Loses 2 million subs in 2 days

>loses 2 million subs in 2 days

why is no one talking about this?

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what the fuck is that

You gotta go back

because literally no one here gives a fuck about him one way or the other

what happend user explain why

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

im not going back there user

why not, there's a thread just for you fucko

instead of promoting his friends vitamins he promotes some random ones. so his friend makes a video calling him out on bullshit

Beeecause im not 12 and dont care about how many ''subs'' random people have that I've never heard of?

youtube drama is for faggots

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I really have lived too long


Kill yourself.

>>loses 2 million subs in 2 days
>why is no one talking about this?
literally everyone is

Fag who is such an absolute Chad that even straight guys fuck him.

Cash app me $breezy818 any amount is appreciated thank you .

Dude, we literally just went through this.


Fucking parasite

he promoted another companies gummies and not his friends so she got butthurt and exposed him

Fucking faggot needs to die

he doesn't deserve this

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Even fucking PewDiePie made a video on it you tard

He already served his purpose, he's just another used up slave doing the kikes dirty work. He probably tried resisting them and they took him down. Ok goy now stay quiet or we leak your dms and tapes.

Stop posting this mentally ill faggot that no one knows. Fuckin cancer niggers.

never seen/heard of this... guy?

lol, no way faggot, i dont know who that gaylord is,so you don't know the meaning of literally

you guys never sucked a dick before?

>why is no one talking about this?

go circlejerk on reddit

no one gives a fuck about some faggot jewtuber

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I meant here you autist

I didnt know about him since like yesterday and I wish it would stay like that

It’s being shoah’d on twitter too, can’t even search for ‘james charles,’ it just says “tweets aren’t loading right now”

So I think there’s something deeper they don’t want us to find out about this creature

there is no dedicated board for gossip shit so yeah it's not gonna be talked about

In High school he catfished the entire football club and collected their underaged dick pics. He also makes a habit of manipulating and forcing by public shaming straight men into sodomy. That's only what has been allowed to be revealed so far, there's definitely darker shit he's been involved in.

Submarines? How can one person have that many submarines?

useless stupid person loses useless stupid "subscribers" on a useless mostly stupid website.
why care?
even a post on 4chinz is too much.

exposed what?

>super popular make-up YouTuber
>16 M subs and lots of huge sponors along with make up line too
>does an ad for some dumb vitamin gummies
>best friend make up YouTuber who got him popular in the first place is hurt cause he promoting them and not her stuff
>few days later she drops huge expose video
>him being a manipulator, fake and preys on straight guys to go gay
>now all big influencer (Kylie Jenner, Shane Dawson, ) all unfollow
>major sponors pulling out
>lots 2 million in 3 days
That's the basic rundown

He's a 5'8 manlet FYM?

okay, so what?

Sorry to hear he did that to your father. Tell him not to be so pressured by public shame.

What the fuck is this?

Hahahahaha take that fag

there's at least one other thread about this. learn to use the catalogue you fucking newfag

it's a fancy term for famous for being famous

lol sounds like a bunch of high school shit

asshole that spams other people with useless shit and gets money for that
basically a real life sixxfag but just on youtube

Literally what?

so, if the log of shit guy moved to youtube, he would get loads of money?

log guy gets paid for spamming 4chinz
so nothing would change

Because we don't give a flying fuck about the faggot agenda

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you gave enough of a fuck to reply

zoomers have to comment on everything...

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Fixed it for you.

sounds like win then a loss


because i couldn't give a flying fuck.

The better question is why are you pushing JewTube drama on Yea Forums where no one gives a fuck?


because no one gives a fucking shit, you underage faggot

>The LGBT community is full of estrogen, gossip and petty squabbles, and is continually held back by this, because being petty is a estrogen based trait.

What else is new?

I'd fuck him. Hell, I would even suck his dick.

If you know who that is you should kill yourself.

>why is no one talking about this?
Because it is boring Youtube drama for 13-year-olds. No one here knows who that homosex is or gives a shit about his "subs".

what the fuck is this supposed to be? and why is it not exterminated yet?

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>bwah bwah daddy bought vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream
seriously who cares about this drama?


you know there are people that are not raging faggots, right?

Who is that and why should I care?