Show me someone prettier than this

Show me someone prettier than this.

You can't

Attached: Quebec.jpg (700x874, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Attached: aDHpjhl.jpg (618x363, 40K)

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She cute but not prettier
She aight

Uh lol
I'll post another one too

Attached: FB_IMG_1552221572799.jpg (960x960, 116K)

Literally every girl I've posted is prettier. I posted all the replies by the way.

Attached: 1515192172861-0.jpg (603x1079, 195K)

If you admit your girl is uglier than one of mine, I'll post a nude of whichever girl you choose.

damnnnn she's really cute, very close

Attached: hucuciouhb.png (564x678, 457K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1552285234780.jpg (1080x997, 107K)

Fine, bet on the pink haired chick

I was the one that posted the pink haired one and not sure there are any nudes of her everxd


Yea not my girl. Sorry.

I wanna post my crush here but I'm genuienly afraid of people tracking her down and shit and she also 16 so idfk but she be best ever

this is Yea Forums not the fucking dark web XD

It's not illegal to post a clothed picture of a girl. And if she's not naked, why would we track her down? You're a pussy.

:( she bad as fuuuck

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Do it who cares

Whos this faggot replying the same shit on every thread?

Ah ok fuk ill find a pic of her but she cuts my Balls down if she finds out
We are both from Poland
Polish girls be scary lol

Eeeeww far left

She's in her 20's, dw

Attached: 2.jpg (640x1136, 114K)

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

its a 20 year old picture, shes in her fucking 40s you faggot

what youve posted is mostly 6s

Attached: 5to10.jpg (1920x1080, 583K)

Welp i think she wins

Attached: Yesshebeauty.jpg (570x750, 105K)

>even considering implying

Attached: tumblr_mj5ql3STGp1qeiplao1_1280.jpg (533x800, 55K)


This cutie is her


Attached: IMG_0974.png (768x1024, 291K)

Nah i dont like guys jacking off to her

Then why post her here lol

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Cuz its not a fap thread?


lol u tk him 2da bar|?

My ex

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Attached: lore garcia.webm (1280x720, 674K)

damn she baddd why would you break up

Damn she’s hot

Attached: tumblr_n0essm5gER1qe9aggo1_500.jpg (480x640, 91K)

She had low self esteem, not into that

Attached: CED2A7AF-D030-486C-8010-D63C4FA0C76F.jpg (944x1259, 321K)

Attached: melissa46383.jpg (300x400, 12K)

Actually very beautiful, not bad OP
Eh, a 6-7/10
lmao 5
Pretty smile, 7/10
really not sure, either a 6 or a 9, really nice in some aspects, others just confused
To much of a Stacey, 6/10
She got bod, not face, 6/10
Going by face, 6/10.. Can't look away fromt he braces
7/10, she aight
Not sure, 6.5/10?
Eye contact and a smile adds so much, 8/10

At least one rating 'em

Ur Really underrating some of them
Wdym confused with some aspects

Attached: 1553327243332 white woman face perfect nose.jpg (990x1427, 182K)

This woman

Attached: 1553303067093 blonde perfect white woman side face philtrum.jpg (960x960, 103K)

Yea I suppose, I'm really picky when it comes to visuals.. I'm the person who's drawn in by looks and gets really into them by their personality if that makes sense?

Not exactly sure, I guess her jaw and nose are kinda throwing me off

Noone is prettier than this girl
>pic related

Attached: 942228828fa18fdf6662c6cdad57a511 yoshi rinrada face.jpg (768x960, 64K)

If her eyebrows weren't so awful and her lipstick less bright and clownish, she could be a 7. She has pretty eyes considering that she isn't wearing much makeup.

Attached: 26814791_2027116810862390_5260572309155306820_n.jpg (720x960, 81K)


Nigga she UGLY

her - the fucking nose ring

Attached: 68a9ff9258e4edac0d325d15d8cbc8e5.jpg (642x812, 60K)

i actually can.

>pic related

Attached: 58785077_384628592137100_4997789724325156339_n.jpg (1080x1350, 112K)

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lol jelly

I get the nose part but whats wrong with the jaw
And could you ellaborate why she a 7? Just curious

Attached: NenaK.jpg (818x675, 53K)

What did I won ?

Attached: FB_IMG_1502065638185.jpg (720x720, 72K)

A bit too slanted and sharp?
Not really sure how to put it, not saying she's ugly, not by a mile, just some aspects could be better

>What did I won

Aspects like?

Attached: 1432nnjkvjhvj123bjbkjdsfk123.jpg (675x844, 53K)

Nose and jaw, like I just said?

here's another one

Attached: 50237207_359653521284101_1654763057328367791_n-corrected.jpg (1080x1080, 372K)

Girl on the far right

Attached: 11228279185_0c4638c090_b.jpg (1024x557, 192K)

Oh fuck check 'em!

Attached: check 'em.gif (300x242, 1.78M)

this post

Fucking underrated.

I thought you meant the other girl lol sorry xd

Attached: no u.png (410x585, 23K)

is she off camera or something? all I see is some ugly manish looking women.

