YouTube Gamer ProJared Falsely Accused of Pedophilia by his Ex-Wife!

YouTube Gamer ProJared Falsely Accused of Pedophilia by his Ex-Wife!

American women will now falsely accuse you of being a pedophile once she decides to divorce you.

60% of marriages end in divorce in America, with women initiating the divorce 90% of the time.

So now, American women won't just try to financially destroy you in divorce. They will outright lie and accuse you of being a pedophile, with the goal of getting you put in prison.

Never, ever marry an American woman. American women, especially WHITE American women, are completely evil people.

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\zSyp9sX

Heidi produced child porn and thus committed a very serious crime. 100% chance Heidi goes to jail too

Why the fuck do yall keep posting this? Also where's the Jared and Holly nudes?

because Heidi is a criminal pedophile

Stop shilling your shit site you incel.

Dat scat vid tho

Yeah, but you said that already.


Heidi filmed it. Therefore Heidi produced child porn which is a serious fucking crime.

Here is a link to the thread where the retarded faggot first discussed this smear campaign.

The images that were known to have been sent to fans were suggestive but still barely PG-13. No nudes. No genitals. No shit. Furthermore, the assertion that the fans were underage is hearsay. Nothing has been confirmed and the one who made the claim is a scorned ex-wife, who is objectively untrustworthy.

The "scat video" is a forced as fuck meme. to this point, no such thing has surfaced or been posted or even screenshot. Some retarded troll posted a staged photo of a woman facedown in a bed with a fresh roll of toilet papers sitting on the other side. The shill who posted it has claimed it was a screenshot, which was quickly disproven. They also claimed it was a still image from the same archive that hosts the video, which is also a lie (see next paragraph). No one who claims to have seen the video has been able to post any details about it-length, format, site, source, scene, etc. NOTHING.

A Mega Link containing videos of the Nickelodeon TV show “The Fairly Oddparents” has been posted claiming that it is an “encrypted” link to the scat video. When pressed, the OP claimed that the video USED to be in there with the Fairly Oddparents and/or the video is encrypted within one of the Fairly Oddparents videos. A tech-savvy user used tools to prove that the contents of the MEGA Link have not changed, been deleted from or added to in any way since last November.

The facts:
Jared cheated. People do that. It sucks, but ultimately that's their problem. They're getting divorced, which was apparently in the works already.

That's the long and short of the whole thing.

Be prepared for this lying retarded OP subhuman to post the following in reply:
“The video has been posted dozens of times.”
“I already posted it”.
“It was posted and confirmed real”

Dude who gives a fuck. Wheres the picture of his pee pee?

Heidi admitted publicly in the news articles that she was part of the pedophilia.

Not very smart, admitting publicly to a serious crime like that. Heidi is going to prison.

Your TLD is shit-tier. The site itself looks like garbage despite all the content. Get a better domain.
You'd look less like an incompetent kid with a Wordpress blog, and that's saying something.
If you're going to build a static site, at least use Jekyll. The default theme looks better than this shit.

haha are you butthurt, Heidi?


that's the saddest cringiest shit man, get a grip

No, seriously. .site? You could find a .com for $15 if you had some creativity.
How the hell is anyone supposed to traverse this thing? Where are the tags? You've been posting since March, and you still haven't made 'nav1' look half decent? It's wasting 150px of space.

It's right here.

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Apparently she knew about the Snapchat nudes but we don't know to what degree. Knowing about it at least is dodgy in itself though, but again, there's no definite answer to how far she was into it, but she said herself she was aware. As for making it it's just the usual Yea Forums garbage of chatting shit, backued up by as it was just people chatting shit as usual.

This has really died down though, whats gonna happen next?

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you just jealous cuz he gettin that fresh pussy and you arent
dont hate the player, hate the game

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How have you not gotten b& yet for spamming this same shit every thread?

is that Trump dressed up as that UK pedophile? Cause he could have just dressed up as hisself

>op wishes he was getting that teen pussy like projared

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found the cucktard

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>whats gonna happen next?

More nudes, I hope. There's not a single ass shot released so far.

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you're super fucking dumb arent you

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Lol noice

stop posting this shit jared

I'm sure the irony escapes you, you pathetic fucking retard.

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Stop posting this shit.

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I second that

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Hit yourselves.

Jared mate. Just do it mate.

It'll be funny to see it reported on the news.

You genuinely think you did nothing wrong and that's just embarassing. Your whole "thing" was that you were a creepy looking guy that wasn't actually creepy.

