When will silicon valley collapse and a second civil war happen?

When will silicon valley collapse and a second civil war happen?

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lel never fag

"fag", thats the definition of the liberals. So in other words you are the faggot? Just asking ;))
Anyway to answer OPs question, when the US economy fails completely and the country is in complete ruins. You dont think thats possible, but it allways is.
Even the greatest civilizations has to fall eventually, It will be a sight least to say.

won't happen

liberals make pretty much everything
conservatives just keep it functioning optimally

if you get a whole bunch of soyboy liberals together you get some shithole like norway

if you get a whole bunch of cuck conservatives together you get some theocratic shithole like saudi arabia

having one without the other creates no checks an balances and liberals pretty much create everything that actually makes society good, they are the creative ones, however without the conservatives it would quickly all fall apart and the liberals would self destruct

going to war though would be a fucking joke, the liberals would be the only ones that could figure out how to make the nukes, shit wouldn't even be fair

all the conservatives have right now is crying about how all the liberal owned social media companies are censoring them and muh freedom of speech, then turn around and want some cake maker to not bake cakes for fags if they don't want to

well facebook doesn't want to provide service for conservative fags either, can't have it both ways hypocrites, and instead of making your own shit, you just cry about the shit that liberals made and REEEE about how there will be a war if they don't use their own shit like how you want it

>implying the well paid Nuclear engineers that would be making Nukes aren't conservatives.

>m-muh tree of liberty
the only thing that's going to collapse is your pancreas, amerishart.

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Hopefully soon. That would the start of the communist revolution that would set the world free. The fire rises.

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Every post I've read in this thread is some edgy bs or whiney cuckservative excuse for their ideology when what you hate is success and little else in reality. You hate watching others succeed while you just suck. It's amazing how easy it is to manipulate someone that is driven by ill willed passion. You should read about Pol Pot.

Youre a fucking retard in thinking everyone who hates success is automatically a conservative and that either party has a fair ideology. Youre part of the reason this country is so fucked up right now because of your biased stereotyping and bigotry. Youre on Yea Forums, people troll to get snowflakes like you to lose their shit newfag..

2021 is the next civil war, we wont survive this next election as a nation, while being this heavily subverted and divided.

>Tech oligarchies
>Facebook and twitter

You have just as much a chance of getting hit by a meteor when you leave your house as any of that shit happening.Stop living in paranoid fear user.

Lol. What a complete fucking dumbass. Is that pornography available on the sites he's referring to? I'm pretty those get deleted too. You can quote crime and race statistics on countless websites including this one.

U r rarted

Most engineers I know are conservative leaning or libertarian. You have to be extremely logical and not overly prone to emotional outbursts to function in these fields.

Can we move it to 12 years from now so we can at least live until AOCs prediction when the world is going to blow up because of global warming?

Even the fall of Rome took generations to happen, dipshit.

It's a gradual thing so if it is happening you are seeing it right now... But you will most likely not see the end result in your lifetime

This is the first time in history that currencies and economies are so intimately interlinked. What will trigger the downfall is when N Korea collapses. China will invade. We go to war with China to try and unify Korea. All hell breaks loose.

It's usually if not always war that drives the final nail into an empires end and we kind of live in a post war civilisation.. the world has changed immensely over the last 70 years, the same rules don't really apply anymore.

Please understand that the very essence of communism is not being free.

China will anticipate the backlash, the reason we don't have intergovernmental wars anymore is because of the intimately interlinked economies you're talking about.. it's economically unfeasible to have any large scale conflict... They won't do anything that will provoke the UN or NATO.

>post war
>america is currently in it's longest ever war
>war with china is more of less guaranteed at some point

lel triggered so easily
poltards are literally worse than any tumblr shit or other similar shit right now, get it together moron

Of course they will because they will not tolerate a unified korea and the US on it's borders. Also it has a defensive pact with N Korea so it's obligated. It will be the world's first majority-drone war. They haven't been vastly increasing defense spending and spying on the entire world for nothing.

