How is this a thing that people are not outraged over? he went full pedo here and no one seem to give a shit...

how is this a thing that people are not outraged over? he went full pedo here and no one seem to give a shit. his movie sucked too so its not like he is popular.

Attached: wtf.gif (400x225, 1.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow what the fuck.

Yea sure, no wonder everyone thinks americans are retarded.

Attached: confused.jpg (1500x1000, 331K)

Youre a joke.

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

someone should shop in Joe Biden for the lulz

You're jealous

pedo defending another pedo that makes shitty movies.

That’s his daughter

Ya, if you are American you can get away with being a pedo if you are rich and famous. that shit just gets swept under the rug. but a average joe? knock on the door just from looking at kids in bikinis on google/youtube.

Youre a joke

Where do you think you are?

Attached: sin-city-yellow.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

groping his daughters flat chest makes it better because its his daughter?

oh good, no father has ever molestered their child in all of human history, everything is fine now

being a joke>being a pedo.

oh look! yet another fat incel crying about pedos.

Yea trump did this with his daughter who cares

He's too retarded for anyone to think he was up to anything.

Nigga, did it ever cross your mind that there may be many more people wanting to destroy the reputation of random celebreties for personal reasons then actual pedophile / rapist celebreties?
It's getting ridiculous how many people get accused.

This was already proven fake retard

I wouldn’t call it groping. You don’t know his family dynamic, all he’s doing is rubbing her, I don’t think that he doing it In An inappropriate way.


It really looks bad she seems to react when her dad fingers squeezes the nipple and he even look stressed when she starts moving back suddenly

even if you are a pedo you should be crying that this guy is getting away with his pedo ways in plain view of the public while you have to hide behind 20 VPNs + tor for your pedo habits tbh.

whats the video this gif is from

I also rub my dick and then, it vomit white stuf

nope, try again faggot

dont u find it odd tho that they get accused for everything in the book except for being a pedo? usually its the "he hugged me therefore he raped me" accusations that get the most spotlight and unironically has the highest chance of getting someone prosecuted. just look at what happened to vic mignonia.

because he´s not white

so what ur saying his he is trying to get her chest to also vomit white stuff?

if you watch the whole video you will see that hes not stressed. Hes crying because this was the first time in a long time he was back in his home town in Hawaii. This was durring the release for Aquaman in hawaii

He went back to his hometown in Hawaii they did a tribute to him he gets emotional he doesnt cop a feel on his kid intentionally that's it

fake crying to get away with groping daughters boobs, and you actually believe this kek. maybe thats why he got away with it, people like you are too retarded for the truth.

>h-he didnt do it on purpose! e-everyone accidentally tries to grab their daughters tits when crying!

Because it's hard to stage something like that. For instance Michael Jackson posed an easy target for a pedophile claim. Possible the parents of whatever bastards he had arround his place blackmailed him and finally accused him of pedophilia when he didn't want to pay up anymore. Same with ... uhh that black R n B singer. The parents chose to leave their children at a strangers home - why you might ask? Because they planned to sue him from the start and it was his fault not to smell their intentions. I would assume it's the same here. Spacey and that director were probably really a bit rapey because of many sources agreeing on similar scenarios.

Looks easily like it could be innocent tbh.
He's emotional, fidgety, etc. Hes not retarded, he knows there's paparazzi around and cameras, not to mention the scores of people immediately around him who might see it..

No dude mike literally raped boys. Two of then didnt even speak up until it was too late to sue.

lol he was crying before that dude.

i too am upset about little girls preferring to have sex with older guys while no one will ever want to touch my little pee-pee

the fuck...

link to video??

I dont even know who that is.

the problem with MJ is that he openly admitted to not only letting kids sleep in the same room as him, but sleep in the same bed as him. and he claimed that he never touched them inappropriately, only "tickled" playfully.

nothing ever came of it tho except accusations. the guy is dead and none of these now FULLY GROWN ADULTS have come forward to speak their mind. and thats because money is no longer to be gained.

Who is the fat mong in the gif?

