Time for another femanon Q&A thread!
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged!
Time for another femanon Q&A thread!
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged!
Other urls found in this thread:
Bought my girlfriend this ring you think she will likely?
Keep your pants on home wrecker.
Name a good movie
She will know it's fake, as long as you are okay with that.
Raising Arizona
Size 11???? Damn how big is your girl???
I'm chubby and I'm only a 7!
Have you ever been so drunk you shit or pissed yourself?
Oh, it's vchan! How has the job been?
some anons were commenting earlier this week that since you got a job, these threads haven't been happening.
When you're in a relationship with a new guy, do you expect him to make the first move in progressing the relationship or would you rather have the initiative on yourself?
what if he does or wants to do something that's further into the relationship than you're currently comfortable with?
what would you do to a small boy that you are attracted to?
I wouldn't be attracted to a small boy.
Sorry to squash your fantasy
How would one create a comfortable environment to make it easier to cross these boundaries? Is it all about the length of time you've known the guy for?
what are some signs a girl likes a guy? what would you subconciously do to tell the guy that you like him?
what does it mean if girl's girl-friends tease the girl by saying a guy is their boyfriend? like lets say im walking down the hall in school and a girl, who is with her friends, asks me something trivial, then her friends say something like "watchout for your boyfriend" or "stop bothering your boyfriend". what does it mean?
Can your vagine get wet from arousal when you are pre-pubescent?
Lubrication is also just your vag cleaning itself out
When was the first time you got off? How did you know what to do in order to do it?
Bitches be cruel. What’s your favourite thing a guy can do for you?
How large is your penis?
What is the perfect cock size. Honestly.
>My gf cums everytime we make love, but I still think I am a bit smaller than average. Not much smaller, but maybe just below average.
Could you tell something terrifying have happen to ya?
Dont got one
Aww of course you ask the fun question when I gotta go :(
oh well, I'll be damned, it'll be until next time then :v
I'll ask it again when you come back and make another thread.
What's the best way to kill myself?
Alright well I'll be back on Monday a few hours earlier than now so remember to ask that question again!
go to the nearest bridge and don't pussy out faggot.
True. What is your perfect size though for comparison?
good shit
Thanks Vchan
Well my bf is 5 1/2 inches and I think its perfect
oh man, i wanted to ask something :(
are you skinny and 27 and light black and have like an afro haircut??
Anna here.
Nice user, good job.
I didn’t wreck any homes, could have, but it was never much of one to begin with.
2001 a Space Odyssey
No, I’ve only ever been mildly buzzed honestly.
I actually prefer guys progressing it, if he went too far I’d simply, and gently, say that I wasn’t ready.
I’m only attracted to older men.
Lots of eye contact, excuses to talk to him, smiling, things like that.
That she has a crush on him.
The earliest I masturbated was 9, so yeah.
I was 9, saw Papa on a news report, had the biggest crush on him. I stole a magazine clipping from the library with his face and remember feeling ‘tingly’ down there. I’m not sure how I figured it out, but I realized that rubbing a pillow between my legs felt really good.
Average really, but girth is better than length.
I was raped when I was 16 and almost raped again at 18. No fun.
number for length and girth both?
>I was raped when I was 16 and almost raped again at 18. No fun.
I want the girl who made those vocaroos to spit in my mouth holy fuck
we all want to see Vchan naked.
Do we even know what she looks like
Who raped you?
A strong barbiturate and alcohol, it’s a good idea to mix the barbiturate powder with something like grape juice to mask the taste. Just go to sleep it’s painless. I’ve thought of it enough to have researched the most painless methods.
Uhh, 5 inches long at least, maybe five in circumference?
Yeah, it sucked, I had a bad father who put me in shitty situations.
god I hope she's attractive, that voice is such a turn on for some reason
Thanks for actually giving me an answer. Sorry you're suicidal too.
no, that probably is what keeps that sweet illusion alive.
The first person was an ex ‘boyfriend’ who really just groomed and date raped me. The second was some Italian who offered me a ride when I was hitchhiking to Naples.
