Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?

Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?

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because the movie was a sack of shit. It doesnt matter if it was a man or woman. The movie was shit. And even though its shit shes treating it like its a huge political statement that women can get lead roles. You are a fucking retard. Use google and not just get all of your info off of Yea Forums

wow dude chill

YLYL thread?
I lost ;(

She is a Mary Sue. If your success comes from your vagina rather than your skills, your power is undeserved.

>Asks question
>Gets answer
>WoW dUDe ChIlL

Disney and marvel is the best team ever. Im glad they are giving women a voice and triggering all the soy boys that women are greater than men.

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im not op

Lmao I agree, the entire men cast of characters need protecting from thanos. It was the women showing their strength. Remember that they all showed up shielded spiderman?

but still, calm ur tits, wow

Get off this site you damn fucking NNNNIGGER

theres a difference between women power and wamen power s cringy asf

Trips demand an answer.

Same reason women constantly feel the need to prove how manly they are.

She is a fragile snowflake as this interview shows.

I don't get why people are saying she "1v1'd" Thanos in the movie. Practically all the Avengers slapped him around before it.

Shit if anyone could have 1v1'd Thanos it was Scarlet Witch and she's the worst developed character (j/k Drax doesn't get love).

>A man won woman of the year.
>A man also crushed 4 women’s powerlifting world records last week in a women’s’ competition.
>Men are winning national womens’ track meets.
Men are better at being women than women.


boys get mad when a strong woman appears because it makes them insecure in their inherent weakness which is why they're watching fucking superhero movies lol

they're looking for a strong male role model and they get a FEMALE (EWWW!) instead fucking lol

you're only mad at this if you're an incel

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> Capt Marvel: a notoriously powerful super hero in the comics gets her own movie.

>Incels: Get mad that a notoriously powerful super hero in the comics gets her own movie where she's super powerful.

The only difference between women and niggers is nobody enjoys being fucked by niggers.

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And lets shoehorn that fuckin scene in.

I can't wait for Endgame to come out on DVD so someone can edit that shitty scene out on the torrent. Maybe slap in one of the deleted scenes.

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Nobody is mad. It's just a complete fantasy and women are feeding off of the false empowerment. It's like watching Batman and saying "Oh, this is what men should aspire to - Running around a major metropolitan city in your underwear and punching clowns". We like batman because he's nuts and a badass. But we're not getting some sense of empowerment from it.

They're like the niggers with Black Panther, where the only way there can be a semi-functional African Nation is in a complete and utter fantasy. The only way women can be empowered is by pretending they're good at fighting and science, despite spending all their days reading celebrity gossip and watching endless fashion tutorials.

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a movie character is supposed to be an accurate representation of real life women? try again, most women I know ball their heads off when things dont go their way. exhibit A is the night Donald Trump beat the pantsuit off Hildo. She was so upset she couldnt even face the people who came to support her. and every woman in the Javits center was weeping uncontrollably

im only mad at this because of your cleverly baited reddit faggot spacing

hurrr reddut spessing. I'm not him but seriously thats such a faggot 12 year old phonefag attempt to derail shit. Stop being such screechy preteen faggot.

That's my favoritest movie ever. 90million dollar failure because muh vagina

how could a movie with so many talented women bomb so hard?

Because men are a bunch of scared betas nowadays

see: (also, she)

idk i've spoken with several angry manlet incels screeching about how women can't be strong or powerful or something lmao it's pathetic


because she's a self-absorbed bimbo that thinks she's hot shit but isn't worth a nigger's tooth

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Because why the fuck did she not just snap the gauntlet when she spent 2 minutes flying it over to Tony. The Hulk survived using it and just got a little burned, and while not as strong as him, she is at least far closer than a normal human would be. She would have lived if she did it

I am personally not mad or insecure of strong successful and independent women but the harsh reality is that a strong successful and independent woman is fucking hard to come by. I also haven't seen Captain Marvel but she seemed out of place in Endgame, that fucking bit at the start when Thorman catches his hammer close to her face and says, "I like this one." was awkward and cringe. capshit movies are usually not that good anyway

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Because she's not strong nor independent, she has a contract with Disney. She belongs to a corporation. Mostly we hate lying hypocrites. She succeeded at sucking enough dick to get that contract. She's a b grade actress in an a grade money movie. Not even her costars liked her because she's an unlikable cunt with no real aspirations other than being a cunt. She did that character a great injustice.


