Who got the worst ending?

Who got the worst ending?

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I know the KH vilain but can't remember his name, Xenahort or something
Who are the other 3?

Star Wars

Video games.

>implying i watched any of that shit

Attached: Harrison_Ford_2013.jpg (1122x1705, 701K)

only 1/4th of this post is Yea Forums related

Only one of these got killed by a little girl, so that one.

Night King for sure

Probably Snoke since Rian Johnson speeded up his dead (and Luke) to spit on J. J. Abrams and give him an harder time with Episode 9

Night King, no question. Thanos was great, Star Wars has been shit since Return of the Jedi, and Kingdom Hearts is garbage. I dropped GoT ages ago but even by the pitiful standards of the show, Battle of Winterfell was embarrassing.