Why are liberal cities such shitholes?

Why are liberal cities such shitholes?

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The people you speak of are in no way liberal

Such shit holes that tens of thousands move here every year

i live in seattle. its only a shithole if youre poor and have zero social skills. im assuming thats you.

Define shithole. I used to live in Toledo, now that's a shithole.

OP's just talking shit, probably never left his hometown.

True, "liberals" are fascists, they just want what they want and have no real desire to make the world a better place unless it caters to their personal agenda.

So the Christian Right aren't catering to their own personal agendas by forcing Christian ethics on everyone else? Gotcha.

You're assumption is wrong and you are a faggot.

>i live in seattle.
nothing you ever say will hold any meaning to anyone who's even slightly worth while in this world.

They're fascists, too. You know what they have over most "liberals"? They're cohesive. They work towards a common goal.

Places where police cant enforce the law. Drug addicts, homeless people and niggers shit and piss in the street like they're in India. Cities where drug dealers can slang out in the open without fear of being arrested.

It's exactly because of this fact that makes it a shit hole


That's every big city. You're not really proving anything other than you're not well travelled.

Seattle has always been a stinky leaky asshole on WA State. Now it's turned into a prolapsed anus. The only people who think otherwise are people who are heavily drunk on the liberal Kool-aid.

You're proving that you haven't lived anywhere outside of liberal shit holes

The Northwest is pretty confused in general. Nobody really seems to have a real identity, just constant babble about pronouns and coffee.

Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Dallas. Currently in Austin, not really much different except less violent crime. Where the fuck do you live anyway with all your sass?

I've actually travelled to many continents user, ask your mom she will confirm.

They are full of pavement apes, illegal aliens and are run by kikes.

How is it that not enforcing laws and allowing drugs to run free is what causes "liberal" cities to become shitholes, but then enforcing agendas/ethics of any kind, secular or Christian, is fascistic by nature?

What the fuck are you advocating then? Either let people be free, as a libertarian, or don't, as an authoritarian, but make up your fucking mind. You can't just fence sit and call everyone a fascist or a nigger.

Reverting to your mom jokes doesn't really make you seem clever, just kind of pathetic. You're just making the same statement over and over without defining your gripe or presenting the alternative to a "liberal shithole".

Sounds pretty accurate

Oh, the Ayn Rand thing...

Proved everything that I've said correctly. And I've lived everywhere in the US from big fucking dump cities like LA, Seattle, and NYC to small and medium sized cities like Bozeman, MT and Albany, NY. Now Austin used to be a really nice city, it's a shame that carpetbaggers from the coasts have ruined it.

What exactly are you doing to combat all these evils? Gonna shoot up a school to get your manifesto some attention?

I think you're confusing Christians with catholics

Pray tell, where is your Utopian stronghold?

True dat

The area for some odd reason attracts transplants from all over the country. That's why there's zero social cohesion in this region and there's a pervasive culture of exploitation.

See previous comments in thread

Maybe try 8 chan. Nobody here really gives a fuck about what you're talking about.

Dubs of truth OP

Nobody sells drugs where you live? Cops catch all the bad guys? People shit in toilets? You fucking Ward Cleaver or some shit?

Doesn't exist, some places are better than others. Unfortunately I currently live in Seattle.

Try Englishing your shit talk a little better.

You obviously care enough to respond you fucking retard.

So move, you whiny bitch.

That's really all there is to it. To fix the magnificent cities our great grandfathers built, for us to live and work in; we would need to expel all jews and kill or imprison everyone with an IQ under 100. Which would be about 90% of the population in any large city. The 10% left over would be nothing but low/middle management whites that do all the work and never took a dime from the government, ever. They would greet us as liberators.

Name ONE conservative city in the US wit a population over 250k

That's better. I just like baiting petty faggots like you.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head with that one... Lol, what a fucking dumb thing to say. I have no manifesto, no guns, and no animosity towards innocent children. Yup, calling someone out for incoherence definitely qualifies me for school shooter material.