>women can be strong

Show me a boxer who can defeat a male in their weight class. Show me a Woman in Tech that excels at their job, and uses their twitter account to talk about Technology vs. Women In Tech and social issues. Show me the leading WNBA team in a game against against the lowest ranked Mens NBA team.

All this girl power bullshit is exactly that - bullshit. You can be good at your job. Some of you can even be great. But you'll never collectively be better than men. When you go to college, do you go into STEM? No, you go into the humanities. Womens (wymons, or however you're spelling it now) Studies. Gender studies. Oh so many psychology degrees. Endless horseshit post-modern academia titles coming from the endless horseshit you spew at one another.

Again, women are like niggers. Some don't fit the mold - some are truly exceptional. But collectively they largely all make a strong case for the stereotypes you portray. Looks obsessed. Wanting power but unwilling to work for it. Show me a woman who grew up working on cars every free moment they had because they loved machines. Show me a female hacker that didn't get into it because she had a boyfriend that was in the scene and she got a lot of attention from everyone because girls were uncommon. Women are vain and petty and narcissistic. Open your phone. Tell us how many pictures of yourself you have on it? More than 10? More than 30? Be honest.

Women simply cannot adequately compete against men. And that's why you will always and forever be reaching for breaking that glass ceiling. Not from male oppression, but from your collective never ending laundry list of character flaws.

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Bait thread with god tier answers. The new Yea Forums.

>being this upset at strong women

you really need to get laid to ease your women hatred lmfao fucking incels i swear to god

kristen wiig and Kate McKinnon are ok, the other two are annoying as a plague

AOC is a talking dog. Honestly, any time a woman accomplishes ANYTHING, it's celebrated like it's a retard at the special olympics. A woman who happens to be an astronaut? Nope, FEMALE ASTRONAUT, a role model to little girls everywhere. Because it's so rare that they actually accomplish anything, that they're essentially a talking dog. You think they celebrated her predecessor to such an extent? Nope. But because she's a woman, she's exceptional. Because most women can't achieve. And again, not because they're oppressed, or we're making them dress up like women in A Handmaidens Tale (holy fuck that fucking lunacy they've glommed onto) It's because they're so collectively unexceptional in their lives that the most pedestrian of accomplishments is cause for a celebration.

red pilled!


>uses their twitter account to talk about Technology

Wow what an achievement that would be.

Marvel makes shit for liberal snowflakes. Ripley was a lot more badass and women weren't offended at everything back then. Fucking entiteled millenial shits

Fucking this

that isn't a rebuttal. so i'm guessing everything i said is correct.

Name calling and social ostracism may be effective ways of women attacking one another, but it's not effective to men, especially when they don't give a shit about you, and see you as you truly are, a few hours of distraction when we get to fuck you. And you'll piss and moan and whine about how incel and never fuck you and blah blah but you will. And you do. Because you're starved for attention. It's like food water and air to you. And if you don't get it you get all mopey and crawl into sweatpants and dirty tshirts and find your way tot he bottom of pint after pint of ben and jerrys while binge watching some sex and the city like show for 3 days.

Men have the power because you give it to us, and no other reason than that.

"Snowflake" has to be the least convincing attempt at an insult this whole century.

>i'm guessing everything i said is correct.

this is the mark of a retard and i hope you realize it lmfao

all you did was go on a long tirade about how you hate women and niggers and you think you're right? well, afterall, look where you're posting - of course you think you're right.

>here in your echo chamber hugbox you can't be wrong
>my fucking sides

I disagree. it certainly triggers lefties enough that they try to steal it and use it on their superiors

she needed a butt double holy shit lol

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>this is the mark of a retard and i hope you realize it lmfao

Well lets treat it like a woman and hold a "i'm a special girl!" parade for my pedestrian accomplishment.

I didn't say anything about hating women and niggers. I said you're essentially the same. For a sex that dominates the teaching industry none of you are particularly any good at reading.

