How the fuck do I make the scars go away

How the fuck do I make the scars go away

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You dont.

You just get more and more.

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Man you're turning into a crater face.
I'm scared that'll happen to me

They are fucking scars user ..that shits for life

scars tell the story if your life.
You should honor them.

5 replies and none of them are slightly helpful

You dont, ugly

>i got bad genes

Not something you wanna advertise, user.

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>muh genes
what are you a fat guy? don't go blaming your genetics

There is no help for this, user.

Ok, heres a helpful suggestion to actually hide them. Learn to use and apply make up every day. Thats how you get rid of them.

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I was speaking in the first person as an example of the life story scars such as those would tell.
You gotta start thinking things through, user.

Medfag here.

If you remove all the skin from the affected areas of your face then your scars will no longer be visible.

All the best,

they will go away on there own. its not permament like the retards are saying itt. 1-2 years and it will be gone and you can speed up the process by using retin A

There are treatments - none of them fuck. Have a look at acid peeling. But go for the light one and get it done by a professional. Don't look to the Internet for help - only human garbage here. Also, many people have this, they all fine.

Are u retarded?

Bro take some acne cream. Not the stuff you see on commercials. Go out to the store and buy some 7-9 dollar cream to scrub on your face. and get another sponge to deep scrub that nose.

nope. shut the fuck up niggerfaggot and stop repeating bullshit you hear on the internet. only old people and faggots with aids cant heal scars like OPs. any normal human being aged 18-30 will be able to heal 90% of the scars in under 5 years

>they will go away on there own. its not permament like the retards are saying itt.

Yeah, listen to the guy who types "there" instead of "their".
Pic related, a millionaire whose career depends on his looks.

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You're saying your acne was caused by bad genes. If that's not what you meant then you shoulda thought it through

lmao shut up incel. scars heal over time dont be fucking retarded this is common sense

Uh huh. Sure, you're right "their", user.

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> how to get rid
>Theyre permanent fucktard. Good luck trying to be normal

Women love that

You should refrain from participating until you learn more about the nuances involving greentext. Then you'll be able to really think things through.

he got acne in his mid 40s when the body doesnt produce collagen or repair scars very well. like i said only old people or sick people cant heal simple scars like OPs

Bio oil , good diet , water , time , you’ll be ok

if you see fat guy you don't think he has bad genes, you think he doesn't work out/eats a ton.
if you see a guy with acne scars you think the poor bastard didn't wash his face. think about that the next time you bring up genes

Here he is at 28.

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>acne is about either being fat or not washing your face
Uh huh. You got me "their", user.

fight more people op
fight more

not the same guy

I always underestimate the amount of stupid people in any group and i really shouldn't.
I apologize, you're some other dumb fuck.