But guess what, you are. Just do it and everybody will be happy and forget about you in a month.

You have 2 choices. Become the guy that got exposed to being a sick pedo who cheated on his wife. Or become the guy that got exposed to being a sick pedo who cheated on his wife and then killed himself.

Pick one.

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Heidi is gonna kill herself to avoid going to prison

Did you miss this?

The jig is up, loser.

and your evidence of it being a false accusation is...

What a reliable source

no, read the news articles

Heidi admits she was involved in Jared's pedophilia

Jared. Stop.


Heidi is going to prison

relax, Jared. people will welcome you in gen pop.

No. YOU are Jared.

Also Holly deleted her tweet saying "I'm here for you xoxoxox" to Jared when he did his initial announcement lol

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gr8 b8

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Alternatively, he could start doing porn instead of game reviews and use his exhibitionism and nymphomania to his advantage.

they are hot but they look like 15 or 16. That's illegal

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looks just as ugly but in a whole different way

Go fuck yourself

This needs to be updated that the pedo accusations came from Tumblrite trannys and the verve. Not from the ex wife.

doesn't matter. Heidi is still going to prison

Of course it doesn't matter. But you're forced memes don't either. Seriously. Try devoting that effort to something not completely retarded.

neeeed heidi's nudes

I'm convinced jared is making threads like this himself so people assume every single allegation against him is nothing but some sperg's low quality bait

Heidi is a child molester who is going to prison

Shut the fuck up, Jared.

reminder that holly is hotter than heidi and jared was right

Finally, a single Jared thread. Too bad it's going to die like all the others.

holly's so hot her face is melting and her eyes are about to combine into one

I'd like to point that the number of people unsubscribing is getting lower. He's eventually going to start gaining subs soon and everyone will forget about what he did, just like Logan Paul.

he will sue his ex-wife Heidi for slander and material losses

he didn't even upload on his main channel anyway
In recent twitch streams it was clear he was thinking about moving to streaming since people easily throw money at your face just to get their names read out loud.
This was the final push. After the dust settles I can see him going full time twitch and probably being better off that way

Are you actually retarded? Please tell me they dont let you drive places

where at? She absolutely DOES NOT admit to any shit like that you lying retard

You keep posting this and it doesn't make it true.

if jared ever recovers from this, I doubt he'll be so shameless as to keep up the good boy act, with his talks about how to treat women etc
that will make him much more bearable

fuck you

Fucking incels. Kill yourself.

but jared I was praising you

Would you cheat on your spouse with this?

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with this, probably
not with holly almost-a-cyclops conrad though

hell yes i would

who the fuck is jared?

Not with my current wife. I made the mistake of cheating with my ex wife though. So if I was still with her- then yeah.

from Subway

fuck i wish i had a sub sandwich right about now

I mean, it kind of looks like italian bread with ham hanging out.

whats with this garbage repost of garbage

you are garbage, feminist

When is this copy-pasta gonna die?

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when Heidi goes to prison for her crime of producing child pornography

Ok buddy

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tf are these called


Cock crazy

like the fetish, who comes up with that stuff?

Still no Holly nudes? I'm surprised they haven't dropped yet.

Yeah, yeah, I know that more than likely, they'll never drop, but still.

Is this the 153ed time you d posted this?

Yes, and? If you don't like it, go to any of the 5 Pepe shitposting threads or porn threads.

Fuck the cucks

but even still its my right to like what i want

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: 6v7destn9h
COPY THAT SHIT TO YOUR FUCKING BROWSER\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX

Kill yourself

Faggot Op ButtHurt That His Man Crush Has A Girlfriend!

OP will now spam the shit out of the board with his homocrush who rejected him.


100% of OP's posts are gay 100% of the time.

Sow now, Yea Forums will have to put up with his waah waah daddy doesn't want to anally rail me bullshit for another few months. Eventually he'll get paid to spam something else, but he'll still be a colossal faggot who rapes little boys.

Never, ever forget to sage. OP faggot, especially this OP faggot, is a completely gay loser.

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hahahaha LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i got yer sauce

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> a wife falsely accuses her husband of something.

> OH NOES!! ALL women do this!

Stop being a retarded virgin.

all women condone it. When have you ever known women who speak out against their fellow women who make false accusations?

Silence is consent.

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> see one example of someone being an A-hole
> assume everyone that look like them are the same

Where you born retarded or are you just American?

>Me reading the first 3 posts
>Still going through the thread

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Everyone loves underage pussy. Not because it's underage, but because it's ripe and beautiful. It shouldn't be underage. Age of consent should be be no higher than 12

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Take a ride make a suicide

U first bro

Just. No.


