What's it like to have high IQ?

What's it like to have high IQ?

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Pointless,if one lacks common sense.

Frustrating, because you always feel like an underachiever.

Its like when your on a first date and she shows up with something in her teeth, but shes super hot so you dont say anything but you have to stare at it the whole night, just thinking how stupid she looks. Only all the time with everyone, cause if you point out when people are stupid all the time they dont like you.

165 and depressing as fuck. Trying to play games with family or have a conversation with someone is like having one with a 5 year old.

People will hate you because you are good at everything and you basically have to be a bitch and just nod your head to most shit to have friends.

all of the above. if you want to talk to people with high iq contact mensa


Having a high IQ doesn't mean you're suddenly better at everything requiring a modicum of intellect. But I guess it's fun to pretend...

Disappointing. Every day. Be average. Be happier.

I try to explain the right things in a polite way and not lord over people because yeah they hate you but they latch on to everything you say and hate you regardless

You end up having to explain shit to people and it's really refreshing when someone understands something the first time.

I'm only within the 120's but because I'm a nigger people think I'm fucking amazing. The soft racism of low expectations works in my favor as I constantly excel by half-assing things to average.

High or above average? Mine is slightly above average (115) but nothing crazy at all. I’m a pretty bright and articulate guy (unless everyone is lying to me everywhere I go). I’m smart enough to be deep but stupid enough to not make shit too complicated. I’m pretty happy with it.

Why do you use the N-word to describe yourself? Have some self respect, Uncle Tom.

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Honestly, it’s awful. It’s alienating, lonely and depressing

Because its the cultural norm on Yea Forums.

Depresing. Lonely.

The ability to love a hot underage girl while all the brainlets seeth n go ape is amazing

Easy to forget what's common knowledge that people just know and shit that you know because you're a big brain freak.

I'm 123 and I constantly repeat myself because I'm autistic and I can't tell if just saying something the way I want to say it will even make sense to people.

Perfectly fine! 185 here and my life has been fine so far. Classes in college sometimes required study and doing the homework, but I could get As in them if I tried. Met and screwed some hot girls. Married well to a medical professional, still doing fine after 35 years. Good dual incomes so we invested well. Now retired but taking in over 100K per year from investments.

Stand up, boy, have some respect for yourself! If you're gonna let people push you now, people are gonna push you for the rest of your life.

It's the cultural norm because niggers tend to ruin everything and make everyone angry. If you don't do those things you aren't a nigger.

I guess you're right.

I sometimes think I’m retarded and everyone is lying to me.

idk if i count for this, I test at the 135-145 range when i've done them. Sometimes you notice the rate at which you learn things can be different but honestly, a lot of it comes down to how industrious or interested you are in the matter. I have a lot of self-doubt in my ability a lot of the time even though i'm doing pretty well all things considered

My IQ is in the 130s and it doesn't feel like anything. I am rather good at math and people generally enjoy how I explain things, but that's about it. I have a normal job while in university with a normal friend group. My intelligence simply helps me notice patterns faster than others people. But I can't scan a textbook and Ace an exam of ordinary differential equations. High intelligence doesn't work like it does on Good Will Hunting. I still have to work hard to achieve good grades and understand concepts. Maybe I just get a little more free time as I finish faster.

You're asking here?

It's awesome and it's the worst thing ever at the same time. I'm 142. I have often thought how tough it is for people who have it rough and are intelligent enough to know it. I have been.blessed formthe most.part, but there are times I've wished I was stupid enough NOT to.know what is happening around in the world around me and just live in ignorant bliss.

Brutally painful

im dumb so i wouldnt know

I have a 139 Stanford Binet IQ, which is equivalent to 158 Cattell (European standard).

The school years were tough because almost all of my teachers hated me from kindergarten through university. People don't like being questioned or challenged by someone they view as their inferior and I tend to question everyone and everything. I would also frequently come up with creative solutions to academic assignments and get marked down for supposedly not doing what was asked of me. I also didn't always fit in with the other kids at school because I was just never interested in the boring bullshit kids are interested in, particularly sports.