And you still haven't rebutted any of what I said. There's a reason the girls in Debate Club tend to be timekeepers and note takers, and not the ones at the podiums.

Even men can booty better than women.

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Modern feminists are totally overreacting and the movie was bad.


She is not strong. She is a weak crybaby moron.

If they are strong successful and independent women why would they care what we think

Pushing a false narrative like this about women is never healthy for a society, it creates mental illness, suicide and school shooters.



"woman hater"

Clap harder, Tink is Dying!

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>Show me a Woman in Tech that excels at their job

Never heard of Margaret Hamilton, have you?

Because you're projecting your liberal feelings on everyone again.

Also nice trips.

Valid responses to this weak bait of a thread.

Based and redpilled.

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We're not. We're mad that the movie was stupid and a political movie trying to push the femenist agenda. Did you know that captain marvel was originally a guy? Not that that matters that much; but also she's a mary sue, has no flaws. Characters need to have flaws so by the end of the movie, they overcome their flaws which makes a movie good. But eitherwise it'll make another bland and boring movie. They can't give captain marvel flaws because people will afraid of being called sexist, it's a stupid political movie.

Sure have. Iconic pioneer. Famous photo of her at nasa. Except it's her with code she contributed to.They try to make it out as if she was the sole author of that pile. Again, she stood out not because she was doing anything innovative or exceptional over her coworkers. It's that she was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with her male coworkers. She was exceptional by being adequate.

Again, she was a Talking Dog.

Plus, it was 50+ years ago.

>knowing stuff about ancient tech before 1980
>and excelling at it
>easy mode

Yeah got any other answers?

I would tell women to get back to the kitchen, but they're not even good at that anymore.

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could do, but I'd prefer to know where you'll shift the goalposts to before wasting any more of my time

It a comparison that those kids were brought up thinking they were unique and special. Learn to internet

Fun fact: His name isn't Shazam. It's Captain Marvel. They had to shoehorn a woman into a prominent role.

Other fun fact: The Captain Marvel Comic by marvel failed multiple times, like nearly all of donald trumps previous business ventures as they like to point out. So Captain Marvel is the Donald Trump of women. Stupid, and only popular because of populist nonsense.

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That's alot to make from a movie that a cat is the lead.all women are whores and have not standing in todays society.brie is a trio of holes that need filling.ill call her captain just to poke her cervix.im an adult

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Tell me about it. First time I saw my ex "tap" a knife because she saw it on Masterchef and thought it looked cool and skilled, she got a ban from ever using any of my kitchen equipment.

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That's a gross generalization. Not all women are whores.

Many of them are very fat and/or ugly, and would not make any money selling their disgusting bodies for sex.

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Men are so triggerred that women can actually do men things now. Hey we also invented science and stole your STEM from you. Lmao

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>Also I'm pretty sure the's beea stealing shit from us

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I must admit I got a bit triggered by this post, but I'll maintain my cool knowing that you're just baiting.

Yea Forums isn’t a person it’s a website, only people are capable of emotions like hate.

They're good at finding the one woman who contributed to a group of largely men that accomplished something because it makes for good PR and a Photo Op to make it seem like they produced all that data by their lonesome.

50+ years between these two women, with a minor speckling of them inbetween. And thousands of men who individually did far more than both of them combined who didn't need to grandstand, seem exceptional, and quietly contributed without expectation of that level of recognition.

The talking dogs need to have their narcissism sated.

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seriously. what the fuck was he expecting?


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you're speculating user, it's pathetic

really? what, they wrote the code on their own? Those are likley terrabyte drives. She didn't produce that on her own. And look at the pictures of the team. There's what...4 or 5 women on that team, and she's the only female lead?

But yeah, it was all her. Because Girl Power beats Common Sense. "Your logic fails where my feelings begin."

It has nothing to do with the women and everything to do with trash movies/storytelling

Star Wars, some Mary Sue nobody masters the force in 2 days.

Ghostbusters, the remake nobody asked for

Captain marvel, trash beginning to end with a mediocre chick as eye candy.

Women finally getting recognized for their opinion and represented. I for one will continue to vote for them in office as a california citizen and a patriot. They are fighting for immigration and better health care laws, not to mention more affordable food and housing for ppl of color.