Same excuse of how the fuck you retards who keep insisting ths "scat video" exists when it doesn't and never has.

Heidi is a pedophile

This meme is bad, but I will keep posting it until you disappear.

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No thanks

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stop trying to force this garbage
the shit show is over
some people are getting a divorce and Jared might get into some legal trouble
that is all
Holly nudes won't leak
move on

fuck you, Heidi is a pedophile monster who needs to be thrown in jail for producing child pornography

the only possible win that could have come out of this would have been seeing Holly naked

Heidi has a lawyer and she isn't leaking so the show is over


Heidi's lawyer cannot protect her since she publicly admitted to pedophilia

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ProJareds penis is under 5.5 inches



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No1currs about some gamer with a YouTube channel. Get a fucking life you dweeb.

fuck you feminist

Not just women, I've accused a co-worker of trying to share child pornography at pretty much every place I've ever worked at that had an anonymous suggestion box.

then kill yourself

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Oh hey Jared

Sup Heidi

>dont hate the player, hate the game
> Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)20:08:21 No.799676867▶
>How have you not gotten b& yet for spamming this same shit every thread?
> Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)20:09:53 No.799676996▶
dear god hes disgustingly scrawny

ProJared was bullied a lot in school, got a job at GameStop and then was able to snatch one at Screwattack until he started with his own channel.
Met his wife Heidi through Conventions and Dungeons and Dragons. She‘s a total qt but also very „normie“
Jared was bombarded with underage fans saying how cute and handsome he is, obviously lusting over his „fame“.
It got so much to his head that every time he got horny, he just used the excuse of „body positivity“ to get nudes from fans.
The feeling of being lusted over turned him on a lot.
His friend Holly is a slut, known through the grapevines to sleep around a lot.
Holly’s husband is an absolute normie, total nice guy who can’t keep up with Holly’s deranged personality.
So after Holly’s marriage was already in shambles due to her sleeping with many people including Markiplier, she fell for Jared, who was already high from all the nude fame he received.
Ross learned the truth and divorced Holly, they both agreed to a bullshit excuse for the public and Holly met more often with Jared.
Jared, who just couldn’t make up more excuses or lies to deceive his wife Heidi, just straight up mentally abused her and made her believe she’s psychotic and the reason why he does what he‘s doing.

Holly already stopped replying to Jared, who‘s still unsure if he should make one last video addressing everything and going back to working in retail. He jokingly said he might just straight up kill himself since the feds are involved now too but evidence is scarce and probably not enough to make a case out of it.

T. Somebody who knows the people surrounding Ross.

do you think hollly is going to kill herself

Can you name any other people Holly has slept with?

go to sleep, Jared.
Nobody here actually fucking cares.

She‘s telling her friends that she wants to but all of them are convincing her that Jared and Heidi are the bad guys in this and Holly is just a mentally fragile victim.

She wanted to suck Arins dick, but even she feared Suzys wrath.
Holly also apparently had an affair with a guy from Dice Camera Action.

Was Holly aware than Jared was sending dick pics willy nilly?

To some degree, but always under the guise of body positivity and living out his sexuality. Two people messaged her with evidence that he groomed them, fully knowing they were underage, which made Holly a little bit mad.
Then again, since Holly was sexually abused as a child by her mother, tried to be understanding and just warned Jared that things might backfire someday.

Also, Holly stinks like a chicken coop.

Markiplier could tap much better ass than that.

But a drink in a desert I guess.


who else was holly fucking?

I honestly hope Ross comes out feeling better about his failed marriage from all this. He's always felt like the runt of the grumps.

Him n Barry are personal favs :

Is it true that Holly hates Heidi? I also heard Holly was the one that convinced Jared to cheat

He did, but he‘s the kind of guy who just can’t say no when somebody gives him enough sexual attention.

That cosplay chick who was with her in that Sy Fy episode, don’t know her name though. There was also a rumor that she tried to flirt with Jon after he left Game Grumps and broke up with his then gf.
Jon was smart enough to see Holly as the thot she is and didn’t reply.

ok but

Holly nudes when?

Who keeps spamming this exact fucking thread?

Who still supports that faggot after all this shit?

i could jerk it to both holly and jessica

Ross started smoking. His lowest point was a few months ago and he‘s slowly turning around. His stream earlier was quite funny, he was even able to take a few potshots at Jared, while not directly naming him.
Barry isn’t as nice as you might think, but he’s far from those scumbags.

