Hey Yea Forums found this shit in my sisters car, anyone know what it is?
Hey Yea Forums found this shit in my sisters car, anyone know what it is?
Those are marijuanas seeds, you put them up your ass.
Looks like weed seeds to me. Can't really tell through the bag
toe nail clippings, used for black magic
either that or a fetish thing
kek weed seeds
No shit here, they're Jefferson beans. They grow these big ass vines with purple flowers.
Why are you in your sisters car you weird little faggot creep
>Jefferson beans
How do you know this? Explain yourself.
Nerve gas seeds
They're actually purple hyasynth seeds. But what do I know?
You've never smoked Jefferson Bean vines?
i like to sniff her seats so what ?
nope, only real drugs
The high is like riding in a starship, some would say it's like a Jefferson Starship.
go back
>Jefferson beans
Holy Shit he's right. Pic related.
You found her ovaries. put them back.
Fuck, every time I think 4chans full of retarded faggots I’m reminded it’s just full of faggots
Just because I love having gay sex doesn't make me a faggot.
it's only gay if you enjoy it
Of course not, plus I always follow up with the obligatory "no homo" when I'm wiping my mates jizz off my mouth. Its all in good fun. Boys will be boys and all that.
Make me, queer.