He sued the journalist that posted this and won, every single eye witness nearby said the daugher was reacting to something someone said nearby.

Guy was lost in thought, ppl do stupid shit I've seen parents do this but with their son. Stop being paranoid about something that isn't what it seems

its aquaman.

Kids can be manipulated super easily. You can literally make them believe in santa claus for gods sake. My money is on greedy parents wanting to get some millions of mjs money. (Because - it's really not stealing if he's dead, or something like that.)

Mike is no way innocent but those guys were full of shit so was that movie

lol, not a singe tear from his eye, he is just sniffing. you are fucking retarded.

Link to story?

MJ was mentally fucked up but i don't think he was a pedo. He was just stupid, girly and possibly asexual.

the mental gymnastics to avoid going to jail for being a pedo and the retards that believe it lol. no one said anything nearby to her and he wasnt fucking crying.'

yep no tears your right just a full grown man groping his daughter in public for the first time ever. (cause if it was a common occurance she wouldnt have reacted like that anyway) Makes total sense that all this would happen in public. Btw do you have another insult besides retarted?

>fake news

proof he is guilty of being a trump supporter and pedo

You obviously dont have kids, you just see kids sexually because you're a closet pedo.

Also if he was a pedo, why the fuck would he do it infont of an audience and many many many news photographers. You have absolutely no fucking logic.

Well when you lead a 1billion$ franchise someone's gonna make sure you keep making the dough, dosen't change that he was about to rape is daughter in the ass if she didin't jump away suddenly calling out for the cops

Jason is literally retarded tho. have you seen his acting?

because he can get away with it. kinda like he is getting away with it now.

Again nothing but calling people retarted. you're just proving my point.

When i cry i usually wipe the tears from my eyes, not grope daughters boobs.

Im not the guy you were responding too. All im saying is that jason actually is retarded. look him up retard, he has autism unironically.

When its an emotional time I usual comfort my children. Which is what he is doing. man is it summer already? I gotta get out of here.

Have you seen is acting tho, Jason is literally retarded?

Autism does not equal retard. You do know that right?

>he was about to rape his daughter in the ass
sure, in a room full of people, with him being the center of attention, makes sense

You are a retard if you think that. retard

what a werid smear thread. Why target jason mamoa? Who the fuck would organise this?

Both of their reactions make that seem unlikely.

nah not in a room full of people. but you seen the looks on their faces in that video? something goes on behind closed doors for sure. man she looked mad after she stopped his groping. that was the look of "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?! NOT HERE!!"

lol yep you got me. Years of research and discovery were all wrong. Because a 14 year old trump humping Incel on Yea Forums said Retard and Autistic are the same thing means its 100 percent true.


Someone who won in a roll thread of whoever gets trips gets to decide who's gonna be accused of rape.

Takes in average 200 man to hold down Momoa when he rape his daughters no probleme for him have you seen is axe throwing technik? deadly .

He isn't too bad

I want to understand, how this video is edited or fake in any way? seems pretty real to me

>the same actor was founded because in a 2011 interview he said that the best thing about working at Game Of Thrones was "raping beautiful women without repercussions" #ok.

And you think he isnt retarded? for real?

All I see are seething incels jealous of how mamoa gets literally every woman wet. Also he DOES have ASD hes low on the spectrum, I think he was stimming when he was rubbing his daughter, because he was stressed. Shes obviously never had that done before because she didnt like it.

Dude that looks about exactly how I reacted when my mom kissed my face in public when I was 6. Children find parents unbelievably awkward and embarrassing.

very obviously a tongue in cheek comment, to make it less awkward that his character is an actual rapist.

I didn't say he wasn't a sociopath. I said he wasn't retarted… yall need to get your facts straight and learn somthing

This, the only people seeing this as sexual are closet pedos like OP

thats because it IS real. the full video was posted. guy wasnt crying and no side pedo was ASMRing in her ear or some other mental gymnastic BS to prove that video isnt what it looks like

Hawt O:-)

Attached: 1549317421503.gif (500x281, 429K)

This is normal and absolutely not sexual in any way

Trips of truth

kissing someone on cheek =/= grabbing non developed boobs.

when was this?