If you really want to learn about high IQ people, I suggest reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It does a great job of explaining how IQ is just one of many factors that enable people to succeed. I've always identified with Christopher Langan. Although I'm not nearly as brilliant as him, we both come from highly dysfunctional white trash families and ended up being underachievers relative to what we probably could have been if we had been born into a background that enabled us to thrive.

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When you have a high IQ, you don't go on Yea Forums

Wow what a bunch of modest try hards... oh my IQ is only 175 SLURP SLURP NOTICE MY VIRGIN INTELLECT SENPAI

IQ is a pretty crappy way to measure intelligence

You sound like an insufferable pretentious cunt. Being born into a shit family is no excuse for underachievement; make something for yourself and be the foundation for a generates of success. There is also a difference between reasonable questions to gain knowledge and nit picking everything a teacher says for attention.

You find lots of people boring. They likely find me boring, So you have to track out those who are clever as well BUT are not socially retarded. So it can be lonely at times.

Yeah same here. It's like socio-economic factors have real world implications for people's ability to achieve.

skiomusic [dot] c o m / r / x iV

You can have a high IQ and be into sports. You just happen to be shit at them therefore dislike them.

Look I registered at anywhere from 138 to 144 from a few tests ages ago, nothing special about me and I dont feel particularly smart. Im an EE and worked my way up to management but my staff is way smarter than I am. Only advantage I think i have to the average person is I can figure out problems/solutions pretty quickly than the average joe and can easily figure out how things work. Average guy here with an average wife and 3 kids.

It's pretty nice.

You never vote for Republicans.

when young mostly lonely. When older you feel dumber and dumber as you get to know smarter people than you.

>You can have a high IQ and be into sports.
True. But most really intelligent people I have known have found them banal.

>You just happen to be shit at them therefore dislike them.
Not really. I was a good pitcher and an exceptional hockey forward but just didn't give a shit to keep playing. Of course, I was only good by the standards of a kid; not saying I could have been a pro.

blacks =! niggers

So if a reasonable republican were running against a democrat who was batshit insane and dangerous, you'd vote democrat.

Because of your high IQ.

youre just not that smart dude

89iq threda

>a reasonable republican
more like if my cock slapped you for making that stupid comment

Boring. Never finding anything interesting for more than a few minutes.

Nice try faggot, but not even close.

Turn to page three hundred and ninety four

The best thing about having a high IQ (like wot I does) is it means you can think about boobs.

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Fairly useless when you get you ass kicked by those who have more discipline.

Banal. Reading fictional books are banal. It's utterly pointless as they aren't factual. So is music and films.

You wouldn't understand

>ITT retards pretend to be smart

actually, that's every thread

>retards pretend to be smart
except me

ITT; Extreme narcissism

I have a +3.87sd IQ. Of course we hang out here. It's one of the few places where our autism is accepted and honestly nd frankly calling out people as the retarded mongoloids they are is the norm.

What do you do for entertainment, then?

that's about it

>have found them banal.
Everything is banal. You learn to cope.

I'm smart and I don't feel that way. I embraced Buddhism earlier in life.

It pretty fucked up.

get it the IQ is "high". (ak: fucked up). yeah, super clever

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>139 Stanford Binet IQ,
That's not very smart tbqh, it's barely enough to get in mensa.

Imagine being trapped in a room full of retards, forever!

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is a scam and you were dumb enough to give them your money

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well it's just that 120 in a black is like 160+ in a white... you're basically smarter than 99.999 and probably a couple more nines of all black people

I never claimed to be the smartest person in the world or even in this thread.

well it would kinda be like good will hunting... that wasn't depicting someone who was just 'smart', it was depicting someone probably in the top 5 highest iqs on earth.

Don't assume, brainlet. Qualified for triple nine and never bothered to join them either. I did accept the national merit scholarship though.

Overrated. Usually you hit a wall at some point, either because you have autism or because you breezed through school on being smart and never learned a good work ethic.

