Dick rate thread

Dick rate thread

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You need to rate in order to get rates

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Thanks for the 7.5, 9/10 for you. Absolute monster

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9/10 big balls too

8/10 looks really thick

8/10 big and veiny, really hot

10/10 massive

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Kik me if you want to rate mine


Thanks, proud of my massive balls. OP here

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You should be proud of them, that's a better picture of your dick too, I think it's a 10/10 instead of a 9 actually

Thank you kind user, yeah it’s a monster, my balls are absolutely ridiculous

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8.5/10 would slob on that knob lol

5.5/10, but I'd jerk you off.

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painful amount of samefagging in this thread

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OP samefags his own

Kik: VashSartre

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I wanna see your bare feet


samefagging, literally scoping dick threads just to bitch

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It’s nice to know that my junk causes you to put time into editing and posting the photos of it

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And this

Hey samefag projector

nasty dried up dick.

if anyone is unaware, OP is cripple. thats why hes usually lying down, he cannot stand long. also why hes a skinnyfat, he cant work out due to his disability so he has tiny manlet arms and a fat body. be kind to him, us guys are the only person to ever see his dick, no woman likes him because hes disabled.

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Haven't seen this guy in a while

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I check these threads for a dick that looks like mine. Then I send it to my GF and she'll masturbate to it lol.

Lol, dickception

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get a life fagg


Thread would’ve died if it wasn’t for you fucktwat

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>my dick.jpg

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More pls

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any assistance needed to get that big? ring? pump?

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Mmm, wanna suck that bad boy.

That looks like a fun one.


Going on three hours now

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the long list of dicks i would ride


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Wow, it looks so straight, I wanna use it, see how it feels.


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does it peel?

Please post more beautiful cocks, I need to see them all!

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Check em, thanks

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keep going

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i wanna suck yours so bad..

Damn. I just, like, need to stroke it and feel it my hands.

Thanks user

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This is so good looking I'm probably gonna masturbate to it again even when I wake up later after passing out from this high. You seriously have a very good cock.

I want to touch your tralala (your ding ding dong)

Cock rings are like pug up bras, cheater

Check em, why thank you. Love when my monster gets compliments
Thanks user

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Oh fuck I got dubs twice, I have to go to jail if it happens again.
Im sad I'll never get to experience this monster first hand, or first mouth, or anything. If you keep posting I'll be so happy.

im so horny..

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Ok user, save it and show it to your friends. Men and women

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Ya know what, I will. I got another friend who uh, appreciates, big cocks as well. Next time we're together I'll see if he wants to jack off together over pics of your Big Boy™

i wanna suck that nice uncut dick

It's depressing how few people in this thread know what angles/lighting/poses to use to make their dicks look good.

lets see yours

with timestamp for proof

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These threads always make me want to go and find a nice cock to suck on.

Since you’re gay/bi I bet you have female friends who’d love it to. Girls love hanging out with gay dudes lol. Thanks user

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I mean, we both know whatever i post you'll hate on it out of frustration. But regardless i'm confident enough in my peenor to not need to post here, i just come to find nice cocks to masturbate to but there's rarely any pics worth saving, which is sad cuz a good amount of these dicks look great. it's just the photography that needs work usually.

Right? This is why me and a couple bros just agree to play with each other sometimes, so we all have an outlet for our gay fantasies, just never talk about outside of when it happens, were all kinda bi to an extent, and it's fun sometimes to just suck a nice cock.

Oh yeah, I'll spread your pics around the circle, lol. I'm pretty sure you've gonna have a fangroup, haha.

Yea im pretty sure my friends wouldnt go for that, and i wouldnt even want them too. I could see it making thign very akward.

Nice, get back to me on results and what’s said. More interested in what women would say

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not rly if its a nice cock its a nice cock..

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Anons getting off keks

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10/10. Post more?

uncut virgin

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u made me hard...