So is this a ...thedonald psyOP? I honestly dont get why you would do so late.

His had is on her stomach learn anatomy you fucking imbecile stop shilling for some shitty cause on reddit.

Video editing has gotten pretty good in the last couple of years. It doesn't even need a professional studio to edit a snipped like that.
Take for instance this video if you're interested in the subject:
Long story short a german comedian altered a video of a greek politician and caused a shitstorm and specialists couldn't tell. The edit was so good that there were no obvious signs of editing.
The age of video proof is ending.

Attached: giphy.gif (295x201, 931K)

he's republican, its ok for them to fuck their kids.

i didnt know the stomack was located in the chest my boi.

You have very very much forgotten what kids are like.. Everything is gross weird and in appropriate when it comes to interactions with their parents.

Dudes focused on the tribute, he's emotional, arbitrarily touching his daughter, a rub that's way more likely more of a fidget than perversion, and she, beijg a 7 year old "EWWW DAAAD!!!"

You're like the neighbours of my friend who got the visit from cps because he showed them a photo album where there was a photo of him blowing rasberries on his infant daughters bare chest. Yeah, honey, let's develop and frame the evidence and show the neighbours that time I totally intentionally sexualized my daughter.

Fucking witch Hunt with you people these days.

regardless of any kind of edit down, an original should exist from where the edit came from.

Use your fucking eyes. her tits are on either side of his hand he rubbing her sternum in a stimming motion, because a fucking crowd of people are going nuts over him being there.

Next thing Jason knew, he was on a chartered flight to Singapore, on the move for underage poon.

ill take that into consideration next time i want to accidentally grope my future daughters chest.

Look at his face it's like he knew he got caught

He had his chance and he took it. Nothing wrong there

the "eww dad" is very appropriate in this context tho because he is actually groping nips.

lol. this is the most retarded comment in this entire thread. even i can see that he is groping her boob.

OP you're playing this way too bluntly, its super obvious you're defaming. At least try to make counter arguments, I guess you're a brainlet level drone.

You've said you can 100s of times OP.

Bad troll. 1/10 for getting me to respond i guess.

cringe level reverse bait

I mean i dont really need to do anything. just watch the video.

You incels need to get a life. He poked her rib cage with his finger tips and that shit hurts - that was her reaction. To put any other motivation into this gif is more a reflection of your gutter thoughts and how you sexualize a 6-7 year old than any thing to do with normal human parent behavior.

lol, that vid looks EXTREMLY bad on him tho. Same guy who said the forced rape without any consequence was the best thing about GoT.

Watch full vid. She seems perfectly fine before and even after it.
Y'know if this is innocent the girls stand to face a fuck tonne of trauma with you damn oversensitive faggots allegations?

I'm sure you'd love it if you were there age and all the kids teased you for being molested by your dad especially when it isn't true.

so you mean i can get away with rubbing a kids chest by simply saying "i accidentally poked her ribs and that shit hurts"?

you pedos are good i must admit

No dont post that, now my somehow trump related smear campaign of jason mamoa is ruined.

its very easy for a hardcore fan to fake a video that makes it look like the real groping video never happened.

You mean uncut the video you posted? The same one the journalist lost a lawsuit over for cutting it to change the narrative? Kek You got BTFO OP

thats the same fucking video of him groping you retard lol. whats the difference? that she looks happier to be groped? rofl.

the video is the same you fucking idiot lol

>lol rofl

Go back to plebbit you fucking bottomfeeding scumbag. I can literally hear you seething.

It changes because now instead of looking like she's pulling away out of fear now it looks like shes just talking to her dad.
The journalist lost specifically because that's exactly what he was going for.

>OP posts unaltered gif
>user posts unaltered video
>you: no that shit is fake, here is the REAL unaltered video.
>posts the exact same footage OP and user posted

jesus christ dude.

But he still gropes her lol.

