I bought alprazolam 0.5mg’s (also know as xanax) to treat my insomnia, anxiety and RLS...

I bought alprazolam 0.5mg’s (also know as xanax) to treat my insomnia, anxiety and RLS. What are the pros and cons of this medicine? I havent taken it before so how is it?

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When it comes to this kind of meds, what other people experience is probably not very useful information. You just have to try it yourself and see how it works for you. I have taken this in the past a bit but the only thing I remember is that it made me feel a little numb.

What did make me sleep like a baby was hydroxyzine.

You just kinda stop caring about a lot of existential shit and depending on your dosage you'll get tired and really relaxed. I take Ativan (Lorazepam) for anxiety and it's like a slightly more mild Xanax

Numb sounds good, but it won’t lower my IQ or anything though right? Atleast hope not as much as weed which really fucked me up good

Bump for interest

All benzos have as a side effect long term memory issues. The problem is transint and goes away when you stop the meds but beware it sneaks up on you.

it most definitely and most likely will eventually.
while temporary concentration issues appear if only used for a short period of time(these medications aren't safe for extended use, the approved maximum is 3 months i believe), long term use can certainly lower your iq and concentration permanently

Do NOT take daily. Alprazolam takes 3-4 days to fully exit your body. Take it from someone who only took .5 two or three times a week and thought it was no big deal. Lead to the WORST fucking withdrawl of my life. I wanted to die. I am not trying to scare you, but look into the half life of this drug and what w/d from benzos is like. USE EXTREME CAUTION.

xanax will fuck you up, like all other benzos. only take it if you really have a problem. it might knock you out and make you fall asleep, but it will disrupt your sleeping patterns, you will not get any rem sleep, or the type of sleep you get at night which helps restore you basically. you will wake up feeling like shit. beware of this shit it can fuck you up if you do not use caution. don't get hooked. don't drink with it, alcohol and benzos fuck each other in a perfect 69 position.

Ativanfag here again...

Anxiety and depression in general cause memory loss and cognitive impairments. The biggest thing I'd say is to not mix it with alcohol because you lose control of what you do really quick. It's like going on autopilot in a Tesla and climbing in the backseat and just watching yourself do shit. Bad news bromigo

Stick to a bowl of indica to help you sleep. Benzos are bad news.

anxiety and depression do not cause memory loss on their own, they are symptoms not diagnosises. that means an underlying disorder has to cause all of them.

for example, autism is known to cause both severe anxiety and memory loss.

>wake up feeling like shit

I took half xanax yesterday and woke up feeling like a million bucks, even went ahead and worked out after 4 months of nothing

I've heard depending on the dose you can forget what happened after you took them. No clue if it's accurate or not.

this is 100% accurate

Happens when you mix alcohol and/or take way more than the recommended dosage

Pop 4 xans then fuck a nigga bitch, never went to school cus I was always flipping bricks.

Thanks for clearing that up.

you'll turn into a soundcloud rapper if you take too much

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Impossible to find in Springfield Mo. I’ve tried.

To me it's comparable to weed in that it will make you sleep easy and feel real relaxed and comfortable in your own skin, don't take more than you're supposed to because you will become psychotic (not can, will)
Enjoy, as you undoubtedly will you lucky fuck (that shits banned in my country along with pretty much everything else except Zoloft)

The withdrawals can be a fucker if you aren't careful. They also, as fellow anons have stated, have an effect on your memory.

Be careful with them and if you feel you're getting addicted, flush them before you end up with a withdrawal that some say is worse than coming off heroin.

anyone who says withdrawls from benzodiazapines is worse than heroin has never detoxed off heroin. period.

I would recommend diphenhydramine if you cannot sleep. I have been taking it for years, and there aren't many harmful side effects. You may run the risk of elevated liver enzymes, but if you don't drink alcohol regularly, you'll be fine.

As an ex addict of both xanax withdrawal is 10x as bad as heroin

>pros: zero inhibitions, zero anxiety, zero bad feelings
>cons: will slowly turn you into a braindead zombie
Your decision.