So Yea Forumstards, im 19 and my parents have no idea im failing college. Im a history major at a small, private...

So Yea Forumstards, im 19 and my parents have no idea im failing college. Im a history major at a small, private, liberal arts college. I told them yesterday i have a 2.8 GPA, which i did after first semester. But after 2nd semester i now have a 1.6 gpa. I might still pass, but barely. If i lose my financial aid they'll flip shit. If i get kicked out for bad grades they'll flip shit. I don't know what to do. I come home wednesday and thought about just getting in my car and never returning home, i thought about taking a student loan out without them knowing, i've thought about killing myself to avoid their dissapointment and wrath. What should i do?

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there are so many things wrong with this
>caring what your parents think
>liberal arts college
>history major
>1.6 GPA
op i
best thing imho is to try and pass this semester and just take out a loan w/o them knowing

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Just tell them all and try to do better at least, don't do something that can make u regret in the future.

Thanks man, yeah im a bit of a fuck up. My faculty advisor asked if i was mentally handicapped when she saw my grades, maybe there is. Its DEFCON 1 right now for me, im fucked either way. I just really don't want to dissapoint my parents. They hate the fact i smoke so failing uni would be the cherry on top

>What should i do?
Have you considered getting your shit together? Like study and learn what your teachers are sharing with you? They aren't trying to make you fail. That's all on you.On the other hand McDonalds need people to make the french fries.

Yeah i considered all that. I did my work, i just rarely went to class and attendance tanked my grades hard. If i don't go back to college its either blue collar work or the navy for me. Im just worried and needed to say that shit on some platform. Im fairly sure I'll be coming back next year, but still the miniscule threat that i won't scares the shit out of me.

>i just rarely went to class
Oh, so you think when you get to the Real Life portion of the shit show you call your story, an employer will be OK with you occasionally showing up? Unless you figure out how to be self employed (and you'll still have customers to serve) and can choose your hours, you still have to put in time being productive. Or get back in that basement where you seem to belong.

Do yourself a huge favor and consider leaving school for now. Either live with your parents if they don't mind or rent a place with a few friends if that's an option. If your friends are students see if you can rent a room in off campus housing with them while you just work and take a few years to sort things out. When you're 23-25 you can always go back to college if that's what you want to do, or if you get into a good job you can just stick with that. There's no sense in wasting precious time, money, and oportunity half assing your schooling to appease your parents. They won't be thrilled but they'll understand to some extent. If not then tough shit for them. Just find a job that doesn't suck too much and chill with that for a few years. Nobody should really make huge financial decisions like college until they're 25-30 anyways.

Not gonna lie, as brutally honest as you're being this is exactly what i needed to hear. Thanks man, i've never really been talked down to like this about my life, your brutal words of wisdom will help. Im just forming contingency plans in my head if SHTF with mom and dad.

After HS I took my meager savings, bought a car, and moved out of state from my parents. I didn't want to go to uni. Got a job, apartment, life. Married & 4 kids over the years. I got into construction where my desire to do math and art came together. Kids are grown and independent now. On good terms with the exwife. Enjoying my semi-retirement. Life's good.

DO NOT take out a loan just to slip your lie past your parents.
First you need to figure out why you are failing college. I would suggest sitting down and writing about it. Answering questions like why did you choose to study history, how you imagine your ideal future, are you too retarded for college or just unmotivated etc.
And if you cannot pass your semester then just come clean to your parents. Studying history will not get you are failing college.
And again: DO NOT TAKE OUT A LOAN. You will be in debt, learning a skill that will not pay the debt.

user, I was you. First semester did OK, 2nd semester I did basically fuck-all. 5 classes, got 1 D and failed the rest. That's a 0.2 GPA for the term.

Right before the term ended, I had a flash of clarity and realized I was the world's biggest fuckup. Went to my advisor and said I'm completely lost. I didn't try any made-up story, just said I could not make myself go to class and don't know why it happened, but I desperately wanted to stay in school.

They sent me over to an admissions person who interviewed me pretty intensely. They agreed I could come back but I had to check in with the admissions person every 2 weeks to show assignments and talk about how things were going.