Attached: NeneYSTK.webm (960x720, 175K)

Both mom and daughter

Attached: 20190422_201954.jpg (492x492, 170K)

could we fucking not post fucking robots please? Thank you

Oh her, thought you were still talking about the pink haired one..
Can't really place it, not ugly, but there are prettier

This bitch has the perfect ass and legs. Try to top this

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I swear chicks with a little bit of freckles are my kryptonite


damn, these chicks deserve some tributing hahah

lmao no

Attached: 20190405_111616.jpg (403x454, 99K)

Yea especially that guys crush im sure he would feel cucked lmaoo

She looks 12 lmfao no

Someone wanna ratę this bitch?

Attached: (1080x1318, 291K)

post sauce

U crazy. She's the hottest chick ever

Attached: 6092409D-4887-4527-947A-4FCF3CCF64CF.jpg (763x1235, 867K)

Look man, robots are the future. Best we accept them as people now and save ourselves the war later.

Insta famous but lives up the road from me

Attached: ss (2019-05-12 at 06.07.13).jpg (478x551, 135K)


more and sauce

she's pretty great

no tits, no ass= no thanks

i know her, im telling, idk who u r tho, but i have my suspicions, even so whoever comes out to her with a crush with be higher suspect

Attached: BAB3590F-0FF1-4837-B3AB-E6F6BF14F344.jpg (931x1273, 991K)

Had us in the first half not gonna lie xd

one where she doesn't look stupid and her face is in the shot

voladump and name at least?

I stand by my word. Also, I prefer blonde hair and blue eyes.

Girl who goes to FAU with me

Attached: D250C7AC-B8CA-47EE-9069-44E4AEDAB6F9.jpg (838x1015, 217K)

Attached: 9yiuhjk.jpg (750x937, 132K)

Whatever bitch is ugly

What do u think about this thot

Attached: (1080x1361, 220K)

She's hot too

Attached: 1557473323794.jpg (750x750, 98K)


damn, wanna tribute?

Attached: IMG_8564.jpg (1080x1350, 298K)

Attached: IMG_20190512_164808.jpg (1124x1496, 192K)

Got no pics like that but she shows her ass on all her pics just like that xd

Attached: IMG_2416.jpg (960x638, 109K)

Attached: princessa.jpg (620x826, 101K)

dump all you got pls

Indeed, she is pretty. Tabernac !

Ah well she deleted some but heres what i got

Attached: (1080x1061, 243K)

Attached: (1080x1063, 663K)


Attached: (1080x1053, 346K)

pic related was on a face generator

Attached: EECBFD66-BB81-459E-82DA-93620E812D79.jpg (1024x1024, 485K)

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name for folder?


Her names Dora if you mean that

Dipshits like you, never understood it tho. Compilation of responses always cynical and negative no matter the content, worst part is there is a bigger faggot somewhere here who actually reads all of it

Look at this bitch posting pics of her extremely average self. Begging for attention.

Attached: 27576674_195815884499024_374155831177904128_n.jpg (1080x1350, 109K)

How is it cynical and negative?
Just honest lmao, why you triggered?

Attached: 1505983684206.gif (245x147, 885K)

Classic ape

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>She's the hottest chick ever

retarded or just blind?

Attached: 1555022290530.png (645x729, 219K)

Attached: 32579B16-90C0-439F-BA9C-C3680D54F917.jpg (1242x1664, 510K)

Lmfao no one that looks like that goes on Yea Forums lets be honest

ive seen her posted here in fb threads, def not her lol

She's pretty, but WTF is wrong with her nose? Looks like she's an emo cutter, but cuts her nose instead of arms/legs!

Attached: 51883732_177194599916375_7633506301638422663_n.jpg (1080x1349, 131K)

Wut her nose is perfectly fine

Attached: 92590F69-CA47-42BB-B7A8-60A0C04A57A9.jpg (516x894, 149K)

> being attracted to secondary sex characteristics and features associated with child bearing is apeish

discordapp com/invite/W3axmF

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WTF no

Attached: 29402695_1680411332042715_7605425558297509888_n.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)


Maybe someone with out the cow tongue. Oh yeah...trap


Attached: 1523852435194.jpg (1080x1080, 343K)

:D She a 10

Attached: 582412_513062472061247_307832863_n[1].jpg (714x960, 56K)

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No u

Attached: 45214521521.jpg (2000x1185, 1.4M)

Whoever posted those took a fat L

that's basically you saying "not my type of girl"
Nice try


Korean girls

Attached: B1902820-82EB-4003-9454-FC82E29E7ED8.jpg (300x300, 32K)

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Yo I've for sure seen that pic before. Sauce?

Attached: dita-von-teese.jpg (800x1200, 80K)

10/10 greene

She's 18

Attached: 40348302_1282470215229035_6522945249671643136_n.jpg (958x960, 123K)

U will probably stay forever a virgin with your unrealistic standards

Attached: 1515618242473.jpg (1080x720, 171K)

Attached: morgue.baby_43986013_999675806879535_7114841633930582939_n.jpg (1080x1080, 140K)

She's old and looks like shit without all that make-up on.