Op so badly wants to believe he's a pedophile, that they act like they were there That day and kkow everything aside from all the shit showing this is not the case. Op you're an idiot.

reddit doesnt get as easily triggered and baited as Yea Forums tho.

it's his daugter and she has no tits. She's basically a baby. He's just stroking her with love, probably not realizing she's a little too old for it.

yes. 1 it's flat. 2 it's his daughter. There's nothing to grope. parents rub their kids, it's human contact.


you guys are going even further beyond retarded now holy shit.

What makes you say that?

ill be sure to tell that to the judge the next time i grope a lil girls chest.

The full video doesnt look rapey at all, otherwise you would have just posted that, instead of a gif cut to the exact right time to make his reaction look different.

stop samefagging as well you absolute loser OP

1) you have no idea what same fagging is

This whole antishill thing aint going to well buddy. You gunna give up in a sec?

No one is samefaggint. Video was already posted here. You are claiming that video is fake and also claim to have the "real" original video, when infact they are the same thing. the gif in OP is simply a gif made from that original video. i think you need to back off from the interwebs and kys my boi.

Now THIS is samefagging. Pure facts in this very thread are given to your retardation and you are defending yourself of those factual claims by pretending to be someone else. Absolute madness. Absolute delusion.

Thats the fucking point you mongrel. The gif is cut at the exact right point to make it look rapey. The whole video its entirely fine. Its what they do for reality tv shows. How are you this dense? Also I dont think YOU know what samefagging is cause im talking about you pretending to be other people.

kek, why not go the whole hog and say weak and predictable you pathetic shilldrone

in the full video he was groping for longer LOL are you serious? Look at how hard are you back peddling right now YIKES!


Attached: 1519850371340.jpg (1124x1024, 183K)

Can you stop being retarded? regardless of the reaction he is getting a pretty big handful of flat tits in that video. in the full video she just takes longer to react, probably because she thinks he will stop on his own which he never does.

The most obvious issue with this incident: why would he even tried to 'grope' his daughter literally in front of 100+ cameras? The dude is not a genuis, but you will have to be a retard to cop a feel with photo and video evidence. Most reasonable explanation is that he had his arms around her for so long that he thought he was patting or grabbing her shoulder/upper arm.

Theres no point, OP has some retarded agenda set by his little gang.

>gets caught in spewing BS
>gets called out for said BS
>argues in favor of his retarded BS
>lost argument and cant counter argue any longer.
>posts picture of a cat and a random green text of user saying "LOL".



Are you talking about yourself in 3rd person or samefagging again budddy?

>the same actor was founded because in a 2011 interview he said that the best thing about working at Game Of Thrones was "raping beautiful women without repercussions" #ok.

hopefully you understand now.

there's nothing wrong with that, she should enjoy it

jesus christ is this raypists new target? Op your psychotic

>actually thinks everyone who disagreed with him is a same fag.

Wow dude, how delusional are you. All 3 media pieces that were posted in this thread are exactly the same you fucking clown. no one has to same fag and defend that level of retardation.

according to the "real original video" she does enjoy it. LOOOOOOOOOOL!

Thought it was wierd when i first saw it. I always reserve judgement. Maybe hes just so tall he didnt realize and thought he was rubbing shoulder. The contexts and editing matter too. Shoop?
But yeah it looks fucked for sure.

Yeah, I got the ol' shoop sense on this

Is the gif in reverse? Looks off or something

feel free to prove you werent pretending to be multiple people there you doughnut

there is no video editing. some retard tried to claim it was fake by posting the exact same video that was already posted earlier.

>its fake so let me prove its fake by posting the exact same video.

man what a clown, i sure did laugh alot tho.

if i do will you kys live on twitch? need a answer asap.

It's what school education is for, whitey can't have his preteen but browny can have yours

no one claimed it was fake, they claimed it was a snippet of a longer video cut to look bad. Which it objectively is. Nice obfuscation.


>who is Jimmy Savile?

He's not an American. He's a Hawaiian.

It's his daughter dumbass.

