What should I place as an year book quote?

What should I place as an year book quote?

Pic unrelated

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>What should I place as an year book quote?
"Deadpool! Over here, it's me, Thanos!

Yes, I know.

I may not understand Section 1250 property depreciation recapture but even I can see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch.

I was unironically and legitimately expecting the Thanos helicopter on endgame

I'm disappointed


Attached: JPEG_20190318_195811.png (184x184, 34K)

>"To Yea Forums or not to Yea Forums."

Well, what can I say except you're welcome.

Sec. 1250 depreciation recapture is the repayment of tax benefit gained in previous years as depreciation was claimed for an asset item which in this year was sold at a price above its fully depreciated value.

This amount over scrap value is taxed as ordinary income as it repays the previously offset income amount discounted as a contra asset item in previous years.

My brain is too small to understand that

“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

I think I'm just gonna settle with
"Did you know that despite making 13 per cent of the population..."

That's pretty gay my dude

You paid less taxes in previous years, but having sold that item for more than it is worth on the books you have to pay taxes since you lessened its value.

Year 1:
Value: $10,000

Year 2:
Value: $8,000
Reduction of Revenue by claiming Depreciation of Asset Value: $2,000

Year 3:
Value: $6,000
Accumulated Depreciation: $4,000
Sold for $9,000
Paid: $10,000
Depreciated $4,000
Adjusted Basis: $6,000

Gain on Sale: $3,000

Gain on Sale

Are you an ancap?

No, I'm an Enrolled Agent.

Sounds boring

Tax Accounting generally is boring, but you know, death and taxes. Good job security.

"im an underaged squeaky voices pimply stupid and awkward faggot and i'm going to be a drain on society and everyone who came before me."

I may have lost an ounce of weed somewhere in (place x at your school). Go and get it

false, depreciation doesn't save taxes, it reduces taxable income. Depending on your tax bracket you'd get like 10-50 % of that, you'll probably still lose


Why my year book quote thread became a thread about taxes wtf

Enjoy. -Mike Hunt

Who's that?

Repeat Mike Hunt a little bit faster a few times
You will understand

Reduction of taxable income lessens the base of your tax rate. Saving you taxes.

I understand the urge to try and correct people in a field you dont understand, but please make better "corrections" than saying x(%) />/ (x-y)(%)

Its my cunt you fucking idiot


I've said it fast like 20 times. I still don't know who Mike Hunt is.

the point is that it saves a lot less than he posted, 4000 in depreciation isn't 4000 of saved taxes, its 4000 off taxable income, saving your marginal tax rate of that 4000. unless that's a large business its probably going to be no more than a few hundred. Then when you figure that the original 10000 could have alternatively been used for other purposes (prime interest as the normal standard) for three years, it would probably have to have saved at least 1500 to have been worth while, and it won't. There's a weird misconception that tax write offs make money, they do not, they slightly reduce losses


Haha funny joke

Attached: hey-man-thats-really-funny-thanis-for-sharing-when-someone-55771563~2.png (500x462, 309K)

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Technically Josh Brolin both voiced and mocaped thanos and played deadpools movie partner cable
So i can see the humor process at work
Impressive performance of internet user

Wtf fam

You can save it if you like to

Can’t corner the Dorner. Can’t spoof the Roof. Can’t film-flam the Zimzam.

I don't get it.

I will, I really like this image

I think it's a funny joke

"Wait, I can put anything here?"


Hulk saying that the nuke hunt joke is funny

I find him funny

Why are all the ads here from Brazzers?

I don't get it.

Why don't you have ublock origin or adblock plus installed so you don't see ads?

Unless you're a phonefag and can't block them. Because you're a millennial shithead who uses a phone instead of a laptop.

"Well, it sure was worth it having sex with every hot girl in the school"

Do you need a photo of Peter Griffin with the explanation?

"Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie"

Yes I'm a phonefag

This fucking this

Attached: griffith-quotes-berserk-1-1.jpg (480x464, 132K)

Who's Peter Griffin?

That's a good one

A character from infinity war

Whats that?

Attached: 0300929202.jpg (1916x1604, 213K)

"Strength lies not in defence but in attack."

“Yes, Detective, people should have realized I would be capable of something like this even back then.”

You know I wasn't expecting to learn anything today, yet here I am.

What's rofl?

A call of duty game

quote this

Perfect quote for OP

"reality is often disappointing, and so were my 4 years in high school"

Welcome to the real world, get used to it