Post necrophilia or rape
Post necrophilia or rape
Good luck finding legit of either one.
Wtf man?
Don't kink shame.!
kek :^D
"kink"?! Fucking rope yourself if this is what you consider a kink. Seriously what brings someone to fap to this shit in the first place, i can't believe it's something you fantasize since puberty, i'm gonna make the assumption that it must be the result of an extremely secluded and delusional life, have you been bullied during all of your shitty life? Have you ever had sex, or even kissed a girl? Out of pure, genuine curiosity.
I'm a girl so no I haven't but why do you care so much? If you don't like it just leave, why is it such a big deal as long as I don't hurt anyone? You're so dramatic
why do black people rape kill white women so often? is that because they are empowered and strong and brave and such?
Tits or gtfo
Neither of these thing look alive. Looks like I'm looking at the cover of some Art Rock album.
1st, the reason i entered the thread and took my time to reply was, as i said out of pure curiosity, i want to understand how can someones sexual desire be this twisted, cause this shit is worse than lolis, furries, piss or any fucking fetish i can think of basically.
>i'm a gril
you should already know that unless you attach a timestamp pic to ur post that statement is literally pointless, so why even try faggot?
Get trolled nub.
You're such a crybaby rant all you want it won't change shit we'll still like the same shit at least I don't kill or rape people
I remember about 15 or 20 years ago a bunch of about ten western tourists looking for mountain gorillas got ambushed and macheted in Uganda or somewhere like that. Is that where this is from?
Look at the image quality you dumb fuck. Does that look like an image from 10-20 years ago?
I remember seeing this pic first time I was on b in 2007. I literally was 12 and cried.
stfu u libtard faggot.... u kids fucking ruining Yea Forums
I think i have seen several of your threads over the years...if you were a male you would definitely have been a serial you have urges to kill but cant follow thru?
Never mind... that female doesnt talk about rape...OP is just some sicko dude
Nope just not interested on killing people I would never hurt anyone that has done nothing to hurt me
And actually there's no way you've seen multiple of my threads because this is my first thread I'm actually new on Yea Forums
And the necrophilia thing is not that much of a kink really, it's just curiosity :) I find it really interesting and it's a cool way to study anatomy etc
wanna marry me?
Sure :)
enjoy your man ass nigger