Nightly "I'm high thread'

I'm high

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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nice man

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die DMZnigger

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i can get high,
should i get high

no you will laugh at stupid shit for hours

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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catfish is like a bong that became a human

I already laugh at stupid shit for hours

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

i think i want that.

make sure u listen to Thriller

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cuz dis is THRILLEL~~~!!11 THRILLEL NI~TE
loleso drugse r bade ffor u...

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dubs! wooh!

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you don't even own a taxi

crazy taxi

y does BD joe hhab da worse stats when xes da best driber????

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第02話「赤ちゃん育てはも~たいへん!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 179K)

the days that you don't post are the best days

dubs! wooh! dats nod tru. pls dond bully cadefren pls. thing abou how u wud feel if u were bully'd...
#SuicidePrevention #StigmaFree

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第38話「ついに再婚!?あいこの決意」(DVD (640x480, 146K)


also doremiposter is a creepy faggot


read his posts?
aside being obsessed with a cartoon he has like no social awareness(hence him not understanding people hating him)

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doremi poster is actually very intelligent maybe because you're low IQ you just don't understand. doremi poster always posts the right things at the right timing too and is extremely self aware.

fuck off saeed

no u

lol he admitted it was him

thank you so much!! my first dubs!!!!

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it's good to have it confirmed that every positive thing ever said about doremifag was just him samefagging

Have u stopped being a fatfuck yet?

free palestine

Have u stopped buying drugs from uncouth minorities yet?

thamku ffor standogn up ffor me fren i love u...

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Epstein was pretty smart too.....


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