How good is heroin?

How good is heroin?

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Good enough to die for.

Good enough to make a straight man suck dick

Good enough for me to forget that I am alive.

feels like a dream and you cant remember it. Crack is worse Id say.

Its like a full body orgasm

its shit

Good enough for the emt to pronounce me dead


Good enough to slap yo momma

You dont ever want to know.
Imagine feeling the best you could ever possibly feel then multiply it but 100.
So if you go down that road well its a 1 way trip until you die.

Good enough to be administered Narcan

Let me put it too you this way. You can spend $100 on beer and be happy for a few day or you can spend $100 on heroin and be happy for the rest of your life.

feels just like impregnating god

Good enough to steal from your family

its so good it ruins your life

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The absolute best thing you will ever feel.

How long until it doesn't feel good but just alleviate the addicting craving?

god i hate fucking staged pictures like that with massive needles no actual heroin user would ever use.

heroin alone? nah. not even in the same universe as heroin+cocaine IV.

Good enough to end up on a very popular television show

Good enough to contract blood diseases

Good enough to develop a heart infection

never really. you won't be able to get your tolerance high enough that just taking a larger dose won't get you high.
well, few can at least, there is a tolerance ceiling. eventually you can't get really fucked up no matter how much and only mildly buzzed... but that ceiling is so absurdly high it's not even officially documented for full agonists. for me it was when i needed 2400mg/day of oxy to just not be sick, i'd shoot over 3000 in the space of hours just trying to catch a nod.

>How good is heroin?

I keep a lethal does in an autoinjector.
Just in case.

>or you can spend $100 on heroin and be happy for a day, but you will never be able to be happy again without heroin for the rest of your life.
Fixed that for you.

Must be awesome if all these people keep fuckin overdosing and dying

Not as good as you'd think, actually. But of course everyone experiences drugs differently.

My experience: you get a tingly warming feeling at first, then you just feel kinda "comfortable" like you're wrapped up in a cozy blanket on a cold day. I don't get much euphoria from it tbh, and it gives me a throbbing headache that detracts from the pleasurable effects. After a few doses you're just using it to avoid withdrawal, not really getting any pleasure at all from it.

My brain seems to like stimulants a lot more for some reason. Maybe cause I'm ADHD? Meth is fucking 1000x better to me than heroin. A much stronger rush and a high that lasts for like 15 hours instead of 2 hours. Plus it makes you sooooo fucking horny you have the most amazing sexual experiences, like jacking off or having sex for days straight...

Better than having a thousand orgasms at once.

I've tried Heroin a few times. TBH I did not like it. It made me feel like shit.
Itchy as fuck everywhere
Could not walk straight
The only part of it even somewhat enjoyable would be the itching I suppose as scratching felt good. But it sucked. I tried it a few times just in case it was something you had to do more than once to appreciate but no I did not like it. I did not get addicted to it either so anyone who says they do are full of shit.

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how much experience do you have with it because it sounds like you had a shit cut or just a fent analog instead, some of which are a lot less euphoric.

they've started finding genetic differences that effect how you respond to heroin... it's highly likely those most prone to addiction are feeling a whole lot more pleasure from it. congrats on not having those mutations.

Interesting... I've always considered H one of those pointless substances that only make you feel good for a period of time then like hell for a longer amount of time. Then your playing a game of maintenance to keep the sickness away.

Most of the time it was decent darknet heroin. Occasionally I would cheap out and order amyl-fent (the vendor explicitly marketed it as such), and I could definitely tell the difference.

Oh and I was using about a year on-and-off. Still found it addictive :(

It's ok but uncut llello is better

is it cheap? i don't understand how people can afford it enough for it to be an """""epidemic"""""

Fucking amazing until you get addicted(which happens fast) then you can’t gdt high anymore and your just trying to not get sick. Restless legs from dope sick make you seriously contemplate killing your self. DONT DO IT!

well that's the practical experience since few can get enough to keep pace with tolerance indefinitely, let alone keep up with the problem if you need x to not be sick, then you're need more than that to get really high.
you're just going to wind up fighting withdrawal unless you're in an extremely uncommon circumstance (extremely wealthy or high level trafficking).
usually new users won't hit that for a while though, then withdrawal is really only 3 really bad days and then another 4 or so slightly bad days. and that's only for the locked up or stupid ones who don't realize there's cheap otc drugs that eliminate physical withdrawal.

darknet heroin comes from people who buy on the street it's not any better, and it's way more expensive.

a bit dense eh

Where I live heroin is a quarter the price of weed on the streets.

actually a lot of cartels sell through the darknet and the quality is world class. Get fukd poser.

and cartels don't also supply the street market?

cartel shit isn't always great, don't you read microgram. ffs.

like this

oh and also they lie about it. all the "99.8% pure" coke and shit i ever got from the darknet was shit next actual real uncut coke straight out of the lab, let alone how the opiates compare to pure ones i made and purified myself.

everyone has their poison

Ricky, that was just a flu shot

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You missed it.


