Beautiful & femenine trap/ts/shemale thread

beautiful & femenine trap/ts/shemale thread

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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

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who is?

My trap

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thats all bambi gets until bambi is uniform locked for cock

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you got any social accounts?

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damn, im in love, name?

cute as shit, name?

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>being this new
lurk moar fgt

Kalindra Chan. doesn't do much anymore, sadly

Who is this semen demon?

Femenine buttholes

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>beautiful & femenine

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toast is 11/10
would wife

who? more please

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It's myself

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you have great curves miss, and you look amazing in pink, cute ass too btw ;)

thank u, here's more :)

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10/10 ass qt

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toomuchtimetomyself twitter


its slugboy
they gone tho

I follow her on Reddit :)

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degrade and humiliate me. KIK melanoevulp

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It would be pretty awesome to have a cutie like that with a big plump cock to drain before having her return the favor in kind.

pick one

Nice any more?

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show bussy

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Amazing more please

would breed/10

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shes all bimbo-fied now, not /our/ cute lil trap anymore

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Damn. Still more

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and tainted by he who we must not name.

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that too

What's the dumbest mistake you guys have ever done?

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ever taking off my perfectly slutty bimbo uniform

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Any feet shots?

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Do you have pictures of it?


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all latin boys need estrogen

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Back when I thought I was trans

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kinda cute, please go again

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kayla is a fucking dime


Sadly I dont have any other pics from that time period. I was on alot of coke and xanax at that point in life and so I kept one picture as a reminder

any traps here have tips on having a hands-free orgasm? can always get close but never seem to get over the edge.

so youre cleaned up now?

You guys are fucking pathetic.

The alpha thing to do is to seduce flat girls that pretend to be guys and insist on being refered to he.

Its so fucking hot, they are desperate for male companionship so getting them to hang out with you is super fucking easy.

100% chance they are into working out so you invite them to the gym and do some sets.

Then you invite them over for something super manly like pizza and beers and put on a romantic comedy. They won't realize whats happening until they are riding you so hard you feel like your dick will break.

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Unfortunately, thats the only one I have of her. But here's a trans playboy model

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did you post here before? you look farmiliar

tfw you'll never take a teen femboy's virginity

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since user doesnt have moar kayla, ill share a few, but theyre older

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Any more pics?

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Fix your teeth bruh

>transgirls: ice cream with sausage
>actual girls: ice cream

ice cream?

Its literally a guy, with a guys voice, slightly pitched up, breathing his man breath at you pretending to be a girl.

It isn't food, your creepy ass attempt at making a joke about transvestites being good is sickening.

Tranny worshipers are all virgins dude. If they actually fucked a tranny they would snap and kill the tranny due to shame.

God I love Ashe, I want to pound her fat round ass

>Tranny worshipers are all virgins dude
lol no
im married with kids your age, im bored to tears with the wife, i bang traps and trans girls on the side.

This is my favorite trap. Feel free to post yours.

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this is my favorite, shes slutty af and does whatever i ask of her

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Like me?

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yes youre cute


those are nice

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Please, for the love of God keep them coming

theyre beautiful bb

bby gril

Am I making you tingle

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yes princess you make me tingle

What would you do to me ?

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how's the backside looking? lol

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Cum in my ass

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smack your cute little ass, pull your hair while i eat you out, then grab your hips and drive my thick cock deep inside you

Jared?!? Lol

im down babygirl

Or my tummy

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i think kisses on that sexy tummy, and cum in your hot ass

lol i cant tell if thats a high rating or just passing the scale of hank hill to fuckable

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Who dis?

You're making me feel naughty. I'm stroking

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for clairification, its a good high rating!!

>vertical phone screenshot
tf u doin niggie

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youre really pretty, and youre not stroking alone ;)

Hot cakes?

id love to grope your cute booty

>your creepy ass attempt at making a joke about transvestites being good is sickening
>not getting the point of the ice cream metaphor
>wanting to look like a dumbass on the internuts
Just stop

warm, soft, smells good, tastes good, goes good with sausage

Why do you like me? Make me feel good daddy.

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Delicious, sweet, tastes good, comes in all shapes and flavors and isnt in anyway supposed to have sausage

i really like your pretty smile, and your hot bod, your ass definitely got my attention!!

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if you dont like sausage, youre probably in the wrong thread boss

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Or I'm in the right thread but not lying to myself with easily refuted food metaphors. Boss.

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I think?

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U like traps daddy?

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Jesus Christ, i think you turned me gay. Sauce now.

i like girls and traps princess

You sound like such a neckbeard

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I just came all over my tummy. Wanna lick it off my abs?

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Sounds like you like guys at the end of the day

yes i do ;)

Fuck you, don't lump us in with those queers. We don't like men who dress like women.

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Would u suck on my lil cock?

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I'd bang.

I know it say beautiful and femine but it’s the best I can do

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you know i would, id get you hard and make you come again

lets see it slut

More. That's wifey material right there.

I'd feed you cum until you are full.

Sit on my face

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such a cute lil ass


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Thank you! Sauce?

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Eww fucking shave fag

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Any cute trap that wants to chat on kik hit me up at defjenkins

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no longer a trap, turned into a disgusting chub with flab tits

This thread is the stuff of nightmares.
For God's sake if you don't look sexy keep your pics for direct messaging don't traumatise the innocent.

damn mommy

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Wish I could find a trap like this irl

Who is this?

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Wow! She's perfect. I want to marry this one! Name? Any sauce?

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Billie. My trap.

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Lets see her dick?

Want it

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Post more!

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Yeah! I envy you.

does anyone remember kate?

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the cutest pussy

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ava keading (formerly matthew) is cute as fuck


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I would give you all my cum in that pretty mouth

Cute! Kik?

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fyi 90% they almost never look this passable and the ones that do are more picky than bar sluts who think they will meet a billionaire sitting a barstool, getting sauced every night, gaining weight because of the booze.

You honestly think she's passable? Lol

to a certain degree yes, show another angle. That pic works I guess.

extremely hot

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Picture limit

Someone make a new thread.

>XxX Imgboard like this one 1-st

>XxX Imgboard like this one 2-nd:

>XxX Imgboard like this one 3-d

New thread