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How can some people be so barbaric. I want to literally vomit.
i want to put my pp inside
what? bro that shits interesting pussy
A bullet saves the time and the cleanup. Not to mention lowers infection. What if the butcher, who has a small cut on finger or what not, is butchering someone with AIDS.
These subhumans can't think that far I take it.
Wow Thats a great video
Gotta be one of the most disgusting videos I have ever seen. Fucken' saved.
Just another day in brazilian rec center
It is simply the human anatomy. Grow up.
Dont post shit
Eat shit. It's part of the human body too.
Guessing this is now a rent thread?
Thats not gore
it's food for these people you fucking idiots.
they don't waste dead bodies like you by burial or cremation.
please respect their culture.
>respecting anyones culture
>critical hit
This is so fucking horrific. No tongue and no fingers. How do you even live?
Enjoy niggers
Fucking Optimus Prime went rogue.
Ah a fellow austrian
Wow hes got aimbot
You are kidding right?
>not one single arterial spurt
i am disappointed.
That das a cat?
I want to kill that guy
It looks fake
shutup nigger. dumb bitch obviously needed to be disciplined again.
says the virgin
nah man its real, from a series called paingate, japs like that sort of thing
far play not much makes me feel sick seen some shit but this is new and was all most sick
You never go ass to mouth....
Post more of that shit
fuck, imagine losing your child like that...
There goes the other leg
thredd dedd like zedd
this kid has lost his mind.
That kid cant
More like this! Rape if anyones got it
as gross as it is, imagine how great it felt to pop that
Fuck off newfag, fucking kys
One day I hope you guys love a victim of abuse. I hope you love someone who has had a past, and to see how hard it has affected them.
Yep that's right I'm a huge fag because I have a heart. Caring makes me a total fag. Get a hold of yourself tough guy.
kek. gave me a good chuckle.
Give us the video!
You do know where you are, right?
Which video?
They talk about Chicago and Chiraq but all they do is shoot niggers in bad neighborhoods. Fucking brazil is full of shit like this. On bestgore, theres just executions and beheadings and fucked up shit never ending coming out of that shithole.
A rape video
I dated a bunch of girls who were sexually abused. The last one was this girl, i finished fucking her and she kinda curled up and I asked what was wrong. She's like "It's okay, i'm just kinda fucked up. My dad (adopted) molested me when I was a kid." I couldn't think of anything to say and I was a little drunk so I'm like "well, if I meet him, we'll have something in common"
I never met him.
tonsil stones. that's why you get your tonsils taken out. unless of course you're some poor subhuman garbage from some third world or libtard country
Oh yeah, fucking hate brazil all those jungle niggers need to be killed off.
you should probably watch that video with sound before whiteknighting. dude catches his gf (wife?) cheating... again. can't remember the dialogue word for word but they were speaking romanian and dude was saying something about favorite numbers. don't have sauce unfortunately.
By not being a republican, you are literally dividing yourselves
.....rape you say????
Fuck it, I'm out. I've been here since 2005 and seen plenty of shit, some even worse than what's in this video, but for some reason this got to me and I just don't want to be a part of this life anymore.
Hope everyone else here finds whatever they've lost someday.
damn :(
youre going to kill yourself?
Lol these edgefags think their so rough but wait till someone comes to skin your fucking dick and balls and says "grow boy its just the human anatomy"
>t. iphone
>no I’m not downloading VLC or using a browser besides safari
what is it, can someone describe this to me.
click that shit nigga
That man's a fucking hero.
NO, im a pussy i need to know HOW BAD this has to be for an old fag from 2005 to freak out and quit the internet.
imagine wanting to feel empathy
both are pretty fucking bad, not the worst ive ever seen tho, but both are fucking nasty, but lets be honest Yea Forums isnt for the faint of heart
Moar real rape
just some dude getting his tongue chopped off with a machete, then his fingers. honestly, a 2005 era oldfag would have seen much worse by now. this isn't that bad.
damn, its probably worse than i think its going to be and i'm tempted to watch but i have collage and im going to bed. Need that sleep. Saving the link.
