Yea Forums i'll tell ya, you wouldn't know it, but it's been a while

Yea Forums i'll tell ya, you wouldn't know it, but it's been a while.

I return for one reason; For about a month or two now, every other night it seems that i have this wierd wiggling sensation in/around the ring of my asshole. It seems like an itch i just cant scratch right, so i've done some research and i suspect it to be some sort of pinworm infection.

i know you have the remedy to flush pinworms out of my asshole that has been passed down in your family, please share.

>inb4 bleach

Attached: pinworm-anus-e1535847858424.jpg (418x292, 31K)

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I had these things once. Cleared up after a bout of severe diarrhea.

go to a doctor

surround anus with tea tree oil

If you want tips for worming I'll be monitoring this thread

Reese's Pinworm Medication - it's sold OTC at walgreens (or CVS?)

...and then quit biting your nails

Put jesustape ball on you'r asshole for night. They should stick to the tape and you would see if you have them. After that get some antiworm medication/salva.

Is this to make me rocket shit them out? Will they get swept out by the drag of my liquid rocket shit?

Take about 2dl of lemon juice and add around 3-5 tablespoons of salt. Heat and stir until the salt has fully disolved. Then add 3dl of strong alcohol, i recommend everclear or something comperable. You can substitute it with something like vodka or whiskey if you can't get your hands on the stronger stuff, it'll work too.
After you completed your mixture, it's time for the unpleasant part. Take some laxatives (any kind will do), then drink the mixture as fast as possible. The laxatives will flush the mixture through your colon before it had time to be digested, resulting in a fast and save removal of your worm- problem.

Good theory, but definitely a few unnecessary steps.

Blowtorch -> Anus

You could just go to the doctor, user. They'll know what to give you. For some kinds of worms, the treatment is a single dose of a certain pill and you're done. Why use some dubious remedies?

Try to live with them, helminth parasites protect you from autoimmune diseases. You are blessed by being a wormy guy, spread the joy to the hoi polloi

Trust me, I'm a scientist

Just snort a lot of coke, they put anti helminth in it because it increases the effect

Have a tremendous faggot felch them out of your asshole. I'd volunteer.

it could be a neurological issue. I have nerve damage and get tingling sensations as if something is crawling on me even when I can look and see nothing there. Particularly in areas with a lot of nerve endings like the fingertips, lips, and even your asshole. It could also be an infection, anywhere dark, warm, and sweaty is the perfect place to develop a yeast infection.

1 part bleach to 1 part ammonia my guy.
Mix the two in a decent size bucket/sink.
Then use a dampened cloth to wipe the mixture around your anus - after 2-3 minutes of wiping.
Should be good, but my rels always recommended doing it 2wice daily for 2-3 days.
I've gotten away with just doing it once, sometimes its taken a 2nd dose the next day though to completely flush it.

Med-Fag here, pin worms rarely require prescriptions to take care of. Go buy some OTC pinworm medicine (they're usually banana flavoured and chalky!) and make sure not to scratch at it, that's how they restart their life cycle! Wash your hands and underwear thoroughly with hot water and make sure not to spread it back

Attached: 8oH1o12n.jpg (988x918, 78K)

Forgets the copper.

My grandma said you have to eat a cigarette to flush them out or eat lots of spicy food to kill them

find an homeopath, people tend to look down on homeopathy but the dilluted venoms are really good to kill parasites

Eat a pineapple. Worked for me. None of that canned shit. A real fucking pineapple.

He posted his dick, his is legit.


go to the doc. you get some pills and there are gone