Saville was a literal pedo god. At his peak he was basically on the level of goverment. He had keys to hospitals to rape mentally ill kids whenever he wanted and everyone just turned a blind eye because they feared for their jobs/saftey.

The article litterally tites itself as "jason victim of fake groping video" and it claims the video is fake.

You people cant be this stupid right?

Dammit, Ronan... And I thought Rodney was bad with kids.

Aaand now hes arguing semantics. Kek BTFO

OP is a pedo faggot.

now i know you are samefagging because you are the only retard on all of Yea Forums that says "BTFO". grow up and drop your balls kid.

I'll stop saying it when you stop saying lol, rofl and LOL

You fucking loser.

Just say weak and predictable alreadyyyyy

You're fucking awful at this, at no point, not even at the beginning did you seem legit. I would be massively disappointed if I tasked you with doing this and saw the results. Absolutely pathetic 1/10

>13 year old mad because his favorite actor is a retarded pedo and gets caught for being a pure retard after posting exact same video to defend him.

Listen kid, im not the retard here.

you're a pedo joke

Didnt we just have that whole documentary

Polynesian you stupid fuck Hawaii is a state

yeah, and start saying "kek" and "lul" instead.

Razor yourself idiot. ill even mail ya my titanium craftman branded blade to get the job done.

step daughter doesnt make it any less creepy you life reject faggot all satanic hollywood degenerates rape their children look at jack blacks sons eyes the smaller one and tell me that kid wasnt sexually abused go fuck yourself i hope someone kills you painfully

I'd rather say kek than sound like a 45 year old on facebook.

Your smear campaign is pretty deflated now. Are you giving up lil boyy?

no way, is this not a psyop? Are you just one of those youtubers that makes videos about hollywood being the occult?

as with all pedo threads this all devolves into pedos defending targeted pedo and everyone else presenting logic and reason to the pedos.

now that we are near the end of this retard cycle, lets end on tradition and transform thread into loli thread shall we?

Attached: 081c19ae4c399a8861f450d25b997e08.jpg (800x894, 604K)

lol. You really do sound like a minor.


cutting your losses OP?

just look at his eyes faggot and take your misdirections and shove them up your hairy shitter

Your time is up no more of this shit you people will be flogged in the streets

Alright americuck. pipe down

Attached: 1557328206781.jpg (418x734, 40K)

I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. If he was a pedo he wouldn't be doing this with everyone there. It looks like he was just absent-mindedly touching his daughter in an area that's not sexual to her yet. If groping her was really his intent, why would he do it here, on camera, with so many around?

kek and lul got overused by retards like you. so we are back to saying lol.

please stay out of the loo so we can easily assern who the true summer fags of Yea Forums are.

truth hurts replying to me only makes more people wake up your misdirections are shit and ill be happy when society collapses and you people will be skinned alive

yeah sure.

Attached: 85cd45681e355dd92ffca76270667b3d.jpg (800x600, 211K)

he wouldnt, watch the uncut video. He won in court, proving it was defamation, no celebrity would actively take it to court if they were a pedo. OP is a delusional loser.

Attached: 1b15f118b39bbdc258fd9e62bdef54f2.jpg (900x773, 175K)


Attached: 1509455321018.gif (280x280, 396K)

Ok kid we get it. You are unironically retarded and i have absolutely zero chances of winning with logic and explaining to you how those two videos are exactly the same. you win the debate.

Attached: 0f4309780932ea90f0a01442538820e6.jpg (1615x2050, 461K)

lmao kid im old enough to be your dad faggot

people are waking up i promise your time is soon

I could understand this perspective.
I doubt he had any ill intentions.
People see what they want to see.

Lol pedo faggots got buthurt

Attached: aZlgwJkL_700w_0.jpg (500x437, 37K)

Attached: 0de8ac9700c9d7ff8940b3bcbb58f0e8.jpg (1000x1201, 755K)

lol yikes


Attached: YApgcot.jpg (896x772, 154K)

tell me about it.

Attached: 53c714fd8c97616ddd47ab0e670332ba.jpg (1024x768, 535K)

Holy shit. What the fuck? You even see him look really nervous afterwards.