She didn’t hate her, it’s just that with time she felt more distant to her, or at least that’s what she’s saying.
Jared fucked fans at conventions far before things got physical with Holly.
Jared is a twisted sex addict.

As far as I can tell, Heidi is the only one who got them without being bound to a NDA, by searching through Jared’s old phone.

Im pretty sure no one buys OP's shit and has just gotten back to talking about all the shit that went down.

How has anybody not gotten banned for the constant spam of retarded ass threads daily? Including this stupid bullshit thread? Shutup. This website along with its viewers and the ones who run it are all fucking useless troglodytes

Fun fact: if you treat your wife with respect and decency, she will likely treat you with the same. Happy people don't often divorce. Maybe try staying away from sites called "" and you'll fare better with them.

but how am i supposed to keep up to date with the opposite sex?!

Not true.
Ross treated Holly with the upmost respect, like royalty.

to back this up: sometimes hoes gonna hoe.
all you can do is look out for red flags, cuz some hoes you just cant fix.
and when its like that, the kinda man that it takes to keep her isnt who you wanna be. trust.

A relationship isn’t about fixing your partner but rather being something of a unit together.
People tend to disregard red flags and see them as flaws. Ross was guilty of that. Holly didn’t change much over the years, though him letting her run wild was what turned her into this nymphomaniac goblin

Also, Danny wants to leave Game Grumps since last year. The only reason he doesn’t is (besides his fear of losing a constant steady income) the sheer fear of the „lovelies“.
Last I heard, the end of this year might involve his last appearance. Arin considers selling the channel afterwards.

Heard anything about what is gonna happen to Dice Camera Action? Holly and Jared were two key members, and so far the dude in charge hasn't said anything.

I‘m not in direct contact with those people, only friends with guys who are close friends of Ross.
They’re streaming tonight and secretly replaced Holly and Jared, so I guess they will try to move on without mentioning them or acknowledge the drama to some degree.

I take it Holly is the type to sleep around a lot to help her own self esteem?

Oh man,, that is clearly a nonbiased website that can be trusted!

She‘s aware of her lazy eye and tries to cover it up by eating hardly anything. Problem is she’s dressing mostly like a hipster hobo.
The only way for her to feel accepting towards her physical appearance is by having lots of sex with as many people as possible.

Any word on what Holly will do next? Her reputation in her favorite spaces must be pretty damaged, and I can't see her going to any DnD events after this.

Her friends are supporting her, suggesting she stays off the internet for a few months before making a comeback. They also want her to publicly shame Jared and blame him for her misfortune. She doesn’t agree that much to this though, as she still has a thing for her. My guess is just that Jared was one of the few who was into degenerate shit like her and she misses it.
A dnd event manager already messaged her, promising absolute safety if she ever returns. She hasn’t decided on a return to any convention anytime soon.

Any other word about the grumps offices, what's the life of Ross around those guys or maybe if it's a mentally healthy environment even for him

What kind of degeneracy are we talking here?

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This is all a plot by Heidi and Holly to trap Jared so that he'd get caught so Heidi would divorce him, and then Heidi and Holly would become a couple, since they're both closeted lesbians.

Behind the scenes almost everyone was decent to him, despite some bullying during the recordings. Arin is really worthy of the name EGOraptor though. They are also not as political correct as they try to appear. Lots of „Niggers“ and „Faggots“ being thrown around when they are not in public. Stress has been at an all time high, they are aware of how bad their numbers are.
The more weight Suzy has gained, the more abusive she became. She almost all the time stood behind the editing progress, getting mad if any of the cuts made her look fat or fatter. Losing weight as of late made her a little bit ease up on Arin, who‘s an absolute cuck to her. Ironic, imo.

Pissing while fucking in a bathtub/shower, fingering anal and stuff. My friends didn’t go that much into detail.

I highly doubt Holly would want to be near Heidi ever again.

holly has admitted before to eating some box

80% of that was to get attention.

it got mine. just wonder who it was

who fucking cares about this loser and his soon to be ex-wife. get a life

Like I said earlier, the cosplay chick who was starring along her on a tv episode. And making out with female friends of Suzy in front of some dudes.

So that's why a lot of editors are getting out of there a lot, can't imagine working on that environment all around

If you’re new to the circle, Arin treats you like a fan and not as a person or employee. Barry being beloved by the fans angered him, he was jealous of the memes and attention. Eventually, they got along but he was also glad once Barry left.
Danny treats everyone with decency and is in general a very chill personality. But when it comes to his employer (Arin) he can’t stick up for himself or anybody else. One might even call him a coward.

if that's true, i'm going back and masturbating furiously to those episodes

Do as you please, I can’t stand the two.