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it's forced
just like your thread


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assuming you arent a troll, people like you will be the death of this country as it drowns in an unending sea of brownies.

>watching kids movies as an adult

it's PoC you bigoted shitlord. To call them People Of Color is like the nazis who call black people Coloreds.

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Women are like children. They like to feel “strong”. To be honest, they are great as Mother’s and are best as housewives. It’s the greatest job to have raising children and take care of a home.

well, they seem to be making billions each, so I guess we're all in the same pathetic boat.

Except for you. With..i'm guessing endless Merchant-Ivory films and War Documentaries?

Tell us about how you don't own a tv too.

now you're using strawmen. also pathetic. why are you so buttblasted about this?

because the WWE doesn't exist

i miss the days of good girl-power movies like A League of Their Own, these days the political agenda detracts from the message.

This, all of this

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I didn't mean whore like money for sex it was more of a generic three holed cum sump.

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This thread is about a cunt that can't start her own shit. She has to barg in on someone else's shit. If a bitch had a brain she would start her own shit.

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your implication is that she did it on her own. She came up with the initial algorithm, with her team at MIT. Not on her own. With her team. She just lead it. It's like a CEO taking credit for the hard work of everyone else.

Look at Andrea Ghez. She was one of the three people who intially discovered supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies at UCLA.. It was 2 men, but she did the lions share of the work. She came up with the theory. And she didn't throw herself up on the stage. She didn't get lifted up by Social Media, even years later, as a pioneer. No, she presented the discoveries, did some speaking engagements, and didn't become a SJW darling off the accomplishments of others. She did the hard work and moved on.

She is genuinely talented, smart and capable. She didn't need a bunch of "U go Girl!" bullshit to make her seem exceptional. She did it with her capabilities. Not her teams.

Every thread is a troll thread and every response is a troll, lurk moar newfag.

>WoW dUDe ChIlL
facebook posting on Yea Forums... pls go back

Four holes. True pussy connoisseurs know about the secret fourth hole.

Depends on the script really, yeah? And this script sucked

its actually true STEM is just throwing jobs at women and they just run away like its a man who doesn't want to deal wit her gaining weight after marriage

>bomb so hard
dude.. lol

>implying I'm implying
I never said that. stuff your straw man elsewhere feggit

because she's quite dull

>I'm n-not mad
>wall of text
k den

>It's just a complete fantasy
yes, and Thor can't actually summon lightning because he's not real.. thank you Cpt. Obvious


>Why is b
"b" should be "Yea Forums", not just the letter.
>mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women
"insecure of" should be "insecure about"

Please make these corrections and resubmit for full credit.

bite my butt bitch boy

I'm not mad because women aren't independent or strong. By far the weakest gender, have been controlled and dominated by men since creation, and are more dependent on men than they admit and they don't admit it because they're lying whores. Anyone who believes women are strong and independent have been brainwashed. Stop believing everything you see on a screen.

because it would kill her ass
>The Hulk survived using it and just got a little burned
he has severe resistance to gamma rays and still got fried, he was literally the one besides Thanos who could wield it and not become a crispy corpse.

It’s not. Just don’t try and shove “progressive” agendas down people’s throats because it will be obvious and there will be backlash. Let things happen naturally because people’s attitudes change over time and even more so over generations. I don’t believe myself to be better than a woman in any way based purely on gender. Women should have strong role models too but need to accept that they are weak. I’d probably win a fight with most women.

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Nobody cares about Captain Feminism tho

We had this huge hiring surge for women to promote "diversity" at work. Our group (6 guys) got 3 new women in the group in about 2 months. None of us got to interview them, it was done entirely by HR and management. So when they arrived we gave them the same workload we got when we started. Suddenly risk reports started being 2 days behind despite being automatically generated after a manual script run. We had to explain everything 5 or 6 times, and eventually we just ended up doing it ourselves. They all got really involved in LGBT stuff that the UX and Business Intel guys were part of (Fundraisers and Awareness etc) and began taking off early to go help with that neverending whirlpool of activism time wasting. We tried to initially invite them to the thirsty thursdays for the team building after hours stuff. 2 went once, then stopped going. Every time we would walk by them their faces were always in their phones, texting/IMing. On the plus side, we didn't really end up falling behind because it was the same load as before, but eventually they started to complain that they didn't get assignments. So they got some back and again, productivity began to take a hit. We got sick of it and started pulling their usage activities for their PC's. Lots of youtube. Lots of instagram. Lots of facebook. Virtually no traffic to internal servers. Virtually no work. We showed it to the boss and asked him to address it. He looked at us and said "there's nothing i can do. We have to make this work or HR is all over me." And of course, it's all women in HR.

