Porn doll reporting for duty. Trips strips, dubs pose

Porn doll reporting for duty. Trips strips, dubs pose.

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nice, bend over

Drinking and bored, let's make some OC.

I dig it.

Rock an rolling

pose with an interesting book


Need a pose sir!

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nice, bend over


What are quads worth?


Feet plz

tits or gtfo

t pose .

lying on stomache showing feet


Full frontal


just like your mother


tits or gtfo


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Yes feet would be great

time to stretch that ass hole out point blank POV you whore

TITs or GTFO hoe

make the soles visible pls

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Sit reversed on a chair, tak pic from behind while strutting your ass

hanging out your window screaming someone please rape me

cashing in my dubs for this pose pls

Show that ass

T posee

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winrar t pose

wtf is a T pose

spread cheeks

Shit, cashing in my dubs for a full frontal
Preferably with face

i'll accept that

quads get you this, yikes

You know he also got trips

The man got quads
You can do better than that
Ass bent over

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op wont deliver. for quads you should put something in your ass, show your pussy or something better than holding a fucking book

pose in a hijab and show me some filthy ankle action you harlet

roll for pussy


>man hands
>haggard nipples

she's probably in her late 40s guys
you can do better than this hag

where is my t pose slut

Full nude w/face, or at least eyes

Roll for full frontal. Preferably with face

Give Puss

good girl, now show me that pussy

cashing in my dubs for this pose again

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pussy roll

You got dubs.

Claiming them as my own. Pose on your knees, with your hands behind your back, with no shorts..

wedgie with shorts

delete this thread

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Do a barrel roll

pose naked in the same fashion as you did with the book, but with a lit candle jar covering your pussy.

show pussy, underwear pulled to the side lips spread

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pussy please

Asshole and pussy both visible

this pose is maximum lewd

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roll for pussy shot

Show belly and go to sleep.

the fucking classic wins again

theres no way this was a natural occurrence

It's simple b tards. Put an article of clothing on your post or a pose. That's the only way it is a game after all.


pussy next

bobs and vagene


do eeeeet

Seconding this! And you got trips! Get in that naked hogtie OP.

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show pussy

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pussy shot

rolling for pussy


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pussy shot next

holy shit i got trips

i better buy a fuckin lottery ticket, i've never been this lucky


Who is this?

Aerial of Doggy position, wearing leggings

Where they at OP

So sexy

sharpie in butthole

Let's go trips

wtf is a god damn t pose faggot?
Show us your pussy bitch


Why are you asking me?
Ask the nigger requesting it

show your pussy

show pussy and butthooooollleeee spread them lips

it's clearly a man

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Aerial of Doggy position, wearing leggings, attempt 2

need some anus.

T pose is this niggers

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sharpie in butthole

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strip - lets see that butthole

That's a good shot.

But we got trips here:

Since people are requesting feet, I have a question - are you self aware random people on, lets say, streets, are attracted to your feet? Like in the same way they are attracted to e.g. your breasts? Do you dress in some way to emphasize them? Do you think other women are aware their feet are attractive to people?


show us your pussy already

I also enjoy anus
Roll for ffwf

third winrar

rolling for pussy and butthole shot with lips spread


satan here
pee in a cup

bobs and vagene

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now deliver op! pussy and butthole lips spread

> JbqgWtZ type into discord to join an nsfw channel..

This pose

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check those trips!


i need to see your pussy spread wide before i either cum or lose my boner

pose - pose in the fetal position, and make it look like you're crying

Post-it note on left breast, with 'LIA' written on it.

Hey OP! Check those trips!

This is ridiculous
It's winrar city in this bitch, but only like 2 deliveries

Thank you. Don't forget to get a good night's sleep.

i hope she's just attempting to do the trips post

She's on deviant art as jdubzpics.

Also, rolling for hogtie

Attached: nude_hogtie_by_jdoublejake-d64vmg8-fixed.jpg (1024x765, 135K)

i think she was ran off by the trips asking her to tie herself up. either that or daddy came home and busted her and is now fucking the pussy that we deserve to control right now

naked bent over infront of a mirror showing ass/pussy

Have a little patience, whores and tech don't really get along.


no pussy yet? posting for pussy roll.

Women can have a foot fetish too. My wife dresses to show off her feet sometimes.

Check Em

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I think she skipped a lot of them and went straight to the "show belly and go to sleep" win
And took it seriously


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Pussy shot

That's what's happening. All posts were people interested in the destination and not the journey for OC. We we're cooking steak while doing this and it was much more productive than this shit post. Fuck you all and good night

>post thread to whore out girlfriend
>get mad that people are interested in whore girlfriend

i understand that the internet is difficult- maybe you should try a different website

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She bailed? :(

standing bare feet, hands on hips, with hips cocked to the side, shirt pulled to show midriff

Rolling for photographing my penis

You don't just simply incurr the wrath of Yea Forums and get a "good night's sleep" :)

Good luck op

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Not mad, disappointed. It's mainstream b, again...used to 12+ am. Diff crowd.