The one on the right is a trap


If all of what you are saying is true, do you have any other endeavors about their indecency or something else related that my comeback to bite their asses in a future?

They're both awful. So there.

I‘m friends with people who are friends with Ross and others. It’s not like I push them all the time to give me the hot gossip. It’s just stuff that gets mentioned every now and then like when I heard about Ross and Holly divorcing.
Most of the former employees are stuck with NDAs so unless they break contract, you can only hope for Arins autism to kick in and fuck things up.
Or somebody outside of those contracts secretly films them yelling nigger.

the other chick had a nice ass and tits

Ross is the ex-husband of Holly? SOrry i am new to this story

I guess. Sometimes when your illusion is broken you just can’t see them the way like you did before.

Yeah, he was married to Holly. Her affair with Jared is what made him file for divorce.

i just see them as fap material

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Reminds me too much of that tranny porn star

I wish people actually cared about the facts. Instead they just want to circlejerk over killing someone's career because it makes them feel good about themselves. It's so pathetic.

How long ago did she and markiplier fuck?

I wasn’t told an exact date or year, it got mentioned when the whole Ross Holly drama was explained to me.

Heidi is going to prison for child porn

I hope Ross beats the shit out of him. Look at the 2 of them together, wtf was holly thinking?

For what exactly? The nudes were sent to Jared, who asked for them. And they are on Jared’s old phone.

Yeah yeah we get it already, faggot.

Ross was more depressed than enraged. Sure, his anger towards Jared made Arin let the old Game Grumps episodes starring Jared getting removed but Ross is way more of an adult in this situation than anybody else. And besides, the shitstorm is satisfactory for him.

why don't Ross and Heidi get married? Oh right, cause Heidi is a child molester

Thread is as stupid as the OP and the source is about as idiotic, find a real source faggot

So far Heidi and Ross didn’t interact that much, even less without anybody else around. The only thing that connects the two is that their ex‘s had affairs.

so why don't they FUCK each other?

Ross drew himself with a harem of monster waifus and uses this as his twitter banner.
So either he‘s sticking to 2D or he sticked his stick already with other women.

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u like that new anime, the foxgirl one? Sewayaki something, cant remember the name

>falsely accuse you of being a pedophile
first of >falsley
being a pedophile is not a crime anywhere.

Heidi produced child porn for Jared

Haven’t been watching any new anime besides My Hero Academia so I don’t know that one.
Is it good?

Heidi is gonna kill herself

yea the foxgirl one is awesome

I‘d put my money more on Holly and Jared than Heidi when it comes to that.

Thanks, I‘ll check it out later.

She might have known about it, making her an accomplice, but Jared did in fact send pics of his junk to underage chicks. You fucking incel.

Moar plz

here is Holly's penis pic

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As the thread slowly dies down, I guess I‘ll give one more inside info.
Jon is a huge fan of Red Letter Media and always dreamt of being on Best Of The Worst.
Arin caught wind of this and tried to get in touch with rlm on his twitter.
They apparently never replied though.

We need that bit that fills up the trump threads in these threads

Thread is gay OP


okay, who is Arin? Who is Jon?

Egoraptor and Jontron


Two YouTube guys who used to have a let’s play channel together. Drama went down and Jon left.
Jon later had a case of eating too many red pills in 2016 and was invited by Destiny to one of his streams.
And Destiny used is usual sleazy tactics to make Jon look like a racist.

>Join, its goood ;)

If you've never heard of those two, why the fuck do you care about this ProJared drama enough to comment? ProJared is third-rate compared to how popular those other two are, at least in name recognition.

>Never, ever marry an American woman. American women, especially WHITE American women, are completely evil people.


I saw that "debate". Jon said stupid shit and Destiny countered each thing he said with sources on screen. It wasn't sleazy. Jon went into it unprepared and with a stupid set of arguments but that was no one's fault but his.

Look at that bird-faced mutant and try to tell yourself he isn't a nonce, I dare you.

I just don’t like Destiny in general. His tactic is repeating a point his guest makes in a stupid sounding way while adding some horrendous part to it.
>so I like this that also means I will do y right?
Is what it comes down to it.
Jon came in unprepared and definitely is at fault going to the stream in the first place.