So eventually 2 of them ended up quitting, one about 8 months in and another a year and change later. The 3rd one, Samantha, ended up dating one of the Sr. Managers and is now on his team. So we're a happy family again.

But it's good to see Samantha got to put that MRS Degree of hers to good use.

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a lot of text means anger?

you smirked whilst writing that, I know. But inside, you cried. You miss your mother, I know that too.

God bless you user.

>that isn't a rebuttal. so i'm guessing everything i said is correct.
weird logic

yeap. And women for the most part can't even do pedestrian accomplishments.

ghostbusters you dilldoe

Nice b8 but the honest answer is that most of b are super insecure manlets

>show me a woman who excels at their job
>how bout this one?
lol k

Well, given there's no evidence to the contrary..

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>I would tell women to get back to the kitchen
implying you know any

and then i provided another woman that actually did excel at her job that didn't get the SJW accolades, maybe because she wasn't as photogenic as your much lauded hero. One who wasn't a grandstander that stood on the shoulders of her team to reach an undeserved spotlight.

I'm guessing you haven't heard of her. Maybe if she was prettier. You gals really flock around the pretty ones, don't you. Fuck the big ol dykey looking ones, right?

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Yall just made yall cant handle womyn in the spotlight so yall gotta jeopardize the entire movie yelling your toxic masculinity rhetoric

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>Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?

We're not. We love them, date them, marry them, and have kids with them.

What we hate is having social justice bullshit crammed down our throats 24/7.

>She just lead it
she lead the team, okay.

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Leaders tend to do the least.

you aren't married

I stand corrected, pls torpedo my ass with your meathammer user-kun senpai.


Didn’t rogue steal captain marvels powers in the comics? Is that the next fem led movie?

>strong successful and independent

You mean co opting male success?

Because that's what captain america is. A successful male character created by successful male cartoonists for an enthusiastic male audience co opted into a flash in the pan feminist sideshow that will continue the legacy of feminist failure.

depends on context, kind sir.

neither can you kæk

Yet another woman who has to take something that isnt hers to pass herself off as better.


lol cope

that's a man, baby.

>no evidence to the contrary
.. is not the same as proof, you turbo twit. I can assert something, and have some tard laugh and call me an idiot, but that doesn't mean I'm right.

Captain marvel is a tranny. cis women, BTFO

How many times have we heard "We should make X hero a female" or "They should make X character gay". They don't set up their own characters, because there's nothing compelling about the characters, and they're created to fulfill a diversity quota. They have a lezzie woman batman show now, but they had to put it in what was initially a pretty good group of DC character shows that slowly devolved into a neverending soap opera, making everyone a fag or bi in later storylines. Like in The Flash, I realized the whole thing was geared towards women and progressives when one episode was just them going to couples counselling. It's around that time I stopped watching the shows.

Now we have lezzie batman, a character who's barely able to stand on her own in comics and the only way it'll succeed is if they start with the soap opera bullshit out of the gate.

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You're missing The Bachelorette.

>Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?
Impotent rage I believe.

The Russian chick and valkyrie are among the best characters, shes just annoying dude.

Happily married with 4 kids, user.

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>black valkyrie

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>Women in IT

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In my experience, Officers are always that retarded.

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... and apparently they both hold adjustable temperature soldering irons by the heating element.

Incel as fuck

Because their existence disproves their beliefs about women, tradition, and culture in general - they're forced to recognize that they are sexist monsters or instead lash out in anger and denial. Don't believe me? Just see how many monsters lash out against this post.

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Disagree with you politically? Nazi.

Disagree about the burden of proof? Rape Enabler.

Disagree about women power nonsense? Incel.

