How to stop yourself from fapping to interracial?

How to stop yourself from fapping to interracial?

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God I would suck that cock so hard

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By imagining how many STDs that cunt now has.

By not being a faggot or fapping to logs of shit

How does she do it?

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yeah, with you on that one

also: Gianna is my hero

1. Be straight.
2. Stop browsing reddit and Yea Forums.

Honestly never did anything for me I guess finding my dads cuckhold porn at 10 kinda made that one a no go

Small dick thats how she does it. Or the dude is 7ft2 and has the world biggest hands.

Damn more

Stop fapping and start sucking.


Well, the fantasy doesnt work for me in interracial. For me to get turned on, i want to imagine i'm part of the sex. Since i'm heterosexual the fantasy is that i'm the one fucking the girl.

Doesnt work if the fucker is a nigger. Or asian. Or if there is a lot of tattoos and piercings. I need a nice big WHITE cock in my porn for me to identify with.

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Once you pop, you can't stop.

Glory holes are the next logical step OP. You just know that Tennessee whiskey never tasted so sweet.


>nice big WHITE cock in my porn for me to identify with

shut the fuck up faggot, pics or it didn't happen, don't forget timestamp you micropenis faggot

You want to see my cock?

Thats gay.

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I want to ride your cock like a rodeo clown.

we're all posting on Yea Forums, we're all faggots, now post your dick faggot

Well come on then. I'm horny.

Sauce or moar pls

once you go black

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just stop stealink bikes, and you will automagically stop fapping to interracials, Tyrone.


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