God tier metal albums

God tier metal albums

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Only found out about em recently, what'd they do?

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Anything by Nanowar is amazing


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just overall sellouts no ones ever gonna listen to

Gayest shit ever

fight me

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Album of your Life

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Idk why elitist fags absolutely love and defend to death fucking potato quality recorded black metal and dont appreciate real good music like Cynic

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Great choice!

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As do you my friend


You’re a faggot if you don’t like marilyn manson

Not metal

Also, they're shit.

That is simply blatantly false.

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They're kinda dead now. Check out Persuader, essentially a better BG.

More metal than you'll ever be, Sven

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Literally the only good power metal album

>I don't like it because other people like i hahaha I'm nonconformist

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>no ones
why don't you just say "i don't like it". of course there are people who listen to it. faggot

no ones ever gonna do that cuck

dont listen to these lame ass retard

music is so cringy & lame now



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Anyone got some good tips for instrumental metal or noise rock bands?

Bands in which the singing is nonsensical and non understandable such as lightning bolt is also cool.


Thanks! I like it!
I mostly prefer faster music but this is good.

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play it at 1.5 speed on youtube then

Lol are you 16?

Learn english you queer

not gay.

nope. im well of age thank you

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Go fuck a dick fag dude. Blind Guardian is the shit. Fucking literal LOTR metal lol, listed to the lyrics.

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Oh fuck that's my entire childhood. Tara was god tier

Posting SFB and not IFTOS or NIME

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The first one is better

only 13 year olds listen to these bands... I did too but eventually grow out of it

>pic related
real metal

forgot the fucking pic

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>posts the gayest death album

How can you describe a death album as gay?
Show me a non faggot album then

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Pretty good - thanks mate

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By gods, agalloch is awful.

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Got a shirt of that album

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Old Blind Guardian is good, was listening to IFTOS the other day
Been meaning to further check these guys out, im a big Nokturnal Mortum fan
interesting choice, I call this 'bummer metal'
I know everyone hates this one, but I like it also
Not a vargtard here but Burzum is pretty awesome
Good doom, I prefer EDM over this one, early Mercy is also worthy of checking out, same vocalist
as said gay as fuck death album, imo he started losing it around human
good shit my man

^only good stuff ITT, rest is god awful training bra metal

spoke too soon, the almighty BATHORY makes an appearance though i definitely prefer the first 4

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Kralllice is better than all that

Faggot Viking Bathory is for fags

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Wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is. Anything I can get with Jorn Lande in it is amazing

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The viking stuff on Blood Fire Death and even Hammerheart isn't bad.

Gonna need a sauce friendo


no, literally had to look it up, technial BM? HAHAHAHAHAHA

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Draugnim, Vulturine. Excellent stuff.

Cивый Яp.

Thanks mate

good shit

also these threads suck cause people just list their favorite stuff and dont respond to eachother

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other bands play manowar KILL

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that infester is a classic

gud shit

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The best black metal from Russia, check it out.

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Symbolic is hands down the best album you philistines

Dude, you like nokturnal mortum. You’re the one who deserves to feel embarrassed, not me, and certainly not Krallice.

Probably one of the best in my lifetime

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+1 for candlemass

youre trolling to obviously dude

Individual Thought Patterns is Death's best album.

I'm starting to believe people who think Symbolic is Death's best are of the same tasteless ilk who think Master of Puppets is Metallica's best and Reign in Blood is Slayer's best, etc. etc. i.e. commoner picks.

Symbolic is a bore and isn't even their second best album, let alone first. Get with it.

lol ok rabbi

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wow 4 people choose 4 different death albums as their favourite while insulting each other.
You could almost believe that music taste is subjective...


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Music is a talent based art form and is therefore objective

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its impossible to listen to music completely objective

Music is like food, different people have different tastes.

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good shit in this thread, a lot of satan tier black metal

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maybe not god tier but i'll leave a link to my new cybergrind album if anyones interested:

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My man

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Hammerheart is amazing, it is the final respectable Bathory album.

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Taste buds are objective, nigger

A musician can.

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Vapid atmoshit please go

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Then why do people like certain foods that other people don't, faglord.

Lugburz is their worst album, opinion discarded.

Perceived positive and negative reinforcement. Just because you think you don’t like carrots doesn’t mean you’re biologically incapable of liking carrots, it just means you’re stupid.

Lugburz is a champion example of true black metal

No you idiot, that's not how fucking taste buds work.
"Papilla is the little bumps that we all have on our tongues. People who have a ton of bumps usually find flavors to be too much and don’t like the taste of things, LIKE ME. We have sensitive tongues so we like things mild and toned down. While people who do not have a lot of bumps on their tongue like spicy things and their tongues can handle foods like that. Another factor in liking different tastes has to do with the tongues taste bud’s ability to detect molecules in the food. Everyone can recognize the 5 tastes, but the different chemicals that we all have can make the range of those tastes differ."

>Everyone can recognize the 5 tastes
There you go buddy, everyone can like carrots
>but muh range
Nuances like spicy foods are irrelevant as you have the capacity to like it in moderation. There’s nothing you CANT like.

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it breddy good, i really dont mind some of the stuff off requiem and twilight tbh though id say that it isn't on par with their earlier stuff.

youtube.com/watch?v=yVsuFQnAHmo listening to this now, any you fags like Razor?