Bruh what does you being a pedophile have to do with being high iq

No. It's hard but not impossible to adapt into developing things which others are seemingly born with.
Yes and no. For me it's frustrating because I see people who do shit they don't understand and think they are smart.
Higher IQ does, in fact, make everything you do easier and better.
Learning to be happy is, at times, a skill which must be developed. It took some time to figure out why people smile. Not a joke.

Smart monkey! Wooo! Congratulations.

Here's a thought. Isn't it always kind of amazing when you can meet someone and automatically know if they are intelligent? I pick it up very accurately in people from infants to the elderly. I can almost always sense that spark. But I can ALWAYS spot a faker.

I'm the same. If it weren't for borderline personality disorder I like to believe I would be completely engaging in my practice.

Other smart anons reading this should do the same. compassion and meditation should not be underestimated.

I find that is a function of applicability. Grow up in the ghetto and intellect isn't really applicable.

Sort of frustrating, tbh. I can only get along with people older than me, and that honestly makes me feel like a fucking incel

You're full of shit. Teachers don't hate smart kids. Idiots hate smart kids.

incredibly stupid you are.

No one here knows.


A question to the high IQ's
Do women disgust you? Intellectually, personality or other?

You aren't very clever,

I was pointing out that non fiction is banal as it's made up and of little consequence. Just as some would say sport is banal as it has little consequence.

Sorry I didn't sign post it for you. With your super intelligence I thought you didn't need a helping hand.

A) Lots of teachers are idiots, so I don't know why you would assume the two are mutually exclusive.
B) On the last day of high school before graduation, my English teacher told me to my face that he used to resent me because he knew I was smarter than him. I thought it was pretty big of him to admit it. But anyway, I doubt he was the only one, and I doubt I am the only person who experienced this kind of pettiness from teachers.

It makes you wonder how anything works at all for all the idiots that there are.

isn't it weird how racist /b is until a black person is racist to themselves

Whatever brings you peace. For me, it's checking out the outer regions of the Solar System (Trans Neptunian Objects) and imagining the vastness. No matter how smart we are, we still fall short of truly appreciating it.

No, but you have to find the right one. And that will be hard in a major US city. Easier in the country, easier still in Europe.

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So you don't even fap? No wonder you're so uptight.

You're not responding to me. (Me being )

I understood your reductio ad absurdum but didn't find it worthy of a response since it's a false analogy. By the way, the fact that you assumed it was the same person despite totally different writing styles indicates that your own powers of comprehension are weak.

fucking.... yikes can you roleplay any harder why are you trying to speak like that shut the fuck up

I never asserted mutual exclusivity. I simply defined who is NOT a teacher. What you suffered were government employees who want three month long vacations every year and to get by in life by repeating their school experiences from the other side of the desk.

Teachers are special people.

Disgust? No. They are mostly just really fucking tedious, except for the ones that are manipulative and treacherous but too stupid to pull it off. I've only ever known 3 women my whole life that were interesting enough to be around more than a few minutes. Married one of them. Still happy 20 years later.

Speak like what?

>What you suffered were government employees who want three month long vacations every year and to get by in life by repeating their school experiences from the other side of the desk.
Fair enough. But I contend that these people are hardly a rare minority within the educational community.

Can you further explain what you meant by "I fully embraced Buddhism" ?

says the low IQ

Being a smart kid made me a cunt. Being smart meant I was simultaneously self-aware of my cunty-ness. Then I learned that I wasn't smarter than the SMARTEST kids. Desperate to regain intellectual superiority, but failed. So I realized I was actually a dumb cunt. Stopped being a cunt, but have hated myself ever since. Recently I've been more forgiving of myself.
Also, asking Yea Forums what a high IQ is like? What are you, fucking retarded?

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Depressing and idignating

OH shit! I got muddled up. My comprehensio skills must weak! Someone who has a high IQ can never make a mistake. Also latin, seriously?

There's a certain type of vacuous, vapid woman that I find I have absolutely no regard for. Think Kim Kardashian.