That's anal to a whole new level
Doesn't matter. Cheating is shit. But what this guy did is shit too. So what? Her cheating constitutes it being ok for him to do this to her?
fuck this wasn't supposed to be a laugh you lose.
God dammit lost anyway
mmm twerk it girl
>whiteknighting this hard
Seeing the being you swore to protect lie in ruin is incredibly sad, poor man.
Doctor says he'll never walk again after that
*tips fedora
I wish I could bareback her asshole right after
shoulda just said
"Thredd's dead baby"
Wow first ever real rape vid, any story behind it?
there are others, torrent the bakky collection
the worst part for me would be them pulling my pants down and everyone laughing at my tiny dick. I hope they kill you before they pull your pants down. Imagine dying to the sound of laughter and people making jokes about your dick
kek, look at those asscheeks jiggle
i have that one, but in MP4. A lot of them are. I'm too lazy and stupid to convert them to webm's.
Plus a bunch of them are...shall we say of questionable age. And they say America is the land of opportunity. A bunch of people in the tall grass in india would disagree.
damn cut(e) canuck
What is this?
Can you put em in a mega?
Goalie got slashed in the throat with a skate. Dont know if he's alive or dead.
you've seen nothing yet
What even is the point of this? The dude was dead a long time ago, what are these idiots doing?
As opposed to figurative vomiting?
More rape? No fake ass rape, real rape.
It's really just overkill at this point.
> I'm too lazy and stupid to convert them to webm's
dude ive been converting my cripple chan mp4's all day
sort out a magnet or a d/l link and i'll do it for you, i still got a few hours left awake
if you got plenty of that shit, i sign up, i want it
Get a job, libtard
what shit you wanting, a lot of it is in full bdsm movies, not webm format, and i cant be seeding gigs for days coz i got limited upload bandwidth, thats the only real rape vid i got tho
>Her cheating constitutes it being ok for him to do this to her?
what's the daghestan one?
feels bad man, anyways still thanks
What’s your kik
Finished it.
thats my old webm/mp4/gif file from before they limited the uploads to 2mb, best i can do with my bandwidth lad, i'll leave it seeding till morning
*my old weid porn wemb/mp4/gif file kek
meh. once thier dead its just a jelly blob bloop blooop.
well I could have told you that would be a bad idea
Can you put them all in a mega for us fags too lazy to wait or figure out how magnet works
>Can you put them all in a mega
dude just if you torrent then you'll already have you torrent and im guessing your useing either chrome or firefox for a browser, if thats the case just paste
into your address bar and it'll start downloading
it really is that easy
Oh my God dude that's fuckin hilarious
Oh, well fuck man thx
no problem nigga XD
He lived. Ever since that incident goalies were forced to wear neckguards.
To the SOB who posted the rape I reported you. I hate you and I hope the feds come and rape your life from you. POS
back to twitch and fageddit you go, nigger.
suck my balls you pos
cry more nigger.
I really do hope you die a slow an painful death then burn in hell for all eternity.
aww sweety tell me how you really feel
We’ll all see you there faggot
I lost
Lol his mom got raped and he was the result of that thats why so angry. I bet he watches anime too lmao
Never go in the rekt threads and war threads on /gif/ then you fucking snowflake.
why are you on Yea Forums ???? honest question???
I’m downloading the file, is the rape shit spread through out or do I have the wrong shit
theres only one real rape dude, and i already posted it, what your downloading is my awful porn/webm/Yea Forums folder
its not full of real rape vids man, they are quite rare ya know
purswade this guy to do us a torrent >799751339
if he's still about and not talking shit ???
no kik. not a fag.
Wtf is he doing? WTF??? what in gods HOLY FUCKING name is this thing in his right hand!? WTF NO FUCKING FLIP-FLOPS!!!??? WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUCK?!?!?!
It was only a minute long you cock nugget
I mean I'm not into gay shit, but I am definitely impressed.
jizzed 4 times thanks for the boner
Holy fucking crap
Fags aren't human.
and people take their kids to pride parades
tell me about it.
Holy fuck.
That little dude has 72 virgins, that man is crying because hes so jealous...
That's fuckin nuts.