You’re welcome user, and no worries, I’ve been that way a while and I’m still here, so there’s that.
poison is a womans weapon cunt, do it the old fashion way with a bullet the head.
We know what Anna and Vchan both look like user...
you seem so lovely I hate you've been through all that shit
post them
Have you ever touched your asshole after a long day and sniffed it out of curiosity?
I don't wtf, share pls.
I know vchan is pretty hot. Don't know what Anna looks like
Show us
It’s ok, you learn to live with things and not let it get to you. It’s probably no good bottling it up, but it’s better than being a drunk or miserable wretch. It’ll probably get me in the long run anyway.
Well since there’s interest here.
Why do girl's always get pissed off when I ask them their racial makeup? I always phrase it like I'm just curious, like "do you have anything besides the standard white european ancestry in your geneology?" but APPARENTLY asking a girl if she's white is somehow inappropriate.
How often do women masturbate compared to men?
can you like marry me or
what kind of weirdo shit is that?
Not dissapointed.
Do women get any actual pleasure out of sucking a dick or do they just do it to make the guy happy?
She posts pics often anons.
Shes a Ginger
wow i was completely wrong about your looks
kinda thought she was lightskin black for some reason
Confess to something that most if not all people do, but won't admit. Like farting in the car with the window rolled up. Something that people like to believe hot girls don't do.
i know, right? I have my family tree dating back at least a couple hundred years ready to present whenever I am questioned. Why do bitches think they can hide it?
It really depends on the woman
I masturbate about every other day, I would more but I kind of suck at it and only end up sexually frustrating myself half the time
No vchan is from Los angeles and grew up around beaners so that's why she has a bit of a ghetto accent
Ewwwwwwwww los angeles.
How much does anal hurt?
I have a micropenis will a woman ever be able to actually love me or should I just commit sudoku now
about the rape... what would you consider rape? what do you think when girls overreact to a guy just being touchy or when they had sex with no resistance and called it rape?
just become a cuck user
I don't want to user
She is indeed
use your fingers and mouth XD.
well sudoku is never the answer
make up is deceiving tho, don't trust.
You could get it too
I have and have become good at it but... is that ever enough? Got a strong feeling a woman would just cheat/leave in a few years because they miss good dick
>"hey, do you use race make up?"
>"wtf user"
>"hey im just curious. what race are you?"
>"user im not comfortable with talking about my race"
hey anna, haven't been on Yea Forums in awhile so i wasnt sure if you'd been active at all recently
/r/'ing this pose again if you're willing :>
She looks great without it.
I got lots of her pics.
Vchan is waifu material.
>Vchan is waifu material.
this is inherently untrue because she wont post tits
Tits or gtfo
let's all fap to her pics so she knows we care
>respects and loves her bf and never flirts or exposes herself online to strangers
Again....fucking waifu material. Guess you enjoy whores that show their body to anyone who's willing to look.
Dubs of truth
kinda late faggot
Last chick I feel something for, I left her without saying anything, cause ya boy no play no games.
What's it mean if a co-workers, less than half my age, sends me nude Snaps, but doesn't seem to want a physical relationship?
and yet somehow, she needs to gratify both her looks, as well as her opinions by posting consistently (multiple times per week) on Yea Forums to sperglords and incels (myself included).
If this is your idea of waifu material, i feel bad for you, and you should probably go outside and have sex.
I'm glad to see my b/ros got me covered.
you take the nudes and you saves them duh...
don't spoil the fun dammit, who the fuck cares anyway?
Shes openly explained why she does this thread.
This is how she deals with her depression.
She says she enjoys giving advice and helping others because it makes her feel useful when she often feels useless.
So this is what she does to help others and help herself.
I see nothing wrong with that. Shes helps up and we help her.
depression have become such a meme, every time someone mentions it becomes less serious than a cold.
I don’t know why that would be a weird thing honestly. I’m certainly not ashamed of my heritage, I can’t imagine why that question would offend anyone.
