The bully girl

the bully girl

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Yes, you.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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i wish she was my gf


I started watching Kill la Kill recently.
Which girl do you prefer, Eric?
Lime or Lemon?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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I wanna get tied up and be her slave


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I too prefer the lime girl more, but they're both cute :3

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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the thing about nagatoro is that she’s the kind of girl who could fart on my face and it would be hot

ikr but id rather have dokuro chan gf lol she is so kawaii and familiar

I'm about to finish the anime. I'm currently at episode 20. Have you seen any nice anime recently?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Zoku Owarimonogatari was the last anime I went out of my way to watch

I never finished it.
Did you like it? Also I never asked who your favorite monogatari girl is (except Ougi).

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Senjougahara is the best girl even if I prefer Ooog

Do you have a Myanimelist account?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

i wish she was my dominant gf

do I look like a fag?

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What do you mean "no"? Do NOT trigger me.

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Also, see? We have stuff to talk about.

*sniffes her crotche*

>tripfags talking
go to discord fags

But you're too much of a bully to admit it.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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how new r u dude


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

formerly chuck norris's

more like saeed

why are you so obsessed


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Satsuki with short hair is cute.

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