Holy fuck, who dat

Attached: 1557528856882.jpg (750x737, 151K)

I know I have mile high standards, that's why whenever I go out i put myself into a "fuck it" mindset
But I can also say people have really shitty standards, just because a girl is pretty deffo doesn't make her a 10..

Attached: tenor.gif (225x90, 93K)

Attached: 1557399330267.jpg (720x720, 50K)

would rape!

Attached: fbi.jpg (315x268, 25K)

sorry sir
wanna say would be nice to her

Attached: 050817.jpg (450x800, 128K)


Attached: 26158157_2005315169795547_8525108107980832768_n.jpg (750x562, 66K)

both beautiful whores

Attached: 6rZ8g8R.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Attached: IMG_20190512_205009_1l.jpg (800x1094, 192K)

shemale but beautiful
would bang

More I'm intrigued

She was in westwood, she played a robot. It was a joke. Haha funny, yes. Okay bye

Ever seen westworld?


Attached: TenoutofTen.jpg (750x938, 102K)

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Would sweat on her while piston pumping her cooch.fill to the brim with hot semen.happy mothers day next year's

Attached: 1557678300901m.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

If she was bent over my couch,if she had her legs wrapped around my head if she didn't have a vagina.grow up fuckface she's a goddess.would go full retard on that pussy.

Attached: 1557620250888.jpg (600x543, 67K)


Attached: 1557640913266.gif (212x327, 178K)

Yes, she does. But she's nearing 19, bona fide

Attached: 20190504_141147.jpg (1434x1434, 936K)

Midwest girl. FB friend, FB pic

Attached: 20190405_093526.jpg (720x928, 278K)

Horrible body.thinks she is she doing with her hands around her waist.would push off the balcony,for all man kind

Attached: 11144460_10206473786556146_5665597423960392809_n.jpg (720x960, 94K)

Dick them titties/10

Top pony is hot.grab that pound her throat explode on the guy looking into the camera


Attached: RAAAAL6N_EG4TSviVRH2jlCw82sWJCfqq0uN35wwslXnzyElfsG_Frp8ZEsoOzCsbmC8eDoJDVb1aMKPhdzUoTQnmNihQbzbAb0r (800x756, 121K)

Attached: 9AD853F9-85AE-4189-B468-4B42B6436A08.jpg (871x1431, 263K)

lol hot

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Who's the girl in the pic then?
I think you might be confusing her with an actress


lmao what a fucking ogre

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Roberta Paulson

I want to line all of these women up and fuck them one after the other. And then have a baby farm in my basement.

This. So many guys in the thread seem to have either too high or too low expectations. Honestly that girl is so refreshing compared to some of the other girls who are covered with makeup.

Any sauce? Can't find anything

my jennifer connelly / molly ringwald girl
they're huge and puffy af B)

Attached: ttttt.jpg (106x172, 5K)

yeah cause you can do better right?
lurk more

Attached: sp.png (904x1200, 1.29M)

More? Love her nose

Attached: 33E79A98-AF4D-4EFB-9BE3-F108D71FA294.jpg (768x1024, 69K)



who the fuck is this??
I'd facefuck her for hours then cum on her tits

kind of looks like my friends wife

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bet you feel pretty fucking stupid now

Attached: 194317_a16n1esp1.jpg (500x487, 52K)

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Most of you have terrible taste.

Attached: 12558368_1688564848066329_923435219_n.jpg (1080x1080, 267K)

>Most of you have terrible taste.
nice goat

Reminds me of a less hot Ashton Whitty


Attached: CA41650C-7F66-41C6-B9C4-281240956726.jpg (768x433, 64K)

there is nothing more beautiful than the queen

Attached: tenor.gif (480x360, 367K)

got any pics or her?

Who is this goddess?

The thing about these threads is that the women have to be beautiful enough to give you pause, but juuuust average enough to make you feel like, if the stars aligned and you hit the gym, you could have a shot. Otherwise the fantasy breaks down.

Attached: Chaney0192.jpg (1080x1341, 401K)

eh idk

If that's true, doesn't that mean that your Ego is interfereing with your appreciation for the Ideal Aesthetic?

Ain’t shit

Attached: EE48C9D4-0F01-4B5F-A376-79DAAFEF3D4E.jpg (960x960, 234K)


Ummmmm excuse me?

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You should look half as good as she does when you're her age, you anemic.

Absolute stunner.

Holy cow! Her lower lip is really swollen!
Bee sting allergy?

Attached: 1544608994010.jpg (2025x2700, 818K)

does anyone have her set?

I could see her being the cagey, shy, kind type that transforms into an absolute cyclone under the sheets. I knew a woman like that who had an exposure fetish.

I can't even imagine fucking her

Attached: 1547759476398.jpg (2000x1420, 446K)

I hope so
That's my fetish

someone tell me how this isnt the perfect woman

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