Who the fuck actually likes Mint Chocolate?
Who the fuck actually likes Mint Chocolate?
My gf does. And I love tiger tiger ice cream. Some people just have bad taste user
Me bitch, got a problem?
Your mom likes when I rub it on my asshole and let her lick it off.
Yeah wtf is wrong with yo brain and your taste buds?
Shit's fucked, reminds me of toothpaste when it's in ice cream.
The girl scout cookies are somewhat tolerable.
Fuck you. GOAT ice cream.
me faggot
I do. I fucking love it. I'm also a Marxist. Fight me, faggot.
All of you fuckfaces are Faggots
There's nothing wrong with me but I bet you like Neapolitan faggot
I bet you're one of those cookies and cream faggots.
Neapolitan is also for faggots
The fact that you mention it in the first place must mean you eat that shit so you're still like dick
No just Vanilla like a sane person
I thought we were going to talk shit then you Made me kek with that vanilla comment.I can't even hate now, but I love me some Mint chocolate chip
But how do you like it
I do, you fuckin' pussy.
Neapolitan is for pussies, mint chocolate chip is better beyond comprehension
And if you believe otherwise you can kill yourself
> I love me some Mint chocolate chip
Me, too! It's so fucking amazing
>how do you like it
By eating it and being pleased by its flavor
It's aite
But I like vanilla more
Menthol enhances your nicotine receptors or something which makes you more vulnerable to addiction or so they say. I guess smokers might attribute the sensation with their addiction and enjoy mint even without smoking.
>actually eating ice cream
>not eating delicious sorbet
op is always a underage faggot
its my fucking favorite.
I bet you like plain ass vanilla
I do
Everyone who has ever been happy
me fgt
fuck you
>tfw hate marxists but also fucking love it
mint chocolate chip will bring everybody together
It's fucking refreshing and delicious faggot
I like it occasionally. I remember having this mexican hot chocolate flavor once, shit was pretty good.
Second best flavor behind cookie's n' cream. Don't even give a fuck.
Why does toothpaste ruin mint for so many people? Toothpaste is often mint flavored, not the other way around.