Attached: 697.gif (300x234, 306K)

First thing I noticed.


actually is raypist level delusion going on here, playing both sides n shit. You nut


There are people saying it's his daughter? Is that true?

Attached: dfgsdfgsdfgdfg.png (218x279, 128K)

I think you need to get off the internet now

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-14-00-14-05.png (1080x1920, 271K)

no sim, incognito. riiiiight.

You know he's just going to accuse you of shooping it because he's a fucking retard, right?

Attached: jk56k54h.png (316x336, 221K)

Why is a literal retard going ape shit and calling everyone same fags? What happened in this thread?

Thats why i didnt even bother with taking a screen to prove he is an actual retard. There is no winning against weaponized autism like that.

Close your eyes.
Pick a random thread.
There will be a literal retard calling people samefags.
Why is this any different?

Attached: 234q2hba.png (503x538, 449K)

Even me the loli poster got called a samefag. it hurts man, it hurts :(

Attached: 1436032079834.jpg (750x1000, 174K)

Did that really take you 30 minutes to do?

Attached: loserfagloserfag.jpg (226x215, 51K)

Well ya but this guy is going real hard for some reason. He must be extra mad and just wanted to be filled in on the drama.


Attached: ENHANCE2.jpg (1289x923, 145K)

>not an American

Attached: 1526028903576.gif (360x202, 751K)



YIKES dude LOL. This type of retardation is actually comical.


Attached: wow.gif (200x235, 1.96M)

Did you take your meds this morning user? are you ok?

hahahahah I cant believe you shopped every single one, anyone can take that image that YOU posted and zoom in. Even compare it to one that isnt edited.

d-d-d-d-d-amage controlll

You were already acting like a retard, now you just went full retard. Never go full retard.

Attached: 1456326951166.jpg (576x600, 91K)

Attached: uneedhelpman.png (415x245, 10K)

explain why its been edited then? That should be a solid blue line, unless someone removed 100s of (yous) kekkkkk original here, it's slightly edited to make him look like he got busted doing something weird in the clip. it's pretty innocent looking in context.


Hey, umm, you do know that. um. like? You do know that um. You dont actually edit out the (you) from a post like that in paint right? maybe.

Literally, op is a fucking nutjob, every single one of those tagged posts had a you removed, hes been arguing with himself at points. Actual melt.

I assume you did in photoshop.

Try quoting all posts that dont have (you) in it and do your fucking retarded "enhance" trick a gain. then kys for proving TO YOURSELF that you are infact a true retard. the purist of the breed infact.

Because it's some blurry pixelated zoom you fucking maniac. The 5 doesn't have solid colors either.

Attached: cringe.gif (200x147, 276K)

Anyone can take that image you posted and zoom into the edited parts. You're a fucking moron and you got GOT

Attached: 1509914166621.png (540x641, 266K)

>doing something that simple in photoshop instead of paint.

you keep digging yourself deeper arnt ya?

Why does the blue like have a hole in it in every one? And yet if I zoom in on a screenshot of one that hasnt been edited its solid blue, constantly.

So are you genuinely going to carry on? Have you given up entirely on the pedo thing? Is this a me vs you over photoshopping stuff now? Kek BTFO YIKES

did you do this yet? its not hard kid. i just want you to look in the mirror and finally understand why you are a retard. oh who am i kidding, of course its too hard for you. You are something a bit beyond retardation at this point.

buzzword soup the post.

It was about the pedo thing - until some fucking maniac Rick Deckard wanna-be starting zooming in on pixelated nonsense like a dumbass. After that everyone started making fun of him. You still gonna' carry on?

Attached: wrongagaindummy.png (413x115, 5K)

I can zoom in on any other bunch of # replies and no fucking break in the line. The break is where you didnt drag the line back enough after removing the yous. I know computers are hard lil baby

dude, just stop. get off the internet for a couple decades.