Went right over your head, huh?

Shit's definitely staged and annoying.
However I would totally use any needle I could find around when I was using. You just carefully insert it just a bit into the vein.
And the color of the substance inside is accurate as fuck. Gave me goosebumps and I haven't used for 12 years.

Good enough that every faggot on Yea Forums is pretending to know they have insight into the matter

Never tried it.
Heard that if I do?
I should do 4 points?

Note: I wanna go out feeling that good the first time should be a one way trip.

That sounds like a good idea..

think of the best sex you have ever had, that peak when you cum, the after-glow, now multiply it by one thousand. that is heroin.

dude that needle is like 15g, it's for IM, it's going to make your blood squirt out in an arc when you pull it out, and collapse whatever vein you stick it in in one shot.

You have to go back.

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its okay

Right, I haven't actually used a 15g shot, I think the biggest I've used was 5ml but I only put 1-2ml of the stuff inside.
I've collapsed several veins and generally fucked my body up with all the dirty injection stuff. I was like "Well, shit, what can you do" back then.
That's how good heroin is, OP

i don't like the comparisons to sex. sex is sex and heroin is heroin. sex satisfies something primal. heroin is much more encompassing than sex.

shooting it is way more intense than sex, by far. you feel it from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. you can't feel any part of your body per se but at the same time every part of your body feels like a quadrillion bucks. and you, as a person, feel incredible. nothing matters. all your needs, from thirst to a sense of belonging, feel met (even if they aren't) and then some. like you won the first trillion dollar lottery after being the first man on the moon after having just defeated an entire army on the battlefield, somehow, at the same time.

it's very much a mental, emotional, spiritual thing while being a physical thing as well. like it feels fucking GOOD dude, so good i threw away five good years to opiates in general and three to heroin like it was nothing. and i'd do it again in a second. AND i spent 75 percent of those years dopesick as a dog, 20 percent coming down or being well, and 5 percent basically SLEEPING ('nodding out', which is pure bliss) when I was lucky because my fucking tolerance was so high after awhile. i spent five years and $150000, ruining my relationships with anyone whoever gave a damn, so i could fucking SLEEP dude. and that bliss was only 5 percent of my life AND i was downright miserable, dopesick, and in and out of jail and the courtroom the whole rest of the time. to top it all off, i would repeat that years IN A HEARTBEAT. THAT is how good heroin is dude.

several heh.
i did a lot of IV coke for a few years, shooting up every 15 minutes with dull needles for days, on top of 16 years of IV opiate use.
no surface veins at all. when doctors need access they get to pick between risking using jugular or femoral, or getting that machine to find super deep ones

it's fucking best! Go for it user!

How did you quit? Does memory and sex drive come back?

heroin is bomb if you get powdery heroin and not playdoughy heroin, heroin syrup and heroin pills are bomb this stuff is bad playdoughy heroin is the worst like quicksand you just keep sinking and getting stuck i never ussed playdoughy heroin i never will i only use heroin syrup pills and powder

Well, it's good enough that my junkie neighbor let's me fuck her for heroin. She is a solid 9.89 with amazing tits who is grateful she has a known clean dick to screw if she needs a hit. I actually cut out the middle man and buy the stuff from a friend who is in the biz. I only fuck her maybe 3 times a week but keep her stocked so she's never hard up. One of these days I'll get her off the stuff, she ain't ready yet

my parents kicked me out and my only option was grandma, who lives in the middle of nowhere. my plan at first was to drive there and rob the fucking shit out of her. but my car broke down so i had no choice but to kick there. i didn't move back to my town after that. only by happenstance am i clean.

On an awesomeness scale how much compares heroin to mdma? Ive only taken ecstasy before and it was the best I ever felt.

and yeah they do

i feel like my brains getting a massage ina hot tub sauna from futurama head ina jar but my whole bbodys ina mason jar and i feel like im drowning but i have gills and can breathe underwater while being maximum claustrophobia or sumthing like this description

My wife is a heroin addict... it’s the must fucked up thing you could ask for.... not good at all. My life is a fucking misery..

i haven't quit.
and what loss of memory and sex drive?
it's heroin not xanax and hormone blockers.

