Hello guys, I am 179cm tall and 107kg. I need to lose like 20kgs - how could I do that...

Hello guys, I am 179cm tall and 107kg. I need to lose like 20kgs - how could I do that? Could walking everyday be enough? (I can't run because of chronic knee problems)...

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First of all: good choice. Cut on carbon. Drink only water. Count calories and only eat 500 less than your daily intake.

If you're just trying to lose weight, diet is the way to go. Exercise can help, but not without adjusting the rest of your lifestyle.

I've personally had good success with the Ketogenic diet (low carb, high fat). I'm down about 15lbs in the last 2 months with little struggle.

The first week or so sucks as your body gets to burning fat for energy as opposed to carbs, but once you get over that it's a pretty easy ride.

That said, the diet is more expensive as you're cutting out carbs and replacing it with produce and good quality meat.

Yes. But also make certain that your calorie intake is at a deficit. Say, try to have 1500 calories a day. Or if you're gonna have 2000 as recommended? Make sure you do enough walking (like an hour or two) to burn some off.

Also build up muscle definition if you can. You'll burn more calories naturally this way too. Good luck!

Another tip? Reduce carbs. Don't get rid of 'em otherwise you'll feel like a sack of shit. And make massive salads with no creamy sauces (salsa and your fave mustard is a good cheat combination) to feel full.

How long do you think it can take? Can I eat steaks fo lunch?

Depends, really. If you do a lot of exercise compared to your calories consumed (and you're at a deficit to start), I found it went by quickly enough.

In 2017, I started at 220 lbs in January and went down to 160 lbs by July. But that was with more than just walking since I can do more cardio/weight training/etc.

Steak is fine! Steak, avocados for a natural healthy fat, milk, it's all good IMO. But personally I'd consider eating more meats like turkey/chicken and a personal cheap fave with low calories, imitation crab meat.

Diet is the key. I have been doing strict intermittent fasting for over a year now and I love it. It's tough at first, kind of like quitting cigarettes. You will crave the fuck out of sugar and food but your body will adjust.
Give Intermittent fasting a try, it worked so fucking good for me I love it. Nothing after like 6 pm, nothing before noon... nothing but water. something like that

Not OP but what's your fasting window? I had issues due to a moving work schedule.

Activity is important. If you can't run, cycling may work for you.

Not OP, I used to look like OP 1 year and a half ago and have gotten much better ever since I started dieting (cutting down on sweet stuff/sodas, eating more lean meat and less fatty meat, etc).

I do not workout. But now I found myself stuck around the 23-25% body fat range. Will I have to work my ass off if I want to see any improvements from here on? How long should I workout per day/week minimum? There aren't any gyms nearby where I live/work.

202cm 112kg here. I look fatter than you.

if you cant run, ride
but running is the best thing you can do
your chronic knee issues will actually dissipate with the weight loss so you might bne able to jog

If you have an injury don't run or cycle that's only going to cause more problems. Swim instead

There's no fucking way that's 107 kg, we're the same height and i weigh around 80. Did you replace your water with heavy water?

Why the fuck you look ok with that weight? I'm 180 and 86kg and I'm look way fatter than you

nice dick print cut-bro.

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yeah but you're a freak so normal body scale doesn't apply to you

in january my wife left me, and i started hitting the gym 3x a week and only eating 1 large meal at lunch, with sparing snacks if i was ravenously hungry

lost 10kg in 3 months, but i have a physically demanding job and i'm young
it's very easy to gym, you only need to spend 30-45 mins each time you go

Eat once a day, that's it.

doubtful that's op, if he's 179cm and 107kg he is a fuck ton fatter than this dude

Ccut carbs and refined sugar. Do keto.

Even if you cut down on processed carbs and sugar, I'm guarenteeing you lose weight. I pretty much replaced rice/bread/sugar with veggies and salsa for my meals and I lost fifty pounds in a couple months. It's rough at first but you can do it.

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had success with intermittent fasting too. i find it relatively easy to follow. there are no strict rules on what you can eat, but healthy food (whole grains, low-fat meat etc.) obviously helps to prevent cravings. and keep in mind to not overeat in between, so you stay under your daily calories limit.

show your gross-fuck stretch marks.

I hate how you ex-fat-fucks will shamelessly take a shirtless pic in pig-status but as soon as you lose some weight and turn to a skin-bag you're hesitant. what gives?

A nice outfit would've made you tolerable as a fat-fuck, too.