I've only ever seen his debate with Jon. I don't follow Destiny and hadn't heard about him otherwise. Judging from his talk with Jon, though, nothing stood out to me as being unfair in Destiny's part. Plus, his sources were legit sources. Jon really was arguing stupid shit because he didn't think his beliefs through and like you said, ate too many red pills. I still like Jon, don't get me wrong, but that was not his brightest day. He did well by not getting involved in this ProJared debacle.

I find it kind of ironic how out of all the Normal Boots guys and Game Grumps, Jon is now the most successful person out of all of them.

Jared is gonna sue the shit out of Heidi for damaging him financially.

That is if Heidi doesn't go to prison first for producing child pornography.

Weak and predictable

Its funny that he's moved away from making game-related content, too.

Heidi is going to prison, child porn is no joke, you fucking asshole.

His true passion has always been filmmaking. The YouTube market for „funny guy playing old and obscure video games“ is overflooded

You are a Faggot. But a Faggot who speaks true. This is the true SO far about the situation.

Jared is a cheater, pervert (arent we all), Holly is a husband fucker. Thats all.

Why is his tip so flat? Why isn't he dressed like Sailor Venus?

God, its like Ive been here stoned all weekend with this fag. :P

It was Tumblr account called Hardcorejustcause. He got deleted tons of times and would come back with a different url. Now he just does Twitter cum tributes on jb pics

sounds gay

I hear a certain someone is fond of the booger sugar

Although I wonder why jon isn't funny anymore, his most recent comeback has been shit

She'll use the "He forced me!" Defense.

I don’t know anything about that, but booger eaters gross me the fuck out.

The latest one isnt good in my opinion but the viewcount is huge. Game Grumps videos take an entire week to have each video fill it’s reach, Jons videos get the same number within an hour after uploading.


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how fucking old are you lmao

projareds dick is so small

Attached: DbWYS9lVMAAtzX6.jpg (960x1200, 167K)

What is this?

Heidi goes on a vengeful twitter rant, makes Jared lose like 20% of his subs
When alimony determination comes around, Jared's going to be able to point to deflated numbers and give her next to nothing
Great job, bitch. You played yourself.

nobody fucking cares.

Jared will point out that Heidi admitted to pedophilia and she will go to prison too, if he goes.

Women are retarded.

Any case against Jared is really weak as far as I am aware.
You have one person claiming that he solicited nudes when the he/she was underage with absolutely zero evidence. Even if he somehow got arrested, he would make bail no problem and I seriously doubt any prosecutor would try to bring charges.
A public defender fresh out of law school would tear apart the state's case. Although, the defense would probably waive trial by jury just to be safe.

either way, if he goes to jail, so will Heidi

so i think Heidi is gonna shut her dumb fucking mouth now.

Jared is gay

and his wife is a pedophile

Everyone keeps saying this but where did it come from and what the hell is the back story cause i havent heard anything of the such on youtube vids that i saw today and yesterday

OH NO, he abused his wife!!!

Cry me a fucking river.

Women WANT to be abused.

if you DON'T abuse women, they will leave you.

White women are nothing but whores who should be beaten.

You guys are sad. He's a youtuber that entertains 15 year olds, and cheats on his wife. He's not a celeb. Just a normal piece of shit like the rest of us.

Attached: mesoon.jpg (250x194, 7K)

Can you give sources?

>American women will now falsely accuse you of being a pedophile once she decides to divorce you.
You jus figurin this out? Some people are shit.



Heidi's own words, she admitted to the pedophilia

Did none of you mongs even read OP's link?






thanks for the bumps, dawg

well Jared has a fart fetish

woop de poop de scoop

Attached: Holly-Conrad-Feet-3686216.jpg (1277x2048, 285K)

Did he pay you to do this, or does it just happen to fit your agenda?

my agenda is to destroy american women and the best way to do that is to tell men to stop letting them parasite off of them. STOP MARRYING AMERICAN WOMEN, you pathetic fucking weak ass men!

Do you actually think hes lurking lmfao

id love to see the sexts as well as the nudes. wonder how much of a dirty bitch she was


american women, white women, are deeply evil people.

Heidi is a child rapist who is going to prison soon.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?\invite\zSyp9sX
Copy to your browser... EZ...NO-RULES, no yannies
MSG_ID: lqjg5chq1j
COPY THAT SHIT TO YOUR FUCKING BROWSER\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX\invite\zSyp9sX

you haven't fucked yet, have you?

post dick pics NOW

Holly's penis pics?

yes that too

post em

no u

NO, U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Attached: jared-lubavitcher.jpg (1231x610, 113K)

fuck trump