Yeah, it sucked to tell my parents I got booted out of the honors program but I was still in school and I got my shit together real fast. After that it was easy. Just decided to do the work and go to class. Whenever I was tempted to blow off class I just remembered that sick feeling I had right before the end of the 2nd term.

Worth a try. You'll look a lot better if you reach out now before the term ends than if you wait for the letter telling you you're on academic probation.

Sorry to be the one to redpill you like this but a BA in history is a complete fucking waste of your time and money unless someone else is footing the bill entirely. While it may seem distant and amorphous now, the debt you're incurring will put you at a serious disadvantage when you should be just setting out in the world. And for what? Your time would be much better spent just working and providing for yourself and then maybe if you find a degree program that is actually relevant to any career (e.g. nursing school, IT certifications, trade/vocational training, etc).

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What would you do with a history degree, other than teaching? Maybe the military is a better career option.

Also, you're an adult now. Your fucking things up for yourself is your issue now, not your parents. Stop caring what they'll think.

>be me
>blow off all hard classes until senior year
>senior year change major, take all the easy classes first
>put off hard classes until fifth year
>fifth year now off campus, play vidya until late, skip all morning classes
>don't go to a single class for 2 of them
>figure I can just read the book a week before midterms
>put off until night before midterms
>can't possibly learn everything in 1 night
>fail tests
>kicked out ("take a year off please")
>find job anyway
>start business just like that job
>sell it for millions
>retire at age 39

You can do it too.

History because i love history. I want to go SWO in the navy after college, then teach HS history after 20 or so years in the navy. It probably isn't a very attainable life, but i want to try my hardest.

stop getting shit grades
>history major
LOL it wont matter anyway since its a useless major that has no jobs.

doesnt seem you are trying your hardest user

Holy fuck, thats insane. Thank you for the advice!

>getting in a car and never returning home
Seeing as you cannot function in the most basic level alone if you do "runaway from home" like a privileged stepchild I can guarantee you will be forced into prostitution within a year and unable to comprehend how these fine fellows could possibly have it out for you.

>buy a bullet
>rent a gun

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Thats my whole problem, im terrified to talk to people about my problems because im a self concious asshole who wants to do literally anything he can to look modestly presentable. Im gonna try your strategy and talk to my advisor tomorrow, thank you!

I wasn't trying my hardest at school, but i am trying my hardest at looking like i tried my hardest

This whole thread needs to man the fuck up.... holy shit!

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Oh i know i do, im an eagle scout but that doesn't count for shit when you shittily justify every bad decision you make in your head, im trying to save myself as best i can, maybe its too late for that.

Only students who care about history are college students, and you'll need a PhD to teach that. You'll need to really step up your game if you want to get into a PhD program.

Otherwise teaching middle school or high school history is probably your best bet. You only need a masters' in education for that, so you'll need a better GPA for that too.

Bro.. your raised a faggot..

Heres the situation
>be me, 19
>eagle scout, great grades in high school, promising future
>do okay first semester of college
>go to classes, turn in work
>winter break and second semester hits
>stop going to classes, gf breaks up with me, dog dies at home, grandmother on deathbed, sob story sob story
>final two days of semester
>im panicking
>go to Yea Forums for advice
>find exactly what i need, then some
>contemplate my awful decisions while taking a shit in dormatory bathroom

I really was. I got whatever i wanted. Computer to vidya, car, money, whatever i wanted. Now im in the real world and drowning and i only have myself to blame

It's just one bad semester due to some shit. You can get back on track and take an extra semester to graduate if you need it. A lot of people go through that.

I was in a similar situation. I was failing college, my parents didnt know, and i was steadily sinking into debt with several years of college and an unsustainable lifestyle ahead of me. So, out of the blue, I quit school, and joined the Navy. I’m a nuke, so my life sucks, but my options when I get out are endless, and I now get paid very well and have been debt free for years. And school is still an option when I get out.

I was just honest with my parents about the whole thing, became very successful in the navy and they ended up being as proud as parents can get. If school doesnt work out, it’s not over.