Meh, they all push the same ideas, some just more intensely than others.

I think your confusing catholics with mormons

I'll bitch if I want to carpetbagger. I'd tell you to eat a dick but since you've lived in those liberal hellholes I know you'd like it.

Ya blew it!

If you look at some history books you'd see just how shitty those cities were in our great grandfathers days. Robber barons, poor sanitation, lawlessness. You're a myopic thinker that will never amount to anything. Nobody would follow you into battle.

Says the guy who's taken enough dick to get to the moon and back.

Fuck off, it's 3am and I'm phoneposting from bed because I can't sleep

Why cant you sleep? Snortin lines again?

Calling me a faggot and shit talking about my mom just prove your inability to actually form a coherent argument for your completely inane statement. Kinda pathetic, OP.

How old would a great grandfather be? Who is myopic now, faggot?

Worst cities I've been in the US were in Florida, a very conservative state last time I checked. Riddle me that, OP.

I did make a joke about your mom but I didn't call you a faggot

>Thinking a large population is a good thing

It's like thinking that a hospital provides good service due to availability of beds because so many patients die under care

Depends on ones age and the age people in their lineage procreated. I'd say 65 - dead would be a good range for this crowd.

Interessant, what cities were those?

It's more likely heroine. It's the more popular drug these days amongst liberal millennials.

My elementary school. This is going nationwide.

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Because you are a colossal faggot you faggot. Hey guess what more than one person is calling you a fag.

It certainly wouldn't be in the days of robber barons and throwing shit out of windows.

Tampa and Miami. But hey, it's the Jews, right...

Nothing conservative about Florida because snowbirds from the Northeast made sure of that

Notice they don't break down the free lunch by race. Might embarrass the white folk.

I can believe Miami but Tampa?

What days were those then?

In Miami, it's 100% the jews. I don't know enough about Tampa to say for sure, but I can bet it's the same story.

Fine, what is the bare minimum population to be considered a city in your eyes?

Funny, they consistently vote majority Republican, but since you say otherwise we'll just go with that because...well shit, I don't know why.

This was an upper middle class 90% white area 30ish years ago. No one was on welfare, I can assure you that.

Cities in every state are shit holes because Cities are always pockets of Liberals.

No matter if the state is Conservative or Liberal, major cities are always Liberal because of Blacks, Latinos and other retards.

I just have a fucked up sleep cycle.
Why do you assume I'm a heroin junkie?
>inb4 I get called a nigger

No one? That's a bold statement.

Civil war soon

This demographic replacement is bullshit

Seattle has always been a cold, wet, moldy shithole, even when it voted conservatard

Early 19th century and before. Great great great grandfather's era.

because the liberal party has been hijacked by retards who have no idea wtf facts are.

Most minorities don't even vote, shithead. They have little or no power in any major city despite population.

Because of party loyalties of the local population. Same reason why the rust belt states still vote Democrat despite the fact that the DNC hasn't given two fucks about the working class since the 70's

They used to be better. But now with DHS and the various PD's spying people and the massive number of illegal immgrants. They're just shit.

For many years I had a good life. Then I encountered a bunch of fucked up foreigners.

Everyone lived in brand new homes with pools. Freshly build neighborhoods. Nobody's mom worked and everyone had two parents.

So these cities had some kind of glory days and then reverted back to shitholes? No, they've always been shitholes.

Tell that to California

But the end result is conservative leadership. What's your point? Oh, you don't have one, you just want to hear words come out of your mouth.

You better fucking believe it. I got out of there in disgust and now they want to do it all over the West.

CA politicians are bought off by Nuestra Familia or Mexican Mafia

>Middle management does all the work
Litterally retarded/10
Managers by definition manage the people who actually do the work, otherwise they wouldn't be managers.
Also whites tend to take the most gov bux, especially the wealthy, they just don't think of it as evil nigger welfare when they do it.