If you're asking me whether I find women to be inferior to men on average by the standards we hold one another to, the answer is obviously yes.

A physical from a doctor is a pretty crappy way to measure health.

Oh wait no it fucking isn't, you're retarded.

I presume its awful. Im no genius whatsoever, just regret digging in life's holes. Plenty of things i wish i could erase.

damn this kinda hit hard ... :'(

Sorry user....

Sometimes it really do be like that. Oh well. At least im not homeless.

>reductio ad absurdum
I don't know how Redditors got the idea that reductio ad absurdum is a fallacy. Maybe it would help if you knew its English name was "proof by contradiction."

> A physical from a doctor is a pretty crappy way to measure health.
actually it is, fucktard. you most be one of those that has a 2 digit iq since many studies have shown that there is no statically significant change in morbidity or mortality among those that don't go for annual physicals compared to those that do. keep talking out of your ass those as retards tend to do.

quitter faggot.

A) I didn't say it was a fallacy. I said his argument is a false analogy, which incidentally is in fact a fallacy. Try to keep up.
B) You're just wrong. It's Latin for "Reduction to absurdity." Not all reductio ad absurdum arguments are proof by contradiction arguments, though many are.
C) Only redditors accuse people of being redditors as an insult.

>What's it like to have high IQ?
I don't know, what's it like to fucked in the ass by your uncle?

shut up, faggot


man, the high IQ I don't know
but that shit is painful

Annoying. Having a high IQ is like having a 15 inch penis. Sure it looks great but most of the time it gets in the way and it's not pleasurable when you can only get the head in. Where not a very large percent of the population

>Only redditors accuse people of being redditors as an insult.
nailed him cold

>It's Latin for "Reduction to absurdity."
You're not very good at translation, either. "Reduction to (an) absurdity" is not idiomatic English, or at least it's not idiomatic for the way that math and philosophy are discussed in English.

shut up already faggots, you both are cringey as shit trying to look smart just to impress the smart nigger who can write and possibly read

Indeed. They make it so obvious. It's like summerfags accusing other people of being summerfags in a desperate attempt to larp as oldfags.

That's nice. Thanks for sharing.

As opposed to a dumb nigger like you?

Lol, nobody on Yea Forums has a high IQ. Waste of your time.

I doubt someone with "165 IQ" would still play games.

If thats true, thats actually fucking impressive since niggers only have like 60 IQ and you double that amount.

lol yea they're all out in the world doing regular things

that's because you're an idiot

Its cancer, you're always right, movies are never fun cause you always know how every scene is going to end, your hopes are never up, nothing is surprising, exciting and all in all, void of all joy.

>Only redditors accuse people of being redditors as an insult.
this is probably true lol

Pain and agony

At least try to make it believable.

Measuring health isn't the same as improving health you waste of oxygen.

thats just called being a cunt mateyoud be miserable no matter what

Maybe he has ass burgers

160 IQ
Still an idiot

larping wannabe tryhard detected

At least good books and films tend to teach you a lesson at the end.
Sports are completely banal.

As long a someone gets hurt then it's worth it

Well, for one, you can understand the humor in Rick and Morty..


Good point.

Stfu nigger

Found the low IQ nigger

I'm not a nigger, you asshole

though I doubt my iq would exceed past 115...so//

Yeah I can notice.

if you're dumb enough to repeat a line like that, you probably wouldn't realize it when people are manipulating you. define "push you". i bet you wouldn't understand real manipulation if your life depended on it.

None of you are smart because I say so. You who questions what an IQ is is as fault of suffering his own made up rules.

No you can't, you're just trying to insult me because I called you an idiot.

cry more

Lonely. If you are a good enough actor you can fool the dimwits into believing you are one of them but that gets tiring.

But you are an idiot. Idiot. Refute my claim. Say nothing else literally. Refute the claim that you are an idiot. I know you CAN'T.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

You excel above others, you hate the unreliability of your emotions, and sometimes you find eating to be a chore and you'd wish you could do without.

