How to not be boring? I don't do anything all day...

How to not be boring? I don't do anything all day. I don't really care about doing anything other than going to the gym and working. I was talking to my ex the other day and she was throwing mad shade saying that I was "average and boring". I make a shit ton more money than most people because I'm starting my own business. I'm a little chunky but way stronger than average and moderately muscular. I just fucking hate drinking and I don't smoke bud anymore. The only reason why what she said got under my skin is I always thought that other than a few qualities I have I'm pretty average...

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people called me boring but others said I was interesting as fuck.
those people only called me boring because what they saw as fun i didn't see as fun.

Get a hobby and stop caring what your ex says. It doesn't matter if it's cooking or something stupid. Your ex just wants to get under your skin, so don't let it. She's an ex for a reason.

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try dxm, "boring" doesn't exist.
also, if a bitch ever called me "average and boring" i'd rip out her ovaries

Go to the psychologist you motherfucking "borderlinist".

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What does that even mean?


im about to become very boring..

got weirdly drunk til i blacked out off of 6 Lagunitas (I drink waaay harder than this)

Lose my phone, stitches on my ear, hospital loses my valuable jewelry... all in one night.. within a span of 5 hours

need to reevaluate what life is

will jus keep working, investing and stacking how i been doing minus the alcohol

Nothing boring about stopping being a boring drunk.

Borderline and -ist.
He describes something like borderline personality disorder.
So it will mean somenthing like related to BPD.

I wouldn't say that's boring honestly. I don't do much more than that.

Eh psychologists are way too expensive and take too much time.

You can't rely on others to make you happy. Happiness is an inside job. Do what makes you happy, find hobbies and be more productive even if that's just cleaning. Drink less. Do everything(substances) in moderation. Your diet also contributes to your mental health so eat more fruit and vegetables. Life sucks too often, but you can control how you react to the negative. I'm sure you know right from wrong so do more right even though it's harder. It's worth it.

variations in the environment modify the behavior of organisms. Is one of the foundings of behaviorims
Modify your enviroment.
Go to the psyche.
Or fuck you in your misery.

your whole whiny shit is boring. the word "boring" means "annoying". i think i'll offer the advice that bart's substitute teacher gives when they get their teacher fired by getting her drunk, and he ends up a raging drunk himself.

"Only alcohol can make life bearable. You must drink! Always drink!"

I would rather not go to the psyche. I might just try new shit, or maybe visit home and do a bunch of drugs like I do every few months. That always seems to make things better. I'm stuck in a small oil town because I make an insane amount of money but there's no girls. So when I go back home I get laid (most of the time at least).

If make that much money just go for the fucking thorazine, to the med psyche and stop living twisting on your shit.
And try to variate what you make more frecuently, I do not know. Instead of going to the Gym go to the basketball court or the soccer one, tell your couple that her must put a short skirt and call you oni-chan, take a bat and break it in random persons because there is not a copy of NFSMW that is cheap, i do not know just do other things.

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So, if you don't use drugs, don't have mental ilness, live healthy life and have a job, means you are boring, than let it be. Only thing that metters- are you happy with yourself? If yes - fuck the haiters.

Get a new job that makes you deal with people in a different way your job has you doing now, maybe you will find that your new job can be part of your hobby as well, i know i sound vague but it can help

This is why you don’t remain friends with your “ex”, shit like this always happens. They will always try and passive aggressively put you down or find ways to throw shade.

My ex texted me a few weeks ago after a year of not speaking asking how I was and if I wanted to call her, told her I was busy and blocked the number. Women harbor a lot of resentment and sit on it waiting for the right day or situation to bring stuff up or get back at you etc. You honestly shouldn’t worry about changing your life based on what your ex said. As long as you’re happy is what matters. Why are you concerned what your ex thinks?

I'm mostly happy with myself. I think I'm just really lonely. I don't hang out with many people anymore because all of my friends are married with kids. Right now I want to focus on work and getting thinner (I'm not fat just got a little bit of a belly). Work isn't going too well, but there's always ups and downs. I might be starting a job where I'll make a killing, but the last few months have been complete ass compared to what it was last year. I've been with other girls but they just haven't been the same as her.

I think I'm just emotionally attached to her still. She was my first "true love" so I have a soft spot for her. I don't really want her back but she's still got a special spot. Being boring is one of the things that I've always been insecure about, and one of the only things that I'm really insecure about.

>As her.
I see.
then just days of misery await you.
And of sighs, lots of sighs.
Fucking feelings.

If you got all that money do something with it. Find activities you like to do. Don't matter what anyone else thinks as long as you like them.

Yeah I really wish that I could get over her. If I had a button that could just erase her I would press it, or if it would make me dislike her I would press it. I think I just need to find someone who makes me feel like she made me feel. It sucks because she was super fucking hot too.

Ah ok. I’ve been there too so I understand. Still don’t try to let stuff she says get to you so much. Ex’s do shit like this constantly.

well right now I'm running a little thin, but I think that I'll be doing some consistent work here soon and I'll be able to make 10-15k a month (15k if I work 12 hours every day). I just don't have anyone to do shit with.

Why would you want a new gf thats the same as your horrible last one?

She wasn't horrible. Far from it actually. I was able to talk to her for hours and hours every day. We were long distance for a little bit of it and our call logs and video chat logs were 8+ hours a day. I'll just say it didn't work out because of some stupid shit. If I could find someone like her again, but with just a couple little tweaks I don't think I could be happier. I'm a dumb ass and for some reason LIKE supporting my woman. It just makes me feel good. I'm not serving her hand and foot though. I just like "traditional" relationships where I have the majority of the control, but I foot the bill pretty much.

I'm boring as hell. Just go to work, play WoW and drink by myself. I couldn't be bothered doing anything with my friends now and I'm completely fine with that.

I think that the best thing you can do to forget her or at leasrt to "cover" the feeling is to look for someone that has somenthing that she had, like her hair or eyes, or shape or voice, is the closest thing that you can make to "be" with her again.
Yes i had someone too, and we speaked a lot of time in a single day, it was like looking myself in a mirror...
but she had somebody else.
That could help, or be a sadistic torture depends on how you look at it.

I'll just keep trying to find someone who does it for me like she did. One day I will, but until then I'll keep going for the ones that don't do it for me as much.

Eh I'm in the same boat as you. I only have enough personality to get a girl into bed a few times before she leaves me. So I've just knocked dating on the head, just short term stuff. Works for me.

Also fuck your Ex she knows nothing. Her loss.

Ed is it you??

Nope, my name isn't Ed.

You need a mixture of activities you can do alone or with others.
You could also just join groups and meet new people.

What a wholesome tread.
People actually 'caring' or apparenting to care for the problems of a stranger.
It gaves some hope of light.

Yeah, it makes me (OP) actually feel a lot better.


What's your name? You sound familiar

I doubt that you know me. It's Tim though.

Yeah no, your situation sounds exactly like my ex. You just reminded me of him.
Makes me realize how many other people are going through the exact same thing.

Doesn't matter how other people perceive you, its how you see yourself, if you enjoy your life what the fuck does it matter?