If anyone gave a shit about what women said, or if they were capable in any way, we'd be in real trouble.

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Because the movie sucks and Brie Larson is a raging pile of shit.

So, someone just vaguely accuses some other mystery person in the thread of being an incel, and you fly into an autistic rant about nazis and rapists.

Seek help, friendo.

>Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?

because they want strong successful men.

but strong successful men want arm candy, and we wish strong successful women wanted normal dudes like us. it's a vicious circle.

I will say, she did look kinda hot in that cap/NIN shirt/etc. But really that's her only redeeming factor. She's a hole to fill.

>The Bachelorette
the fookin wot m8

>why does no one like stupid cow that uses identity politics to protect herself from criticism and gatekeeps by race and gender
>why does no one like banal movie starring said stupid cow
>why does cinema industry try to force people to watch stupid cow movie by limiting screenings of everything else

I like how any reply over 3 words is an autistic rant to progressives.

Sometimes "U Mad Bro?" isn't really a sufficient answer. Sometimes you have to use bigboy words to make your point.

who's the helmnigger?

Please. Yea Forums is mad and insecure about basically everything.

>Capt Marvel: a notoriously powerful super hero in the comics gets her own movie
>captain marvel

reee, the post.

i dunno, it's some reality show that you broads never stop crowing about.

Well, not .00000000000023% of women who actually contribute something. Just the rest of you.celebrity obsessed retards.

I would love for there to be a good Phoenix movie but so far they all suck just like this movie......I'd take a Scarlet Witch movie as well, its not about it being a women its about Brie Larson's Captain Plank just being a shit/over hyped movie/character.

Because they rewrote the characters sex for feminists.

>no one likes Capt Marvel


>you broads

The character really had nothing going on before she was female. Who even knows what mar-vell looks like?

>it's this chick show that chicks really dig
>somehow I know about it and you don't
>but it's t-totally you who is a woman kek!
k den

>developing strong opinions based on reality TV
inb4 you assure me that it's genuinely real

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It's probably impossible to have a good phoenix movie. Even if one did happen at this point, it would be marred by the, not one, but two abortions that took place before it.

And I refer you to point three.
Kill yourself.

>two abortions that took place before it
fill me in, what were they?

Women are just no damn good. Honestly, if they were, they'd be a lot further along than they are. They're physically weak, they have a fucking party over even the most minor accomplishment, they have to hold protests to not be raped. Despite being strong and powerful, they can't seem to get ahead without sucking harvey weinsteins jew cock. Whining and hashtag protests aren't accomplishments.

Who cares about point 3? It made a billion dollars.

I never read that far
>dey try n force me to watch da mobie mayne!
no srsl u kys kæk

Dark phoenix is crapping up theaters right now, and X3.

*about to

kinda hard to miss i since it's the #1 trending item on twitter.

and a quick glance isn't showing an over abundance of men talking about it and the ones that do are basically women with the little rainbow icons..

you sound really unhappy, bro. Sucks yo be you.

I know about Dark Phoenix, but what were the other ones before that?

I'm not on twitter.

Not as unhappy as you were when your dad fucked you.

#daddyissues, amirite?

and i'm sure you don't even own a tv and you shun vinyl records and listen to them on wax engraved disks on a gramaphone, the way music was meant to be heard.

Thanos would've make her deepthroat his cock if they were fighting alone

joke's on you, my dad is a great lover.

The most retarded comeback i ever heard

no, I have a TV and I watch shit on it from time to time. I even have a facebook account and motherfucking smartphone, but I never felt the need to get me a twitter.. holy shit, I must be a fucking fedora wearing caveman hurrrrr.




okay retard

as retarded as the mongoloid incest baby that got fucked into you by your dad?

what is the statistic, one in 4 girls are sexually assaulted by the time they're 20? That's not the statistics of a strong group of people. They sound weak and pathetic and incapable of protecting themselves. Like this specimen here. The only scenario in which she isn't being filled with sandnigger semen is the same fantasy world in which women smart and powerful, like the 2016 ghostbusters and Captain SmileMore. Speaking of 2016, despite being a rhodes scholar, secretary of state, a senator, etc., a woman couldn't beat a tubby retard from queens. That's not indicative of a strong or capable group of people.

