You wake tomorrow to find that you can shape shift (only humans, though). What do?

You wake tomorrow to find that you can shape shift (only humans, though). What do?

Attached: Mystique-adaptations.jpg (1400x700, 681K)

Become a girl and play with my tities

Become every celebrity crush I've ever had and masturbate furiously until I pass out. Eat / Sleep Repeat... and then shift to high profile figure I can think of, proceed to make some very incriminating pictures and videos, and live happily off of the blackmail proceeds for the rest of my life

is it permanent?

Be a dick an ruin people's lives

Also become a girl and get my pussy fucked

>shape-shift into a sperm
>make way into mothers womb
>inseminate my own egg cell
>become my own father/brother

Naw, you can shift to whoever you want and shift back

Stay myself, can't do better than me

Sell scandalous pictures of celebrities and other public figures to tabloid websites.

become a girl and get money for having tits, that easy