I missed the news. Redpill me on ProJared

I missed the news. Redpill me on ProJared.

Attached: ProJared.png (638x353, 296K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a great guy who hasn't done anything wrong except one time he was rude to a fan and called them "annoying". That was a bit over the line if you ask me. But all in all a pretty down to earth guy. Also he raped a child.

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Dude was caught scamming people out of their passwords to their accounts on runescape and selling them to make a profit

he sent nudes to a ton of underage boys and possibly raped a small child back in 2016

I fucked him. I fucked him good.

He stole fizzy lifting drinks. He bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized.

How does his dick look like? I've seen it's gross.

Basically, he fucked a dumpster fire of a woman that wasn't his wife

Solicited nudes and lewds with underage fans on Tumblr and Snapchat, cheated on and lied to his wife, and publicly divorced said wife on Twitter shortly after blocking her causing this whole shitstorm to come crashing down upon him

Holly in chat bois

Holy shit really? He cheated on his wife, blocked her then devorced he over twitter, cheated on her for months with a cow even though his wife was stunning, sent nudes and had a blog for underage fans, caused another divorce last year, maybe has a scat eating video, and new shit is still dropping just ask for his tiny dick.

A SCAT EATING VIDEO:? That's GOT to be a rumor or it would've surfaced by now. That's like one of those Yea Forums holy grails of olde.

Waiting for nudes

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I'm not looking forward to Holly's nudes. She's fucking ugly. Heidi on the other hand, I hope Holly gets Jared's phone and does us all a service.

It's a meme that started here on Yea Forums


that's being generous. it's one dude trying to force a meme. The logposter in fact.

He's a famous YouTuber. The end.

It doesn't mean anything if your wife is stunning (and she is not), but don't put it out.
But anyway, he fucked a cow.

We can agree that Heidi>Holly


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he made people yawn by posting images like pic related

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This cuck is far from the exception. You know for a fact that everyone with more than 100,000 subscribers has done something like this. I will keep saying it all the way up to Felix: expect the worst of everyone.

9:50 shes got booty

>That creepy stare afterwards
Anyway who's going to post his dick.

That explains the mad oompa loompas

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post the vid.

Small black child

Shit's hilarious

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Why the fuck would you cheat on your wife with fucking THAT?! Moreso, how the fuck did Ross (a decently attractive guy) settle for that fucking ogre to begin with?

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ProJared enraged half the internet by hurting some cosplayer he was married to or whatever's feelings, and the other half of the internet by scoring more teen pussy than they ever will. History will vindicate him.

Attached: this one's for you, Holly.png (800x792, 187K)

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Wat would you give it out of 10

Hedi looks like a fetus with out the make up holly looks some what okay but also like shrek I sewn Holly's body she's kinda hot

>History will vindicate him.
History nothin.
He'll put out some sappy "heartfelt" apology video/tweet, say he's going to change, get ragged on for it by a bunch of whiteknights still thinking they're going to get any cosplay girl puss out of the drama, disappear for a couple more weeks, start putting up videos again and suddenly have twice the popularity even if it is mostly tumblr trolls bitching in the comments.
Did you know his two youtube channels made him more money in the last three days than they've made in the prior three months in views alone? No publicity is bad publicity.

Here is a link to the thread where the retarded faggot first discussed this smear campaign.

The images that were known to have been sent to fans were suggestive but still barely PG-13. No nudes. No genitals. No shit. Furthermore, the assertion that the fans were underage is hearsay. Nothing has been confirmed and the one who made the claim is a scorned ex-wife, who is objectively untrustworthy.

The "scat video" is a forced as fuck meme. to this point, no such thing has surfaced or been posted or even screenshot. Some retarded troll posted a staged photo of a woman facedown in a bed with a fresh roll of toilet papers sitting on the other side. The shill who posted it has claimed it was a screenshot, which was quickly disproven. They also claimed it was a still image from the same archive that hosts the video, which is also a lie (see next paragraph). No one who claims to have seen the video has been able to post any details about it-length, format, site, source, scene, etc. NOTHING.

A Mega Link containing videos of the Nickelodeon TV show “The Fairly Oddparents” has been posted claiming that it is an “encrypted” link to the scat video. When pressed, the OP claimed that the video USED to be in there with the Fairly Oddparents and/or the video is encrypted within one of the Fairly Oddparents videos. A tech-savvy user used tools to prove that the contents of the MEGA Link have not changed, been deleted from or added to in any way since last November.

The facts:
Jared cheated. People do that. It sucks, but ultimately that's their problem. They're getting divorced, which was apparently in the works already.

That's the long and short of the whole thing.

Be prepared for this lying retarded OP subhuman to post the following in reply:
“The video has been posted dozens of times.”
“I already posted it”.
“It was posted and confirmed real”

>the one who made the claim is a scorned ex-wife
Actually she never claimed it either, the only person who did was some anonymous tumblrinas looking to get some attention from the drama by adding fuel to the fire.

who's got the dick pics

>Redpill me on ProJared
Internet drama that doesn't concern you or anyone else. Stop being a sad cunt