Attached: rape_frenchjournalist.webm (448x336, 1.3M)

You must be, yes.

>be me
>live in cave
>ooga booga bix nood all day errday
>tips fedora
seems legit

I like how even at the very end of the movie she lets her emotions get the better of her just like actual women. They put on a feminist front but they actually portrayed her as a woman with fictional super powers


u mad

woah, slow down with the wall of text spergy. Don't have a fucking conniption.

because they take the place of a strong successful man

had to look that up.. nice word, great name for an artsy hipster post-punk rock band.

Tony Tic Toc & The Conniptions.

arhmagard so manly

>thread has 200+ replies
i hate retards

Attached: 144p.jpg (600x600, 18K)

the question of why Yea Forums is so mad and insecure is a rather good question

holy shit your gay ass triggers easily

c'est la mode and shit

lack of being held and loved I guess, like this weirdo:

mad sad user up and deleted all his posts.. wow, the feels.

because for the most part, Yea Forums is full of beta so called males and they are afraid of their own shadows, faggot pussy ass wipes, oh and trips recognized

go away I want to be alone in this thread

can't stand to hear the truth, you must be a liberal

n-no I love The God Emperor Trump! pls stay and tell me you love me.

b is mad because they are always mad... about anything and everything.

Cpt. Marvel is a superman-class character, so anyone bothered by her power level is due to pure ignorance or simple misogyny.

My problem with her isn't her gender or powers... it's how blandly Brie Larson is playing her. The first time I gave a shit about her as a person was when she showed some actual emotion over Fury being listed as missing.

Attached: Bait.png (625x626, 66K)

By your reasoning every thread is bait and nobody should every reply, sounds fun.

Attached: BDF1AD5E-2EB9-412A-8762-D8057240BB80.jpg (490x427, 72K)

I concur except
>My problem with her isn't her gender or powers... it's how blandly Brie Larson is playing her
I liked her playing, she's cold but has a dead pan humour to her.

Lol, ikr

Attached: BaitTrash.png (680x528, 117K)

well yeah it's bait. and you replied to it. How does that feel?

Spot on

Because they don't exist. This social structure upon which they claim dominance, is still upheld by masculine violence.

You'll know it when that is no longer the case ;)

>TFW: someone makes a billion dollars and you feel the need to talk about how you don't like it

tl;dr but yeah you're right

"Why is b mad and insecure of strong successful and independent women?"

they aren't
no one ever is lol

>no one ever is
clearly you're innocent to the tard yard known as /pol/

Manlet soy drinker detected

Because even though men make up more than half the population, 80 percent of all high paying jobs are filled by women and schools are designed to be better for girls And are more likely to accept them

point in case

>80 percent of all high paying jobs are filled by women and schools are designed to be better for girls

She was better when she was black

Ruin? It’s still breaking box office records lmaooo I remember when it came out and all the guys started their “boycott CM by supporting Alita instead” and it failed completely

Why would captain marvel be your choice to represent?
It's a fictional character not a real person lol

this statement is true

I don't actually care about strong successful and independent women. That movie was still boring.
The Tomb raider movies are better and video game movies always shit BUT at least it's not boring as hell and the main character is actually not a fucking emotionless brick wall. That's just an appropriate example of how to tell you to go fuck yourself.

woah.. powerful

I love strong, successful, and independent women. It's my fetish.

But Brie Larson is not a good actor and Captain Marvel is not a good movie either. That's just how it is.

Brie acute but can hardly act beyond tough epic woman

scarlet witch and captain marvel are the only ones who could actually do shit to thanos. Scarlet almost killed him and has a decent character and is not bitchy. captain marvel held thanos back for five seconds and got infinity punched back to the kitchen and she is bitchy

If any of these women shaped the future I think we would be screwed. Especially AOC. Remeber the shit house that was the green new deal

She might not ruin it but a large amount of audiences hate her. The fans rotten tomatoes score for Captain Marvel the movie was 56 percent and endgame got an 89 percent approval by fans.

>Tum/b/lr in full swing

Go away Tumblr

Yea Forums is mad at anything and everything. the autistic rage is overflowing.

calm down dude