Marinefag here - 0111 Oorah!

Marinefag here - 0111 Oorah!

I have a question for all of you pussies - how come you don't enlist and serve your country?

Having a career and a cause sure beats masturbating yourself blind in your moms basement. Some of you manlets might even do well enough at PT to gain some muscle mass and lose your virgin cards.

Something to think about, you fucking faggots.

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Because I prefer to masturbate myself blind at home in my moms basement than on the base with all you jarhead faggots.

Because you’re fucking mercenaries who fight for our countries enemies and you break the oath you took every single day “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. Start a coup/revolution faggot.

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I love that you nogs demand respect for running away from life and responsibilities.

Not smart enough for anything else.

Been there done that, except I had a real MOS... 13B, got my Afghan campaign ribbon... if you're gonna be a shit talking boot at least have a real MOS

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>calling someone else a pussy

Why even join the muhreens if you're going to do a pog mos you fucking pussy.

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He's the dumbass why I never got my promotion orders on time, my leave and pass gets fucked up... a paper pusher who demands respect...

because i don't like squeezing all the semen out my ass and gargle it like marines do.

Seriously dude...the 0111 meme is getting tiresome... you're a pussy, we get it.

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And yet there will still be faggots who don't get that this is shit-tier copypasta

Im sure youd agree, LARPing is just to fun.

Only meat headed retards join any branch of the military, like yourself, because you're too stupid to do anything that would actually make any sort of difference in the world. You're just a pawn in the grand scheme of things, I hope you fucking die.

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lol u tk him 2da bar|?

Is that the branch I go into if I'm a young man in dire need of a boyfriend?

Because at this point I'm too old and it would be a major setback in my career. I didn't enlist when I was 18 because I have a real problem with arbitrary authority and wouldn't have fit in well in the military.

Shut up you fuckin pog. Get a job in the air wing. That's where the fun is. 6073 life. Rah?

>calls me a basement dweller
>boot ass pog bitch who works at a desk, never seen combat
> pretends to be a real marine who actually serves his country

The same fucking thread. Every fucking day.

I'm all set. I'm much smarter and make way more money. Keep your crayons.

The navy's recruitment methods have sunk very low.

Grew up in a military town. Respect for some military, but not for most. Vets are the worst employers. I love being a Jody, though.

top kek

3043 here. Going to okinawa in a month. What have you done admin fag.

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