My parents belong to two different religions, my dad being muslim and my mum being christian...

My parents belong to two different religions, my dad being muslim and my mum being christian. They have given me the choice to follow either and that this decision should be made soon. Both religions play a part in my life but I can't choose both, and I'm still undecided. I live in the UK, if that's anything. So which one should I choose, Islam or Christianity?

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Neither. Go your own path. That’s war brewing in your family.

Shut the fuck unit doesn’t work that way with the religion of peace and you know it. Nice bait faggot

Not a god awful bait I suppose. I wonder how people in the UK feel knowing their next generation is being directly influenced by Islamic cultural values, laws and teachings.

Just keep being a faggot

become a jew, upset both

>dad is muslim
>mom is christian
Suppose you're immigrant offspring then. Piss off.

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Follow the dharmma. Rejoice in the triple gems.

Become jewish

Have you tried not being a retard who believes in a man who lives in the sky?

Dubs 00-44 Muslim
Dubs 55-99 Christian

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How old are you, user?

Kill your dad for being a filthy Muslim, then your mom for fucking one.

Dubs confirmed. This guy gets it.

tell them you've made a decision but NEVER tell your family what it is. It doesn't matter what decision you tell them, it will divide your family so tell them you'll never tell them.

Other than that I'd say choose Christianity. But nobody chooses religion just like that. You'll have to feel it for yourself

This /thread

cut a deal with your dad, choose islam if he'll hook you up with loli brides to fuck

Tell them that you're not going to choose, and that if they press the issue you'll become a Jew.

if your dad allows you to say " the father son and holy ghost" he is not a Muslim.
in Islam this is blasphemy. He has failed as a Muslim by giving you this choice.
all three of you will burn in hell for a very long time op. sorry.

even islam makes more sense than christianity, but both are pretty retarded. At the very least I'd look into suffism or gnostic christianity. never stop seeking truth in your life and never settle for any given dogma.
but still experience the spiritual side of life, examine it, yourself, and get closer to God.

nice b8 faggot
no real christian would marry an islam fuck
and no musim shitstain would marry a christian

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pick neither idiot

lot of humans on this planet user

way i see it if Chris-chan can be a real human being a christcuck and mohammedian can get it on

Check em

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Wait... If they didn't have to decide on the same one why do you have to pick either of those? Sounds like your parents are mental

Islam is just Christianity+. I don't get why you're so stuck for choice. Through Islam you still worship everyone you did yesterday.

Become a Buddhist.


choose the way of the truth (orthodox Christianity)

Religion is awful. Do some reading, and get it the fuck out of your life.

But hey, what is the family dynamic like?
Does one parent ever scoff at something the other parent does?
Would they be open to you choosing some other religion, or none?
Do you think one parent would be upset/bummed out if you choose the other parent religion?
Would they be okay with you being gay? (if you were)

Choose traditional Roman Catholicism.
Not only it's the only true religion, it will also piss off both of your parents (fake Christians literally hate the only true Christianity).

here OP, despite what muslims will, (they are allowed to.lie if it advances their goals), they are highly intolerant of any other religion.

and have zero fucks to give about evn their own kind unless they believe exactly as they do. thats why ISIS killed other, more tolerant muslims. they were right when they said their form of islam was the truest form

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except Jesus. ho swid hes the only way to get into heaven

tell them that simply, all is one

peace from the miffle east, and before i'm getting called a leftist faggot know that i fully support killing terorrists brutally, but let the ones that want harmony hramony
if muslims shall try to destroy it they will not be a part of the harmony again, but as long as they want i chance its ok to give them one

Follow the logic

God is good
God is all powerful
God knows all
God loves us

These four cannot be true because there is evil and suffering in the world.

If God were all powerful, knows all and loved us then we wouldn't suffer.

If God was good, all powerful and all knowing then there would be no evil.

If God were all powerful and all knowing then he doesn't love us and isn't good so doesn't deserve our worship.

If God were all powerful and loved us then he's lying to us or allowing people to lie to us in his name.

If God were all knowing and good or loved us then he's powerless to help.

God is either a bully, a lie or at best impotent. You should use your mind instead of religions that are hijacked by humans or follow a corrupt god to make your decisions.

t. doesnt know anything about islam or christianity

well christians dont commit acts of terrorisim on a daily basis

And Erdogan, the Turkish dictator, said, "there is no such thing as moderate Islam, there is only Islam". Fucking insane cunt.

OP, if this isn't bait, what is your preference? One or the other must call to you, if you have a tendency to religion. If not, don't choose either. Choose agnosticism, keep searching.

Neither, but if there is really no other way then go with the cross, better than the sandnigger warcult

Outstanding move

Jews don't need Jesus: The Bible says they are God's Chosen People, so they have a different deal. Just snip that dick and don't eat pork, and they are good with God.

Christians need Jesus because they are not Jews! They get the New Deal. Read Matthew 25. Jesus tells you exactly how to get into heaven.

Muslims are much like Jews and Christians. They even revere Jesus as a prophet of God. They just think another prophet came along later, like Mormons. They consider Jews and Christians as People of the Book, meaning they worship the same God but just in a different way. So they are actually pretty tolerant of Jews and Christians.

>So they are actually pretty tolerant of Jews and Christians.

Trolling used to mean something.

lol its his step dad

Most Radical Islam is about politics, not religion. The leaders are reacting to Christian or Jewish imperialism, though they may use religion to motivate apolitical followers. When we equate the two, it's playing right into their plan. The vast majority of Muslims want nothing to do with terrorism.

Jewish, obviously

There is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim.

LOL nice bait.

There's no way a fucking muslim would marry a a christian, That's like them marrying a Jew, or a fucking slab of bacon.

All these kids in here trying to respond sincerely is making me sick.

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Ẃhӳ thé FŰĆḰ hávéń't ӳőú jőíńéd thíś śéŕvéŕ ӳét?
Ćőṕӳ tő ӳőúŕ bŕőẃśéŕ... ÉŹ...ŃŐ-ŔŰĹÉś, ńő ӳáńńíéś
ḾśǴ_íD: a650yg6823

How much Jizya does she pay him??

Wow... how about none of that is true.

>Especially that first part. The only one's who claimed Jews were god's chosen people, were Jews.

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>Looks up Matthew 25....

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don't be a retard. we don't lie "to advance our goals lol."
the only time to lie is to save your life eg.
Christians would be killed if found in the early days in Rome. hence the saying when in Rome do as the Romans do. ie save your life by pretending to be Romans.
are Christians now liers?
have been to hundreds of different mosques and never heard a sermon saying lie to faggots like you.

I think he does the jizz, all over her face. lol

have you ever considered the revolutionary idea that there may not be an invisible person floating around the sky looking out and disapproving of you masturbating, but that the entire thing is the product of mankind?

I actually don't mind most muslims since a lot wear their homophobia and hatred for Britain on their sleaves so you know where they stand.
I don't like the twenty something students who defend them though, considering it's kinda a oxymoron to be progressive but support a movement that is the opposite of that.