How do NEETs stay alive?

How do NEETs stay alive?

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mommy brings tendies

They live with their mothers obviously, and if they're charismatic they mooch off of their friends. Had to put one down in April.

But what happens when mommy dies?

Cash and the internet.

mommy leaves a will for NEET and NEET will inherit

There are lots of ways. Most NEETs are probably on some government assistance, a few are short-term living with parents, and a few have essentially retired from society, having done the hard work to become self-funded.

They'll hitch hike to LA and become a street person

daddy feels shame and picks up the slack

it's ok I promise

What if mommy is poor? Then NEET dies of starvation?

Im un the UK, I own my own house (inherited) and I'm NEET since I left school in 2002.

I do it by faking depression and anxiety so I can claim benefits.

My neet friend got into a car accident and got 10k from insurance. He spent it all on drugs. And not the kind that would help him

the real question is why do you care?

Link card

Well, unless he is on the government programs, he won't be NEET for long with that bad level of money management.

A proper NEET would have parlayed that 10k into a decent passive income stream.

He's subtly looking for cheap answers to become a comfortable neet

Na he's bad with money. He's been a neet for decades

This. 10k from pip in my accident in 2014 lasting well into 2020

My buddy used that 10k in 5 days on a coke, and booze bing

then NEET gets welfare


NEETS are the dregs of society, the are the bottomfeeders who feast on the wealth of the charitable.

Handouts from family most of the time.