I do it every day to every other day, I don’t think the average woman does it that much...
Aw user, that’s sweet, but unfortunately there’s only room in my heart for one.
Thanks anons
I’ve been know to peel the calluses off of my feet...
Not too bad, your body gets used to the feeling after awhile.
Sure, be sure they love your for your personality.
Rape to me is the forcible insertion of a person’s fingers/tongue/penis of an unwilling partner.
Get what?
I’m in the bath now, so maybe when I get out.
Well of course I did that, but why would she change our friendship? I'm basically in love with her and she had to know that. I retire in 2 years, maybe she'll bang me then.
Shes diagnosed and takes meds user
>This is how she deals with her depression.
Everyone who uses Yea Forums consistently is depressed. That doesn't mean you should post your pictures on Yea Forums. It's literally just for gratification on her looks. The idea that the threads will just devolve into "hurr durr pls post pics or not real" just proves that generally, most people on Yea Forums wouldn't give a shit about her if she wasn't a girl who puts a little effort into her looks. And she knows that too, that's why she makes the threads so often.
Anna is to me, something about her nutty devotion to Qaddafi is endearing.
>tfw you will never possess a hot milf posthumously
Antidepressants and depressive diagnoses are handed out like candy in modern medicine. It's much easier for everyone involved to just pretend away the problems using mind numbing SSRI's, rather than taking the time to actually work through your problems using proven methods like CBT.
does she really have to know tho?
women are cold hearted creatures, misterious in their ways, it probably won't have the effect you think it will.
she's not doing it with the intent of having you fuck her.
maybe she's just loosey goosey with her nudes, but really not into touchey shit.
If she's already rejected your advances, stop loving her man. I had to learn that the hard way with some bitch at work too. We're friends-ish now, but I'll never see her in the same way.
why do we work that way tho, why do we have to be friends instead of forgetting about her, unless you know friends in common and stuff.
this is not a tranny thread
for me at least, it just wasn't worth the games. the girl knew i was into her, and didn't wanna just be friends. so for me, it was almost too painful to talk to her so candidly like i used to.
nowadays, i feel like i have to temper my expectations and watch what i say around her- i don't want to get too attached again- I don't want to fall in love with her again and be hurt, shit sucks bro, me and you are both worth more than that.
bro, I learn a basic rule very early and living by it have been fruitful for me, if you fall in love you lose.
She was diagnosed when she was like 10 user. Almost 20 years ago before everyone suddenly had claimed to have it
the fact that you know that stuff, is amazing.
idk how old she is now, but i think it's pathetic to have been diagnosed at 10 and still not have cured your own depression by your 20's.
I myself was ''''''diagnosed''''' at 19 and only came off SSRI's within the last year because I've been able to work past my anxiety largely due in part to my family, friends and my fantastic therapists.
Everyone's mental health story is different- but depression is absolutely manageable if you have people who care about you, and you care enough about yourself to want to be cured of it.
I've never once seen vchan post pics without being asked and I've seen her here for YEARS. If she was trying to gain attention I'd think she would find an excuse to post for no reason.
Why should she avoid posting a simple selfie is someone asks? She clearly is ok with her looks so she has no reason to hide.
Shes been here for a long time user and it isnt the first time I've seen her explain this all.
It's pretty basic knowledge of her at this point.
Plus I think shes interesting.
>care about yourself
That makes no sense user. Of course she didnt get any help because she never gave a shit about herself.
Since when do people with depression care about themselves?
so my guy, if i ask you to post a picture of yourself, will you?
of course you won't, because you have a healthy fear/anxiety of posting your picture online- now, either v-chan cares too much about the vanity of whatever compliments her orbiters will give her, or she's just stupid.
either one works, but i'd definitely lean towards the former, because i don't think she's stupid, just vain.
I think thread is pretty interesting in general.
what's the minimum girth a woman will feel? use everyday items as an example.
if you're taking medication, you care about yourself.
if you're not immediately suicidal, you care about yourself.
the idea that just because you're depressed means you lack the need for self-preservation is the dumbest shit i've ever heard.
lack of motivation is one thing, but depression is not some magic hocus pocus that forces you to dissociate.