Was she an addict before you got married?
Whats life like?
Are you/were you hooked too?

good enough for the Nazis to use it for their soldiers.

Just after we got together. I find out by noticing some strange behaviour ect. Only asking for cash ect... it’s a living hell. We have a kid together and life is hard for me man..

Once you try it, you will know what heaven is. Once you're down again, you're now stuck with the knowledge of what you can't have unless you shoot up.

It is literally the greatest feeling you will ever have in your life the first time The problem is you kill yourself chasing the first time again

Is it possible to just do it once? Has anyone? I've tried a few addictive drugs but only for very short periods of time. I just had absolutely no way to obtain them after a certain point. (dont ask) I've quit them all cold turkey and only had to deal with mild to severe depression.

Haven't tried heroin. So say I got a hold of enough for one high. Would I then be out on the streets blowing hobos for more?

$20 is $20

that was not smack
smack cures headaches not gives them dumass

of course you can do it once dumass
takes several times to get even slightly addicted

Is it summer already

you obviously never tried it.
This is not trainspotting fat kid

>Is it possible to just do it once
It is without getting physically addicted.
But, for the rest of your life, you'll be missing that feeling.

No comparison. Horse all day.

real good

That’s the best way and how I do it. Only once every couple of months.


ahahahahahah ridiculous kid, kys

>Restless legs
That is a horrible feeling for sure. Drives you fuckin crazy.

Shit man thats somehow hard to imagine when you never actually felt it. Im kinda scared off by the addictive factor tho. Dont want to riun my life.

First couple of times is absolute heaven.
Then you enter hell

I have only snorted h. It was ok, real mello high. I snorted for about a week. I didn't miss it when it was gone. I know booting it is better but I was worried I would like that too much so I didn't.

its amazing when your not addicted
after that its just necessary

>> how good is heroin
>> how good is
>> how good
>> how
>> good

The bitch is half dead on the floor Op, what do you think.

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I personally think it is very good, it makes human scum disappear from the planet

So good it'll ruin your life.

oh no no no he doesnt know


Now with fentanyl, it's a much improved asshole eliminator.

Good to the last drop. Then you buy more. Then you sell your belongings. Then you suck a few dicks. Then eventually you die.

Its safer than pot

Of course you can
Its way less addictive than marijuana is

Opiate high.. only thing that comes close is being together with the love of your life.

You feel like a king.

The euphoria is intense, all of your problems vanish and everything seems like no big deal at all.

Then afterwards you come down and get filled with this feeling of terror and dread, you can't form coherent thoughts anymore until you get high again and everything just magically falls into place.

Dangerous stuff

These naysayers are fucking underage retards. That's a perfect explanation of the feeling. Incredible euphoria, not a care in the world, feeling on top of the world, basking in the feeling your having and not thinking of anything else. That is literally the feeling of opiates.

I've been taking medical opiates for the last 11 years, trying to go clean now but always been curious about heroin. I'm near Dallas so it can't be that hard to get. How do the highs compare?

It's identical to THC

Bullshit, else people would just smoke weed instead.

Well the DEA spent millions on actual scientists and doctors last year investigating your crackpot ideas.
They discovered that THC and Heroin are #1 most addictive and deadly over crack at #2 and cough syrup at #4.

At least it doesn't kill you through shotgun wounds to the face like Kratom!

>It's identical because they are "similar in addiction rate"

It must be fucking great

Pretty fuckin good mate! Possibly the greatest feeling a human can experience. Which oddly enough is the reason it's also shit... You're only supposed to get a small taste of that feeling when you have a major epiphany, or acheive something meaningful (and possibly when you die). When it comes in baggie form you entite motivation and reward system gets shorted out, your pleasure and joy circuits get deep fried and it all but stops working soon enough. If it actually worked we would already be an enlightened culture of poppy-dosed shamans experiencing permanent bliss. In reality it just reduces you to a broken and sickly shell of a human.

Sniff it. Don’t inject.

Not good at all.

You have never done heroin kiddo.

so good youll be a waste of life living in a tent behind the grocery store waiting for your abcesses to mature until ur in the hospital getting em sliced and drained while the whole of the hospital staff hate you have no pity on you and wish you dead.

Junkies are as immoral as potheads.
Cannabis = Heroin

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