How do you quit your job, directly or 2 weeks notice?

How do you quit your job, directly or 2 weeks notice?

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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

slowly, giving less and less shits until they fire me.

Depends in the job. Did they fuck with you to the loint you want to quit or are you getting a better job?

2 weeks notice if you want to use them as a reference for your next jobs. if you don't give a shit, just quit outright

If it’s amiable then 2 weeks is tradition gives your employer time.

But they traditionnis becoming less adhered too. In my line of work they make you leave as soon as you give notice because they don’t want you stealing accounts and taking them to competitors

I want to try to get a new job, but I have a higher job and cant leave without a 2 weeks notice unless I leave directly, so, how should I do it, wait for the day I have another job opportunity, leave when I get the new job, or notice them starting tomorrow and hope I can cancel if things fail

2 weeks if you can, only left one job with less notice because the new job started sooner and the current job was run by dopes

Nah man you gotta make sure you've got another job before you drop this one. Then I would say do the two weeks only because I remember one of the first manager I ever had... her boss made her fire me and they offered to keep me on for two more weeks but I refused out of anger. My manager told me not to "burn bridges" and I didn't listen... ended up working at a fucking Subway for a year and a half. Fired me the day I moved into my first apartment too. Whew what a shit point in my life.

Tl;dr have a steady income stream no matter what. Even minimum wage is better than nothing

Thats how they did it when I worked in propery management. You get fired or put in your two weeks, you are gone as of that moment.

Just um, uh, uh, d-don't go back...

don't give notice retard. pull some bullshit like negotiate helping out evening hours or something, like say some shit i can do a few extra tasks from home. jobs are like the casino, the house always wins. you gotta look out for yourself, don't give them an inch. you can use peers as references anyway

Plus dude you never know what kind of job opprotunity will stumble your way. I mean I was working a stressful job and my fucking 6th grade science teacher came into our office, then hired me for manager for her business after seeing the bullshit I was dealing with.

Depends on the job. If you're important and your leaving is going to cause problems/make significantly more work for a lot of people, even two weeks might not be enough. When I last quit a job, I was boss of a small team and was the lead on several big projects; I should have given a month or two's notice, to allow my boss time to replace me and allow me time to appropriately transition all my shit to my team and/or successor.

But I hated the job, boss, and company, so I gave two weeks' notice right after getting back from a 2.5 week vacation.

The boss in question quit a month later, and fuck her.

well I'll find out next week if I get the new job, so should i wait 'til then to do a move?

If you have two weeks of paid vacation. you preferably take it and give them your note of you leaving in two weeks this went well for me when I did it and I did not have to deal with getting hassled by anybody that I was leaving the job ...

my last job i quit on the day with 1 hours notice. i think when you forget to pay your employee, forget to give them a raise, forget their bonus, forget to give them uniforms, forget to get them on a proper contract, fuck them over with shifts and employ family members straight to the best positions cutting out any chance of growth and sabotage their position its easy to see why they dont deserve anything from you. i got a good refeence from that place though so it didnt burn my bridge

I asked them to fire me.

And I was free.

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m8 u say ur gone on smoko and you fuckin leave

i don't have a job idiot

Need sauce

Before leaving make sure you have a reference on hand at least. Two weeks at most places unless you're a higher up. If you have no reliable references, then whenever the fuck you want basically.

I'm on disability. Sooooo free money yo.

If you liked working there and want to leave a good impression of you, 2 eeeks notice.
If you hate the bitch, get up one day, say something awful out loud, storm out and never come back. Bonus points if you spit on the floor or in your former manager's face.
Sauce: I've done both