Attached: stop this madness..png (1873x758, 99K)

Did he and his sue the guy who made this edit

hurdd durr I use one phone with wifi and incognito and one phone with data. I is smart I left incognito and lack of simcard in screenshot me smart

To anyone in serious outrage this is an edited clip. You're literally retarded

more info, the whole vid, or another source would have been helpful faggot OP

I love how he is immediately looking around all scared like "wh- what I didn't do anything"

this thread is more proof hollywood is satanic and all rape kids

to be fair, he already did something insanely retarded with the fake vs real video thing. This tho, this is retardation i didnt even think possible. He is basically the SSJ4 of retards.

yeah and he won, because the journalist was a lying deceiving piece of shit that edited stuff to change the narrative. Much like OP. kek

dude, you dont even know how icognito works? if he was using incognito the (you) would not be there at all you fucking ass clown.

Jesus christ give up you fucking psychopath. You edited a you out of 30 posts claiming they were mostly other people. You done lost

Also, it's in the middle and way to far down for nips, I'm pretty sure applying vics is more sensual then this.

Wrong again you idiot. At this point is it like... a sexual fetish? Do you get off on people making fun of you for being a dumbass or something?

Attached: dudestop.png (4012x1908, 107K)

Exactly. You get to pick and choose yous.

what does that even prove?? kek

I get off on ruining your shitty little game. The editing the yous thing was where I totally got off.

were posted basically at the same time. Do you think im a jesus level samefag that can edit post, not get fucked by capchas, and post them within less than 1 min of each other?

This thread gave me cancer

newfag alert.

and you both had screenshots with similar titles? Riiight.


Pedo alert.

both pngs as well lol fuckin moron

hahahha closet pedo OP

th.... that just proves my point even harder...

You're awful at this
I know what you're doing
Kill yourself
Everyone wants you to
Stupid fucking loser

Read the first letter of each sentence

So you're suggesting two seperate people, posted proof screenshots, with the same title structure and the same format? At the same time, coincidentally, which you then brought up as proof unprompted? Riiiiight

You are that guy that INSISTS a brick wall is made from rubber and not brick. What is your goal user? We keep presenting facts on why this brick wall is indeed made from brick and not rubber, but you keep trying to convince us otherwise and call us the idiots.

whats your endgoal user? to get us to say "yeah, that brick wall is definitely made out of rubber not brick"?

You've present 0 facts and the ones you have have been photo shopped, you pathetic mongrel. My goal was to derail your stupid smear campaign by making you look stupid and untrustworthy, mission complete.

LOVE how you're saying us now. Which is classic samefag overcompensation.

Trips telling the truth again

They got caught lying about the train incident he said it happened when it wasn't even finished getting built

hey user, just a question. you do understand what pic related means right?

Attached: poster.png (67x65, 896)

That's even worse

what kind of loser has let me google that for you bookmarked, you must be so fucking alone.

Yeah, not sure how it helps you though, considering theres 269 posts. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

ITT who's jewing who

Attached: 19.jpg (277x296, 24K)

because you are claming all 61 UNIQUE posters are against you and samefagging.

have a good day.

>Republicans get a pass
This is the exact opposite of reality you
>joe biden
>Bill Clinton
>honorable mention for coverup, Hillary
>George Takei
>Lena Dunham
>Louis CK (making a comeback after a short hiatus)
>Al Franken
I could go on but you’re too retarded to learn from new information so it would be pointless.

no, i'm claiming one of them is. Jesus Christ you're actually unhinged.

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Thats why I started this, Its such a weird smear thing to do so late, this happened months and months ago. Who is out trying to take down jason mamoa, hes not particularly left or right, hes not even fully american, I can only guess OP is a thedonald guy cause he said mamoa hated trump.

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Not talking about OP.

>randomly quoted 30+ different people in this thread.
>claimed they were all samefagging
>thanks he is a god and refused to accept that he didnt even quote the guy he was arguing with initially.
>legit has dementia.

Attached: good-day-back.jpg (300x300, 20K)

no one starts smear campaigns on Yea Forums imbecile. This site stopped being news worthy in like 2007.


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How is it smear campaign to fap to this?
>neither left nor right

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