What are you guys having for lunch/dinner? I'm having another Totinos Party Pizza

What are you guys having for lunch/dinner? I'm having another Totinos Party Pizza.

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the party never ends with this guy

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STROMBOLI dont call it a hot pocket

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H-E-B Delicatessen Spaggheti and Meatballs - Large

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I just ate chicken wings (protein) and pickles (vegetables) nice very health

I'm glad to see everyone eating healthy, even if you aren't partying pizza style.

really lovin this post

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Suicide: it's what's for dinner

This Yuji Sakai went on a diet

#SuicidePrevention #StigmaFree

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Im thinking Im going to cook a frozen cod fillet and make some shells and cheese. Probably frozen broccoli too. Not super healthy, but Ive cooked good healthy meals every day this week. Or I might go super lazy and just make a stoufers microwave meal, I have 2 in the freezer.

Throw that shit out and bake up some fucking TOTINOS PIZZAS BABY!!!!!


>frozen "pizza"
lmao i'd rather eat shitty instant ramen

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lol the anime makes a funny face


salt and vinegar potato chips, lime juice and about to have some cereal

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!