I am battling a porn addiction.
Pray for me Yea Forums
I am battling a porn addiction
Keep it up
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
From my experience, praying doesn't do much of anything, how would my prayers affect your attempt at changing your fapping habits?
Same here man..
How many hours a day do you spend on porn?
Also, sauce?
Cant give you an estimate, but its an unhealthy amount of time and its hurting my daily funtions
Wow need to stop cold turkey, get flip phone, smash puter and hide.
Smashed my compute. Resorted to phone. I need to take any means necessary
I hear ya.. at one point my girlfriend moving in with me helped because I had to hide it and couldn't do it anymore.
But then she eventually found out
We fought, but then she was cool with it. Even watched some vids with me.. now that she's gone, I'm wasting everyday on porn
Basically - you gotta introduce shame to it, man. Or fear of losing something if you're caught.
And judging by the picture.. you got plenty to lose if you're caught bro.