How do you stop loving someone? Is that even possible? I work very closely her, we have lots of fun together and I don't want to lose that.
>we have lots of fun together and I don't want to lose that.
have fun with her, just don't get emotionally involved, simple said than done of course.
I wouldnt because I'm fucking ugly dude lol
If I was attractive though I probably wouldnt have any shame in posting myself.
I dont think vchan is vain at all. Shes simply a chick who isnt afraid to show her face.
I've never seen her try to fish for compliments either which is something I see a lot of attention whores do. She just posts pics and says thanks to any compliments she may get
oh shit, been years since I last hear of fern gully, good choice.
honest to god, for me, i just had to dissociate and stop being completely happy around her. it feels bad at first, but honestly, i feel like i have a healthier outlook on life now.
before, it felt like almost every form of happiness in my life revolved around her. i'd wear certain outfits to work in the hopes that it'd impress her, i'd write about her in my journal sometimes, i wouldn't call it obsessive by any means, but it was far from healthy behavior.
it sucks that i won't be with her, but i know it will help me overall mentally if i just try to separate as much of my life as i can from her.
Ladies I must know. Cut or uncut? And why?
She just recently started taking meds because her boyfriend urged her to.
Before shes explained how she would lay in bed for days and hardly even shower.
Even fainted from dehydration because she wouldnt drink any liquids.
Her behavior was all signs of severe depression.
>I dont think vchan is vain at all. Shes simply a chick who isnt afraid to show her face.
there's inherent vanity in this, which i'm not saying is a bad thing outright, i just think that doing so constantly on a public forum, especially with the kind of rep and exposure Yea Forums has is the harmful part of vanity.
it's like she needs to the gratification of randos on Yea Forums.
oh boy, sorry I'm out of here.
The original Avatar movie tbh
Does stress sweat really smell worse than regular sweat ?
>fern gully
Agree to Agree.
This whole time you didnt know she had a boyfriend...?
aside from her ~5 loser orbiters, i'd say the majority of folks who enter these threads are just thirsty anons who see a girl who's posting her pics on Yea Forums who instantly lose interest when they see shes not posting tits
shiet, now I need to go find my fern gully dvd and maybe buy all 14 land before time movies.
Oh boy how wrong you are on that number. Girls got a LOT of orbiters.
And even more surprisingly alot stick around even though they know she wont post tits.
It's a little different for me. At my age (over 50) to have a hot, 25 year old girl like me enough to send nudes had been unbelievable. I don't get laid at all, so this has been a major change for me. I doubt she new the impact it would have on me, and she probably never would have started with the Snaps if she did. I've been in the friend zone my entire life, so it will be just another disappointment, but at least I'm getting nudes...lol.
no, not that it matters, I'm here cause I like to know stuff and mess around.
wanna get laid?, pay a hooker easy as that, want a chick to suck your 50 year old micro penis get an ukranian wife, decent looking and get the job done.
Sounds great....
Thanks me later.
If a guy sent you pic related with the text "what's kraken?" would it be funny enough for you to continue talking to him, or would it be too cheesy?
It would be hilarious if she got the reference but for some reason I feel like most girls wouldn't even get it
So don't send it unless I know she'll get the reference? Or send it and deal with whatever awkward moment it creates?
I mean, the Kraken is a squid from Norse mythology that's been seeped into pop culture for the past 100+ years
It's hard to know if she will get the reference but I mean sending it and dealing with the awkward "Haha I dont get it"
Is kinda lame.
All up to you really
Make me a sandwich
How can i tell if a girl is interested in me? Does also give any hints on how to approach her?
Seconded. Have no idea how to tell, probably because I've never been aware if it, if it even happens at all
The way you just wrote that is fucking autistic no wonder girls get taken aback. Asking simply "what's your heritage?" is a no brainer.
>what's your heritage?
Also acceptable: "What's your ethnicity?"