Tell us about her user

Tell us about her user

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First one Died of cancer 10 years ago
Left me 2 kids that I did not want, was not prepared for, and were conceived under threat of withholding sex (she used sex to get what she wanted)

Second one I got engaged, she accepted my kids, etc but her ex used to drop her 4 year old daughter off at my house with vaginal infections. Ex shared the bed with daughter, downloaded porn next to bed, had porn out in open. Ex filed for custody and got it, and I had to break up with her (it got ugly because he had political friends)

Third one (second wife) accepted my kids, she had no ex, but now that I'm finally in a good place in my life we found out we're mutually infertile. She can't have kids, and is raising the ones that dead wife #1 could not raise.

She sucked me off. Afterwards we both went our separate way.

Marriage and relationships are for weak minded sheep.

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i'm fuckedup. she's marrie.d you dare me to call her? we got caught cheating. I fucked her everywhere in his house. faggot forgave her. Still have all her sex tapes and pics. She stayed with him for the kids. she still hits me up. he's a cuck. I'm a bitch though. I miss her and wish she'd be with me.

i cheated on her for 2 years straight. day in, day out. then i dumped her. then i got hooked on coke. 5 years later i cleaned myself. 3 years clean now. and this whole time i still love her.

I'm the guy in You're spineless, and that's why you can't keep the attention of a woman for more than two dates. MGTOW is your fig leaf, you suck at relationships and then claim you aren't interested in them. Go home to mommy.

She’s perfect. Charming, funny, sexy, kind, hard working. Has a good job, looks great, lives life to the fullest. But I can’t ever be with her, because she’s my sister. She lives me, and it’s great, but she can never love me the way I want. The way I love her.

She’s dead. And I’ll never get over it as long as I live.

I started fucking her when she was two. I locked her in the basement chained to a pipe. Two meals a day; no light; severe beating for making noises.
She's 16 now and gave another birth recently. Two of her kids died. Another two are still around. I'm planning to poison her cause she's getting old and proceed fucking her offspring.

She's sleeping next to me , with my son attached on one of his breasts

Relationships make no sense. Give me one logical reason for them.

Seems degenerate to fuck your kids user.

>his breasts

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i'm the bull for her husband's cuckold

First saw her at the gym two years ago. Fell in love with her eyes immediately. Too much of a coward to go say anything. Fast forward a year and a half and I find out she's into me. Thing is, I had a girlfriend then and I still do now. We've never said a word to one another, but I know she's into me and I think of her every day.

What do I do Yea Forumstards?

She's funny, cute, smart, has the most adorable giggle and mannerisms
She knows how to be there for people and just be the best person ever I honestly love her with all my heart
I talk to her as often as possible but I know she doesn't love me
She uses me to vent about her guy problems and I've admitted my feelings for her and she dismissed them I don't know what to do anymore it's just so painful

she was beautiful, smart, shy, 5'5" dark hair... and I was a retard. Kinda lost interest after that...

You need to let go, user.

She's beautiful and kind, and if I hadn't been such a lazy fuck up she might have given me a chance, but now she's somewhere else living her successful life and I'm still stuck in this nothing town with a woman I regret being with.

Think I might have found a decent one this go around, and she's black, so triggering the fuck out of /pol/ is the cherry on top

That's what people say yeah

My ex fiancee has zero coping skills and communication skills. 4.5 years of bliss until things got a little bit hard and she went fucking nuts.

Don't date a woman who doesnt know how to handle stress in a healthy way. And if your current SO doesn't argue or talk about problems, leave.
I've dealt with nearly a year of horseshit over this idiot now.

She visits me all the time. My family thinks I'm making it up but I see her staring at me almost every night through the balcony door.
Standing there still she sometimes even knocks on the glass.
I asked her to come in but she didn't respond. :/
I like her determination.

That was long ago. A far away place, a better time and when I when by a different name. I guess it was another life now that I think about it.

The kind of person I thought she was and the family she came from doesn't matter anymore, not really. We drifted then she started staying out late. It's the same old worn out story. You must have heard it before

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I can't imagine anyone more miserable and pathetic. You're what's wrong with the modern civilization.

Met her at school. She's smart and actually funny for a girl. Sarcastic as fuck. She rarely says anything in public but will talk her pretty little head off with me. She has shoulder length, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, light complexion with light freckles, braces, wears glasses that fall to the tip of her nose when she's doing school work, petite, half my age, and gave me her virginity last week and I plan on treating her well and keeping her for as long as possible. Until she decides to become a slut in her 20s. Which she doesn't have those tendencies, but you never know. Hoping she won't, though

She's not that young, maybe 40 - and i 22.
I think she just wants to be my friend.

We’ve been dating since we were both 14. 25 now. We were each other’s first date, first steady relationship, first time sexually. Had to go long-distance for college but we made it through. Now we live together and things couldn’t be better. She’s there for me when my depression reads it’s head, she’s amazingly supportive. I don’t deserve her.