I'm pretty sure it is impossible to prevent kids finding porn at this point.

Armed conflicts and deaths are the lowest they have been in the entire human history combined.
This "war" the us is in isn't intergovernmental, nor is it anywhere near the scale of violence as wwII, Korea, Vietnam and so on.

They're supporting a nation and fighting mad farmers basically.

Post war isn't my words. We are largely considered passed war because of globalisation and just how impossible large scale war is now because of the economy.

that was yesterday

>war is impossible because the 1% is doing great

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norway's been top of the heap for decades.

only prob now MIGHT be the immigrants they let in from the 3rd & 4th worlds.

but if Nway elects a populist/nationalist govt, they could purge the immigrants

I think he meant sweden.

but in karl marx's scenario, commy-ism is the last necessary step b4

anarchy : no govt; so ppl r much freer

Kids have been finding or making porn since before anyone living today was born.

define porn: porn = sex. so?

same time ever revolution does, when there is a higher chance of you dying doing nothing than there is you going out and fighting.

but the the medical industry runs off them killing you slowly so most people are ok with the time they give you.

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That's... Not at all how it works.. this is a gross misinterpretation of the amazing phenomenon that is happening now.

yes, sweden would make sense bc they havn a HELL of a time w/ the mass of 3rd & 4th world immigrants they let in.

they live on welfare and go out wilding all the time &

the moslems wage jihad on their swedish benefactors...

Why does this "war" have to be technological in nature? The ramifications of this are much more likely psychological, in which case, the school shootings and general violence would be the "enemy" and we're in it.

Too much politics here.
Is very off- putting.

We will never war with China. Strategically, it might be terse diplomacy, but not warfare in any sense you think of the term.

America (US) is collapsing. You are correct. It's mostly economics.


America hasn't had the employment potential since WW2 so they need to actually supplement employment with military, but that doesn't mean they'll start a fight they may lose.
China, France, and everyone with Nukes exclusively are on this list.

I'll agree that war looks pretty damn improbable if only because it's not really worth it anymore to any but the most insignificant of groups. My only worry is that this is the exact same feeling that people had on the eve of WWI.

No. thats obvious, dishonest propaganda :

"bigger chance of dying by stayin home doin nothn, vs goin out & fighting? "



No. theyr not even monopolies;

but FB has proven to be a dishonest, abusive corp.


oligarchy is a type of govt : rule by some powerful groups like army, intel, corps, politicians...

war is a bad word for what's going to happen.

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no. the nk econ is far too small for that;

and it doesnt trade w/ many nations.

The US put sanctions on em, and just seized /stopped an nk ship tryin to evade sanctions

War never changes. Why they start changes, but at the end of the day it's just carnage until a balance is found and a winner is crowned.

but there are delusional maniacs like hitler today.

his Thousand Year Reich mania drove him to try a 2 front war vs the vastly superior combo of the Ussr & the west,

so germany was soon reduced to rubble

hitler didn't start the war

>crime and race stats

Attached: Crime-statistics-by-race-in-America.png (1024x746, 111K)

not post war :

we'r in ww4 [ ww3 was the cold war ] :

your not counting the jihad:

we could say the modern jihad started in afgan, or w/ 911,

its ww4

>Forcible rape
As opposed to... gentle rape?

no war w/ china :

US & China are economically codependent :

US buys $billions of chinas exports;

China buys $billion of US treasuries, etc, and the proceeds finance the functioning of the US govt

china also has its military industrial complex and they profiteer vastly from an arms race, & military build ups, etc.

a unified korea would be vastly more profitable than this divided korea.

the Final Dark Age is also happning now
Mankind will self extinct w/in 500 yrs;

consider climate disruption & the return of the plagues : eg, ebola & xxdr TB

"too much politics here"


George Orwell, " Every breath you take is political."

and now thats literally tru w/ pollution.


Learn politics -- your life depends on it


Knowledge is powr


nuke war, guerrilla war, industrialized war: carpet bombing, poison gas, germ warfare...