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I love Razor, very polished thrash.

What the fuck is this? Wrong picture.

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hmm, never thought of Razor as very polished, i always though they had somewhat of of a rough edge, in comparison to some other thrash. I think other peoples descriptions can be interesting.

If i were to think of somthing "polished" itd be somthing along the lines of this youtube.com/watch?v=_F1ect8H58c

maybe im wrong and Razor are polished who knows


Anything beyond vermillion is trash tier

I meant they have really well-rounded production value. They have somewhat rough edged distortion though I guess. I think Artillery’s By Inheritance is much more generic sounding and straightforward.

Big ups for Diablo Swing Orchestra. Lucy fears the morning star and tapdancers dilemma are amazing tracks.

oh ok, yeah I think razor has very well produced albums. Btw it was just the first thing that came to mind when the word polished got brought up, i agree it is a much more generic form of thrash, though i must say Artillery's first album is kinda hard to beat

I never liked artillery’ vocals, but fear of tomorrow is way heavier and less vocally driven than By Inheritance which is nice. Compared to razor though I’d say it’s kinda boring,

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that's just like, your shit opinion, man

boring, eh kinda harsh, also the demos are a pretty good mix idk if you've had a chance to hear them. Razor kick alot of ass and has better quality albums and more of them this is true, but i have a soft spot for that first Artillery.

Also that Sanctuary is great, i fucking love that album. The second one not so much

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Fuck yes

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I guess I don’t like old thrash enough. I hate sodom. It all just seems so ancient once you’ve heard enough grindcore riffs. I love Sepultura before arise.

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This, or anything else by Gorgoroth

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I love me some old Sodom (and Kreator and Destruction, old shit of course) haha, also old sepultura is good shit, yeah Arise is where my cutoff is

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anything pre Ghall or whatever that fags name is

Love the shit out of this album

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Good apple. Shame I think Sodom is so old. Especially that album.

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That’s gorgoroth’s best imo

Beyond The North Waves is a nice song.

immortal deserve tons of respect

Old Amon Amarth
Old Ensiferum
Old Arch Enemy
Old Tyr

faggots get out

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mgla is the only thing that isn’t mild faggotry

i think the first two are best pentagram and antichrist, the albums ive heard with ghall are not good imo
I like the earlier stuff tbh, DFM
Do you want total war? Yes we want total war!
Do you want fucking war? Yes we want fucking war!

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kek, first behemoth when they were BM was tolerable

Great fuckin record

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I thought I said "faggots get out"
You clearly missed that part, hipster transboiii

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nice bait fall

My driving music right here

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My man

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this is industrial

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i hate this band so much. Just cause they have "war" themes doesnt mean that they aren't gay as fuck. Most bands that have war themes i tend to like too. pic related

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Based and redpilled. Ordered this on vinyl earlier

Fuck off faggot

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either my eyes are tricking me, or there was none from the following posted yet:

>dark funeral

Behemoth have always been masters of presentation but are sometimes unremarkable and completely recycled. I think Evangelion is remarkably underrated and the Satanist is way too simple. Their early material is on paper bad death metal, but with great vocals and overall tone.

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Vader sucks

only album i have from them, but it is a ripper

the demos dont

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oh yeah

shit sound

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Can Alice in Chains get in here?

tell your opinion to someone who gives a fuck you absolute faggot

Grunge hard rock metal is welcome if it’s layne

just gave this a listen and i dig it

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I think it’s motherfucking crazy. My favorite death metal album of all time


Of course with Layne. He's one of the GOAT

Breath of Centuries is sweet

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Demilich - Nespithe

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>love the instrumental styles associated with metal
>hate guttural vocals

Truly suffering

> god tier albums

pick one

listen to instrumental shit then fgt

can someone sort a guy a filty brakedown plz?

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You probably listen to Kanye

I’d dunno... rings of Saturn maybe.. if you tolerate such faggotry. Braindrill isn’t very good but it deserves honorable mention. Definitely Viraemia.

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But I love the melodic vocals some metal bands have going on.


>ive heard with ghall are not good imo
You dont think Carving a Giant or Sign of an Open Eye is good?

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Korpiklaani. Jonne's voice is beautiful.


also this even more melodic


hard pill to swallow:
metal is a shit genre and the only reason to listen to it is because of nostalgia

Their best music came out pre-movie, when LOTR was still considered niche for nerds. Who were they selling out to?

OH, are you their drummer that quit?

no not in comparison with those first two albums, sorry


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you sound like a fag that was never into it in the first place and probably only ever listened to it to fit in. Fucking poser

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Necrotizing Fasciitis is sick, i demand moar sick af breakdowns

You might wanna check out this one

Symbolic or gtfo

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Been really into shred and old school bands lately, will post more.

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Paul Gilbert is number like 4 but he’s the man

Good choice. Blind Guardian up to NIME is pure gold.


Ulver - Bergtatt: Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler

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Its okay.

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Cool album art but mediocre music. Disappointing.

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You want LOTR metal, give SUMMONING a shot. one of my favourite atmostpheric Black metal albums is Old Mornings Dawn

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Symbolic is the best death album hands down

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Very underrated NWOBHM album featuring John Sykes of Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake fame.

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Bring back 80s speed metal.

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maybe not speed but...

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based and redpilled
first in, last out

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Cheese only makes it better

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