I love her and she loves me. Her weird compliments my weird. She's really sweet and funny. Certified meme queen. Loves dogs as much as I do. She makes me happy.

Not user but relationships are dope as fuck. Chicks who are into you make you feel good. They are like a best friend you can fuck. You can talk about your problems, you can hang out with them, you can go on adventures and share experiences with them. Man there is so much you can do with them and it can all be very intimate, unlike just doing shit with friends. Doing shit with friends is really cool too, but sometimes having that intimacy really makes the moment. Like when your girl looks up into your eyes mirin you when you accomplish something you’re proud of. You don’t get that from a friend.

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It gives a meaningful sense of support to know someone's there for you, able to discuss in the most personal way(s) possible.

Mate, you might want to go see a psychiatrist.

I love her but she’s underage so I can’t do anything about it. We fucked once when I was drunk and I feel incredibly guilt about it.

Living the dream right there user.

I don't want to though I don't feel like this for anyone else man

She is beautiful. Long brown hair. Her eyes are amazing. She wore glasses until recently, and got contacts. The way she dresses is practical, but also really cute. She also wears pretty floral dresses. She catches my eye every day.

She's innocent and sweet. She's terribly shy but also very bubbly. She works at a daycare and the kids love her and she loves them. She says my boy is her favorite.

I love to make her laugh. I love talking to her and I do on messenger every day. She plays video games and watches anime and YouTube and I just can't even. She's fantastic and I want to get to know her more every day.

She likes me, I have been told that. I liked her ever since I first met her.

I'm afraid but I want to get closer to her if she would let me.

The most basic biological reason is to produce offspring. You literally have a genetic defect if you don't want kids or you're actually an angry incel who hates women cuz they don't pay attention to you since you're an unbearable sexist troglodyte.

I have and was diagnosed with schizofrenia. Things started really going downhill in the last few months after the symptoms first appeared.

I met her on a film set I was working on. Immediately when I saw her I thought she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. We were on two sets together and I tried to talk to her, but I didn't get very far because I always pussied out after talking a little bit.

A semester later we were on a set together. On my sound cart I had a monitor and, because she did costumes, she wanted to see what camera was seeing, so she hung out by my cart. We spend the four days of the shoot next to each other, talking and joking around, but nothing much. After that shoot, I figured I'd never see her again.

A couple shoots later, I saw her again. We were joking around a lot more. I made an actual attempt to talk to her. Eventually, because the shoot was going to have a day off, I thought I'd ask if she wanted to grab a drink after we wrapped. She said yes, so we went to a bar.

It went great. We were talking the whole time and out of no where we started making out. Like I don't know what led to it but it happened and I wasn't complaining. After that, I saw her for the next couple days of the shoot and had a great time with her.

After the shoot was over, we still hungout. Grabbing beers and stuff, eventually I went over to her place. We watched Game of Thrones and slept together. I thought I was the luckiest person ever. I'd had a crush on her for like a year after seeing her on that set one day and now I was basically dating her.

As time went on, my alcoholism became a problem. I couldn't not drink, so I was drinking way to much. She started getting tired of me. I tried stopping but it was too late. I think the nail in the casket was when I was going to go meet her and her friends uptown but got too trashed at the bar before and the bouncer wouldn't let me in.

So I ruined a potential relationship with a smart, beautiful, dream girl because I'm an alcoholic fuck. Life's great, huh

You don't need to be in a relationship or marriage to have sex. Everybody knows this but most, like yourself, ignore that fact.

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We've been dating for 7 months, Im currently on probation for having a girl lie about her age saying she was 18 but actually 15 for our whole relationship last year, I was 18 as well. I live in a conservative area, I lost all of my friends because my friends nor the cops believed I didn't know she was 15. I'm now a sex offender but my girlfriend has been so supportive of me and defends me when she hears people talk about me in a negative way (fairly small town). She's perfect for me in every way, personality wise, physically, her sense of humor is exactly the same as mine, she listens to all the music I do which is death metal all the way to weird trap music, even pornogrind. My PO told me I'm not allowed to see her till she got approved, I waited 4 months then I went and saw her. The amount of pure happiness I felt when I finally wrapped my arms around her was unimaginable and from that moment I knew she was the one I want to be with for a long time. I wish everyone finds that person for them In their lifetime, it's truly magical.

Sorry to hear that user, but just stick with treatment and you can get better.

But being in a relationship gives a much higher chance of that sex leading to living children.

What's your age gap? How old are you two?

even in prehistorical times the men sticked around to raise the children that's why I'm saying you have a genetic defect. We're programmed to produce and take care of children.

friend of my cousin
met at my birthday outing 5 years ago
cousin told me to make out with her at her birthday 2 or 3 years ago
didn't do it because i was completed wasted and had no idea what was going on
pretty sure my chance is gone once again

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Best friend for the last 28 years.
She’s older than me, but we’ll likely spend however long our lives are together until one of us dies eventually.