Diaper Tread

Diaper Tread

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...................................... what


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Who online is wearing their diaper right now?

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i am

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That makes me so proud. You a smelly baby boy?

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Dated a girl with a diaper fetish once. It was weird. She didn't want to have sex when she was wearing them. So basically we had play time for her to wear a diaper. Then When I asked for something kinky like anal she refused.

Fucking glad we broke up.

They’re not all like that. Would you wear?

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Any dudes need a change?

No she wanted me to like be the dad. Change her diaper. Give her a bottle. IT was boring TBH

It’s more fun when you wear. You get to blush and be all different. It’s so cute you should have to kiss guy ass.

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Should all girls wear diapers or just some?

just the pretty ones

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Isn’t it fun to watch pretty girls make fun of pretty girls still in diapers?

Well here's the thing. She introduced it as a fetish. Implying it made her hot and / or sex would be involved. I was like okay babe, might be fun let's try that. But it wasn't It was play time for her. ZERO sexual stuff. When she asked for a bottle I did the "I got something you can suck on hehheh" And she just flat out stopped me and said "eww, no, stop fucking up my fetish" It was a hobby. That's all. And fuck if that's what it was and she let me have my own hobbies then that would be fine. But no, second I tried to play video games with her around it became a "You're wasting your money and your life" Like, fuck off, i know those adult diapers with cartoon characters we're not cheap.

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Wished my gf wore diapers more often

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Can someone follow littlestsunflower on Instagram and post her pics?

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Not Diapered tonight, but will be all day tomorrow!
Gettin all set up, finding some new pictures to enjoy, and whatnot

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aww come on i just got padded

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too many people here tonight
but they all leave bright and early

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i love that photo

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do you have anymore of them?

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any western US diaper girls?

let's chat, kik me at treesstars

Dom daddy wants a good girl to take care of

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Why the fuck is this a thing?

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Yea that's garbage