Why is life so fucking depressing?

Why is life so fucking depressing?

>pic unrelated

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It's not, it's just yours because you sit in your own mess of a life and refuse to change something about it.

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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

What are you depressed about and what actions have you taken to remedy it?

When I was 13 my parents got into really shitty argument and my mother had taken us to live with her mother. I was forced to change the school and was sleeping for 10 months almost literally on the floor because we were too broke to own our own place. Once a week I was visiting my father on the weekends. Parents were still fighting on the phone. Once he threatened my mother to kill us and himself when he was taking us. She called the police and they arrested him. Been depressed ever since.

After a year or so they got back together and everything seemed fine until one day I came back from school to find the police search g for something in the house. They took all of the electronics. It turned out that my asshole father wanted to cheat on my mother with 14 yo girl but got catfished. He's basically a paedophile. All my friends knew about him and no one talked to me since the rest of the school (I was 17 at the time).

Now, since I managed to fight with the anxiety and depression I want to put myself into the dating again (last time I tried I was 14). But I can kind of see myself as a abuser in the relationship and don't want to ruin someone else's life like my father ruined ours

Have you been through any sort of therapy to deal with your past, as well as with the anxiety and depression?
Oh and I'm sorry you had to go through that user, shit sucks.

My therapy was mostly weed. I've never actually tried to see a therapist or even talk to anyone. So I guess you're the first ones that heard my story

because you fuck up your seratonin system by being a fucking basement dweller.

your supposed to be outside getting shit that needs doing done.

Because you’re a bitch.

You've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! You are a faggot like Bob Saget!

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because you figured out nothing worthwhile comes easy

I'd recommend that you look into finding a therapist that does cognitive behavioral therapy.
I did that combined with mindfulness meditation to do something about the anxiety and agoraphobia that was caused by my having a nervous breakdown.
I'm going to be upfront with you, engaging with these tools isn't easy and you might as well be prepared for it to take a lot of time, but if you stick with it there is a big probability of you getting better at dealing with your shit and avoiding repeating negative behavior that your childhood might have taught you.
I was into these things for well over 5 years and I still use tools connected to them, but I'm not agoraphobic anymore and I've only had one anxiety attack within the last 4 months.
They used to be daily, so I consider it a great improvement.

Because you hold on to the past.

grown man, married, job, happy relationship, pet, in therapy, on antidepressants, doing exercise, sleeping well, eating boring healthy meals, not drinking, not doing drugs, meditating, going outside, creating routines.

life is fucking boring and miserable

Satan temporarily rules the world. He suxxors bawls.
Instead, you need the joy of the Lord instead.

Just stop retard

Well, as society becomes more technologically advanced, it gradually strips people of their individuality and humanity. In the olden days, society was powered by gifted amateurs-people with no standardized training, who learned a skill from the people around them from birth. Weavers in the villages. Farmers and blacksmiths in the countryside. Knights in the castles.
However, in much the same way that a motorcycle is more efficient, but less unique, than a horse, an educated professional is more efficient, but less unique, than an amateur. As society has advanced, the amateurs have been defeated by the more or less interchangeable professionals. The weavers and craftsmen were defeated economically by the factories, with their unskilled and utterly replaceable labor forces. The knights, samurai, and tribal warriors of old, who had spent their entire lives honing their skills, were cut down by men who had been trained in an afternoon to maintain and use a rifle.
As technology has improved, humans have become unchained from the soil. We have left our ancestral homeland to live in ugly cities and bland suburbs out of economic necessity. We also have become increasingly distant from the ways of our ancestors; as religious beliefs become antiquated, we find ourselves coming to the conclusion that we are interchangeable cogs in a vast machine, which is indifferent to our suffering and our very existence. Even our very ethnic heritage is disappearing as mass migrations and miscegenation are leading to the melting of all of the Earth's diverse human racial and ethnic groups into a single one.
Society seeks to rob you of everything that makes you unique. File down all of your coarse edges. The more bland, replaceable, and interchangeable you are, the more efficient the machine runs.
You can keep slogging through the next seventy years of your life, working hard, and then be discarded when you die, or you could kill yourself right now and get it over with.

Well, as society becomes more technologically advanced, it gradually strips people of their individuality and humanity. In the olden days, society was powered by gifted amateurs-people with no standardized training, who learned a skill from the people around them from birth. Weavers in the villages. Farmers and blacksmiths in the countryside. Knights in the castles.
However, in much the same way that a motorcycle is more efficient, but less unique, than a horse, an educated professional is more efficient, but less unique, than an amateur. As society has advanced, the amateurs have been defeated by the more or less interchangeable professionals. The weavers and craftsmen were defeated economically by the factories, with their unskilled and utterly replaceable labor forces. The knights, samurai, and tribal warriors of old, who had spent their entire lives honing their skills, were cut down by men who had been trained in an afternoon to maintain and use a rifle.
As technology has improved, humans have become unchained from the soil. We have left our ancestral homeland to live in ugly cities and bland suburbs out of economic necessity. We also have become increasingly distant from the ways of our ancestors; as religious beliefs become antiquated, we find ourselves coming to the conclusion that we are interchangeable cogs in a vast machine, which is indifferent to our suffering and our very existence. Even our very ethnic heritage is disappearing as mass migrations and miscegenation are leading to the melting of all of the Earth's diverse human racial and ethnic groups into a single one.
Society seeks to rob you of everything that makes you unique. File down all of your coarse edges. The more bland, replaceable, and interchangeable you are, the more efficient the machine runs.
You can keep slogging through the next seventy years of your life, working hard, and then be discarded when you die, or you could kill yourself right now and get it over with.

Make me. I'm joyful and you're a mad dingus.

We get the joke, its not funny the tenth time fag

Cant have highs w/o lows, i suppose

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Because I can't make women want to fuck me. That really is the biggest reason. Why live?

Seems like, people are having kids just because if you don't have kids all there is to do is this for then next 50 years until you die.

like kids love to go, well travel the world go skydiving, but the reality of life is that you cant spent even 1% of your time on those activities and is it worth 99% of your life being slavery just to eat another meal again in another fancy restaurant like all the others?

Don't mind him. He's a satan-nigger.

come to butthead. let's talk about this in this thread. how to live not like a slave. what are the options really?