Beyond this, if you have an aptitude for something in particular, and if you can find a way to make that a career that pays you better than your competition (who are less intelligent), then you win.

I'm in the process of winning more, day by day. It feels good, and the only thing that bothers me now is that I swing between the feeling of 'I'll spend money on this' and 'spending money is a waste of money...I should invest in this instead'.

I'm bored of traveling, so I read. I'm bored of normies, so I come here. I'm bored of TV and Hollywood, so I write instead.

I have 3 friends, each in a high intelligence range, and that's why we all get along. So, it's not lonely at all. Women unfortunately have very little value in my life though...perhaps one day I'll find one that is intelligent and kind at the same time.

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Ahhh yes. Let's imply that the one above you socially is indeed more intelligent than you. You're mention of thereof shows that you are indeed not of such a quality. You know it. I know it. It's ok Mammal .Understand that we Mammal.

Low IQ fags inbound.

Nobody here has a high IQ.
Unless you're just talking about above average IQ for the standard American. Then everybody here is high IQ as fuck.

Oh. Your language of experience expresses much more about yourself than you intended. You instead of expressing intelligence expressed you're lack of thereof. You play the game of pride and are non-the wiser of those who are wiser. You are the game other play. You might be a moron.




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What do you invest in?

You're a retard.

That may be true, but doesn't answer my question.

Not 799.....620.

The usual like most people (diverse portfolio), but I have a financial adviser who I trust so I let him do the work. Finance was never my strength, though I understand the basic mechanics of it all. But the issue of 'investing' is only something I'm thinking about a lot right now because in the very early stages of my career I didn't have much money, so I was very frugal with everything.

Now the money is starting to flow very easily, which means that I'm in the position of spending a lot more even though I require very little to be happy. My work makes me happy; in fact, it fulfills me completely. The money is a bonus now....and since nothing I can buy is as awesome as the feeling I get from work...well, I go back and forth on it.

'Do I buy this car?' For a week, the answer is 'hell yes...' but after that week it becomes 'wait a minute...I could invest that here...and there....' Then more thoughts go by: 'if you buy that car, the money will be dead and lost...why not put it into something that makes more money' and 'you were happy without x-physical good, so there's no need to buy one now'.

I realize that consumerism just takes advantage of normies...but when you grow up in a system that actively encourages and supports buying shit you don't need ALL THE TIME, when you break the habit you sometimes have moments of weakness.

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It can suck because you're always surrounded by morons

Depressing for the most part. People are shallow, self interested, tragically transparent creatures. The motivations.of.people around you are so.often painfully obvious, hurtful, and disappointing. There is so little genuine good.in the world.past childhood. I envy those inmocent.children who will never be intelligent.or.perceptive.enough to understand how galactically fucked the universe is. When you are intelligent by whatever standard makes sense to you (142 here) and possess even a.modicum of perception and self assessment, life is.going.to be far from storybook adventure. Escaping these truths is the source if drug use, addiction, and suicide among those regarded as geniuses.

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>What's it like to have high IQ?
Mine is around 140 and tbh I don't think I'm very smart and often feel very dumb. But I don't know what it's like to have a low IQ and find myself constantly disappointed by how stupid everyone is, including smart people, and definitely including myself.

Also it's really depressing

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Not that anyone on fucking Yea Forums would know

>Escaping these truths is the source if drug use, addiction, and suicide among those regarded as geniuses.
That's literally what low IQ faggots do.

Fwiw, I find that I've accepted the transparency and predictability of the general population to the point where it doesn't really bother me anymore. It's definitely possible to find genuine good in the world, but in my experience you have to do it yourself and with luck it radiates outward to your immediate social circle.

Life is definitely far from a storybook adventure, but with good circumstances you begin the process of writing your own adventure...that's when things become truly awesome. I won't say, 'cheer up user'...but I will say, 'you are in control'.

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Really depends on your motivation and goals, it could be great or you could end up somewhere like here.

You have white skin