30 years ago? You're aware that was the 1990's not the 1950's, right?

why are TrumTurds such passionate shiteaters?

I dont know, make a separate thread for that.

>This message brought to you by the party of "alternative facts"

You're a fucking retard if you think that there's any real difference between the Republicans and the DNC. The latter is the same type of neoliberalism that the Republicans promote but different branding. You're comparing different versions of club soda.

Getting bored of schooling you numbnuts on reality. Anybody got anything of substance to say, not just like your opinion, man?

70s 80's and before. early 90s was okay, but fucked beyond repair, I'd hate to see it now. Irregardless, it never should have happened at all. Populations should not have to leave to make room for shit eating worthless illegals.

t. unemployed NEET buck collector

Managers do most of the heavy lifting in a lot of companies thanks to automation. They are the pack mules of the organization.

Oh he's right. Democrats are getting mindfucked by the ZOG and the DSA, at the same time.

This ones easy. It's because liberals give a shit about dispossessed drug addicts, vagrants, and the mentally ill.

Most people on the right don't. And if they do, they think "the church" should handle it.

I personally think we should round them all up, and inject them with the last heroin hit they'll ever take.

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So how did it become so shitty if all the people there were so perfect? Did the illegals just move into their houses?

Holy shit, that was good user

Cultures have tried that since time began. Shit don't work, learn some history.

>because liberals give a shit
In what way? I don't see them building them neighborhoods, giving them good jobs or actual mental healthcare. The most they do lately is not put them in prison where they belong, putting the public at risk just to keep them on the fucking voter rolls!

Is the what Fox News is like. Fucking fascinating...

Crime, the 80s were so bad in Miami they made movies and TV shows about it. I'm sure you heard of them.

I said they give a shit; I didn't say they know what the fuck they're doing.


The problem with liberals is that they don't give a shit about the unwanted but they keep them around to be exploited for money and votes. Take a look at all these nonprofit organizations they make a fucking killing acquiring public grants to provide inadequate care and service to street people.

I was alive for them. Dark days, way better now.

Kinda like prisons...

Can someone post the lyrics to the frazer show.It really fits with the photo.

I too live in Seattle
And I too am a faggot

Maybe the libs at the top are cynical, but your rank and file liberal actually does give a shit about the dispossessed.

They're really all the same, cities. I just live where I live because my family is here and the weather is nice.

They pretend to give a shit to get votes and to dupe bleeding heart types into following their agenda.

Rank and file are always composed of sheep who can't think for themselves. They buy whatever bullshit leadership feeds them and this is especially true when the message is rooted in feelings instead of logic and facts.

No arguments here, my dude.

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itt: OP asks a question he already has his answer for and has no interest in discussing anything outside his limited knowledge base.
Pathetic, but slightly more entertaining than roll threads.

The best part of living in Seattle is that faggots like OP don't move here

enjoy shithole Montana

yeh op you faggot

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Liberals don't exist anymore, they are all progressives, socialists and fascists now.

I'm a classic liberal, so I'm a Nazi now.

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Seattle is a fucking faggot city/ OP is correct. Anyone who try to act tough from seattle is a fucking retard, and in a real world without the faggot govmmt stopping us, we would simply burn that shit hole down kill all the fags, muslims, kikes and all the liberal women would be used as slaves/ prostitutes.

What a shit hole, Homeless people shooting heroin at bus stops, More Men than WOMEN! LMAO this is a city with more MEN than women HAHAHAHAJH Oh and lets not forget the retarded engineers who have failed so fucking much at multiple diifferent projects. Seriously, dont Hire any fucking engineers or architects from Seattle they are fucking retards who waste billions of tax payers dollars.

Honestly if all these major cities were wiped out, You would see a glorious future. These faggot cities are full of retarded hippy wannabe who say they love earth but drive 2 minutes because their to fucking lazy and fat to walk down the street to the corner store.