id take your sissy ass and make you call me daddy
No you arent you posted in a thread like a week ago. 0/10 def not passable
Stay mad at the truth, spergtard
Very nice! lemme have that kik so I can bug you
You’re back! Yay
Kill yourself/10
Any cuties in DFW?
You are all destined to torment in hell.
No no no. The DFW cuties belong to me.
Nope you have to share
So hot
Cute, got moar?
any traps in baltimore?
This ass belongs to a person with a dick
Moar pls
Cute. Kik?
Would breed
She got me into traps no lie
Fucking sad to see her decline
Oc uwu
Wish I could take more pics. I'm on the clock rn
your doing gods work
im so happy our angel is back
Hey hey, lets see that butt
yeah we need more HD ruff
Gimmie that kik so we can have fun while you work
Sneaky isn't even a trap. Doesn't look female at all. Total manface.
Sexy Brit is sexy
i want to look like that
spread cheeks now
Am no Brit, I`m a proud Cucknadian
Thank you ^-^
Damn cute little butt
Show cock
Even better