Hunger Games Thread
24 Tributes
Church Edition so put on y'alls Sunday Best.
Attached: Bzzzz bzzzzzzz.jpg (1600x1200, 236K)
You're lucky you're on Yea Forums my friend
Attached: 167.jpg (600x900, 134K)
Attached: 1467456967832.png (1280x720, 511K)
orange brat of mathy goodness
Attached: nara16.png (500x647, 290K)
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
Attached: dsfargeg.jpg (597x392, 34K)
Church mouse
Attached: file-20190322-36283-1me4pb6.jpg (926x820, 45K)
an award for my neighbor for playing their guitar as loudly and badly as possible
Attached: faggot award.jpg (300x400, 20K)
Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)
The one true god
Attached: F40B0989-8EF1-4251-A7B5-251C75DBE76D.jpg (398x708, 58K)
smug snek
Attached: smug snek.jpg (871x379, 39K)
Antique cannon
Attached: 21090759_2.jpg (1024x710, 50K)
Attached: 1542111373082.jpg (392x375, 17K)
Hat Goomba
Attached: Bandana Dee pause description.jpg (1280x720, 151K)
Shooter McGavin
Attached: 6D206087-A515-4C5B-97E0-D38107AB82A6.jpg (589x676, 82K)
The illuminati
Attached: join-Illuminati-in-Denver-CO.jpg (676x623, 91K)
glitch orange? glitch orange.
Attached: 1598_eightbit.jpg (2158x1040, 234K)
wet noodle
Attached: Elkf.jpg (1200x1200, 623K)
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Attached: Banjo_and_Kazooie.jpg (275x313, 21K)
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Attached: Rigs.jpg (79x116, 6K)
They do say patience is a virtue. Any changes
Attached: Seasons Dont Fear The Reaping.png (690x831, 336K)
take out forplz
Attached: plush.jpg (591x601, 76K)
Hat Goomba got this.
Attached: bandana ritual.jpg (990x1200, 118K)
Ü‚Goodluck Megumi!
First district best district got this
Attached: 115.png (1261x814, 1.15M)
Why half of you didn't burst into flames at the first step into a church I don't understand.
Attached: Bloodbath.png (1366x3121, 449K)
Good luck
Attached: 1420674007532.gif (500x281, 1.07M)
Glitch orange and 7 out to take down the son of god.
Attached: Day 1 Steak Sauce.png (1366x1715, 402K)
And not one person in attendance.
Attached: Fallen 1.png (1366x970, 70K)
>7 performs 6 hail marys.
Guess 6 doesn't fear 7 anymore?
Someones gotta explain that milk truck thing. Is it a reference?
Attached: Night 1.png (1366x1883, 414K)
>Tried to light the cannon.
>Didn't go too well.
Attached: 197-1972637_banjokazooietooie5-banjo-kazooie-gun.jpg (820x679, 225K)
F these guys
Attached: Fallen 2.png (1366x970, 106K)
Attached: nara13.gif (432x432, 1.76M)
There's that milk truck again.
Also love it when the pic matches the situation(Regirock).
Attached: Night 2.png (1366x1917, 367K)
Looks like Megumis ready to die for all you sinners.
Attached: Day 3.png (1366x1715, 359K)
Attached: Arena 1.png (1366x2334, 349K)
The highest death rate finally kicking in.
Attached: Fallen 3.png (1366x2064, 211K)
it's not my fault i'm the antichrist..
Attached: naran31.jpg (251x323, 18K)
Run, Regice! Run!
Attached: Night 3.png (1366x1096, 193K)
RIP District 1
Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)
RIP us
Attached: 135.jpg (850x991, 135K)
Neat. An arena event AND a feast? Awesome.
Banjo you moron.
Attached: FEAST.png (1366x1130, 194K)
According to the bible, you're pretty screwed Goombs.
Attached: Day 4.png (1366x970, 152K)
Attached: Falln 4.png (1366x970, 106K)
Damn it!
Attached: BanjoKazooieTooie7.png (380x560, 230K)
something something church something
Attached: Night 4.png (1366x970, 141K)
Snows got the solution to Bullworm and Bzzzz 's problem.
Attached: Day 5.png (1366x970, 148K)
Done quick?
Attached: Fallen 5.png (1366x970, 68K)
Not gonna get into heaven with that kind of behavior Goomba. Well actually all you gotta do is repent at the last second really.
Attached: Night 5.png (1366x970, 143K)
The FBI ain't playin around
Jeez. What'd Regice do to deserve that? Eat all the wafers?
Attached: Day 6.png (1366x970, 126K)
Wait. I didn't technically die though.
Attached: Fallen 6.png (1366x970, 106K)
Time for bets!
>Does Goomba got this?
>Will the FBI suicide the others?
>Whatever the Bullworm guy does
Attached: BZZ BZZZZ.jpg (1600x1200, 238K)
>implying going to heaven is worth it
Attached: bdee.png (623x542, 616K)
Attached: night 6.png (1366x970, 101K)
Attached: winner.png (308x243, 19K)
Attached: placemats.png (684x800, 324K)
Attached: Putins Puppet.jpg (600x500, 95K)
Attached: BDwojak.png (672x720, 160K)
Absolutely deegusting.
Thanks for the game Ginko.
Attached: 207.jpg (526x640, 208K)
tanks for the host dude
Attached: nara87.png (511x513, 283K)
Thanks for hosting
Attached: rigsthanksyouforhosting.jpg (491x512, 79K)
Thanks for hosting
Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)
Congrats FBI! Thanks for hosting!
Attached: Snow_sketch.jpg (240x240, 15K)
Better luck with that DeeLC
Thanks for playin' and especially for having patience. Catch y'all later.
Attached: LOTG.gif (500x281, 545K)
Thanks for hosting
Attached: images (1).jpg (194x260, 15K)