a new gore thread Yea Forums?
a new gore thread it is
A new gore thread Yea Forums?
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where tha fuck are all those gore anons and femanons?
Most messed up thing I've seen here. I don't think anything will compare that. I thought she was a corpse before she started moving
story on this girl?
Even I thought she was corpse begore it began to move and talk.
Yeah that's horrible too, but it actually didn't make me gag as much as the other one
Dahahahah that's hot. That's hot.
Got any moving gifs or videos of necro fucking?
Dude. So many fetishes in one picture.
Something so hot about infringing on the sanctity of the dead to fulfill the urges of the living. I wish I could see more.
too soon
shut the fuck up bro
Yay old b begins to rise nigger
too soon
I need a story on this. What the fuck kind of disease is that?
I'm curious yet also extremely horrified
Too soon
Is it weird that I think these are really cool to watch
Like holy shit that blade must be insanely sharp
Unexpected kek
Despite all my rage
Could at find an image with a rat in a rib cage.
yeah its weird. you are stupid. i hope you will taste that sword some day too if you like it so much.
fuck islam and all sympathizers
"just lost my leg, lol. like and share if you are down"
I wasn't sympathizing anyone, I just said the video was interesting and nothing else
Way to assume, go back to /pol/ you fucking incel
way to soon...
you won't be able to handle it
>triforce to get the story
Is she dead or something in this pic.?
Not using a feather
Imagine how good the sex must be with a girl this fucked up.
Stop...It's too soon.
This girl is passed on. She is no more! She has ceased to be! She expired and gone to meet her maker! She is a stiff! Berefit of life, she rests in peace.
If you hadnt nailed her to the bed she'd be pushing the daisies. Her metabolic processes are now history! She is off the twig! She has kicked the bucket. She has shuffled off her mortal coil, rund down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!!
Watch yourself
It's best left alone
what da fuck nigga i lost
This shit is messed up even for Yea Forums. I'm out faggots.
you'll be back soon or later fag
Cmom, man, this is too fuckin soon.
Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to spinal injury
no it isn't, i would ratter be executed with that sharp sword than bow to allah
IF this is real then how do her legs stay spread even after she died?
rigor mortis
Fuck that! Someone put a bullet in that dog asap!
That takes a few hours to set in, hmm. Anyway, who cares, she's dead, right?
Looks like an album cover for Falling in Reverse
Somebody please explain this shit
>not one single arterial spurt/spray
I am thoroughly disappointed.
>finish her! FATALITY
Enjoy niggers
God's be damned...
That so many of you get-off on this shit?
No wonder society has become so degenerate.
shutup nigger. go back to twitch and fageddit
Wtf is that
nice ! moar ?
If I had to guess, I would say it looks like a vagina along with a gaping asshole with cigarette ashes around the area.
All I got, sorry dude.
does damn chinese bastards.
Theres some sites you can go to if you wanna find/see more. Bestgore is good, crazyshit is good, liveleak is decent and theres another one but I forgot the name of it
Well they have scale tape but she is alive. I was hoping for more like they poured liquid lead in her asshole. :/
look at the discoloration of her pink bits my dude, looks dead to me
From what I gathered from another user from a different gore/rekt thread apparently he killed her then raped her and was enjoying smoking while doing it
would the pussy still be good to fuck with a little lube?
asking for a friend.
It’s an asshtray
Yeah, you could say he smASHED that.
scroll down you got here even a better
tell your friend that it would be good, but little cold
What should I watch Satan my lord
>5 minutes in the oven at 450 degrees.
Good as new.
agreed, you can have a dinner after that
Exactly. 2 birds with 1 stone
kys you fucking nigger
I bet that felt satisfying as fuck.
aah shit m8, where are everybody,sometimes i'm feeling alone and i think that everybody is from the faggeddit or bots
Fapp teim
There's a lot worse my freind
where is the second part?
>Gets leg blown off
>Gotta post it on Twitter
Can somebody please explain the significance of this picture? I have been out of the loop and can't find anything else on it.
you don't want to know, all i can wrote to you is that Yea Forums gone to far that day
>I have been out of the loop
Not true user, you are obviously a newfag, admit it and we can move on.
Too soon.
Whoa whoa whoa!
Too soon user!
After watching this a while back I took off the blade of a paper guillotine that I have in my house, it looks quite similar to this blade, I sharpened it only a little and took out several of the neighbour's sheep like this, I don't think it's the sharpness, I think it's the weight that takes it through.
It made the news and the papers even now though they've never caught me.
fuck yeah, awesome. More like this
The fuck user, still too soon for that shit
The lore goes that she died at a party in Canada by drinking punch spiked with antifreeze, and that people on this very board naturally had some faps until said word came out. It’s called Perfection Girl and all you had to do find this info out is fucking reverse image search.
Two words: curling iron.
That's not even funny dude i hope you die horribly
new trend? or just another reason to censor ig?
nigga what, i must be in the wrong thread, unless this is a gore thread fag
You win. Jfc
Fucking hell user! Way too soon! Ffs
what a champ