Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Attached: Game-of-Thrones-Theme-Song-10.jpg (1920x1080, 536K)

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Why are you such a fucking faggot? You wouldnt have GoT if not for liberals in the first place. They wrote the books/show

idk for the lulz probably

The writers had no idea what they were doing when they were making the final seasons. The past game of thrones seasons were based on the books

Besides the fact that you are WRONG, I must ask if you need a safe space?

What kind of soyboy, beta, numale bitch watches Game of Thrones?

How did they ruin Game of Thrones? Hardly anything they do in GoT is considered liberal.

I really really liked the 5th episode.

Attached: 1475090313150.jpg (259x193, 14K)

>Hardly anything they do in GoT is considered liberal
You're joking right?

Nords shown as primitive even tho they are superior in real life.