What are all you Americans buying when you receive your 1,000 month Freedom Dividend once Andrew Yang becomes president?

What are all you Americans buying when you receive your 1,000 month Freedom Dividend once Andrew Yang becomes president?

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I don't know but i ain't working anymore

you are quitting your job for a thousand bucks a month?
That's still living in poverty

Yang is just going to end up being a spoiler for the Republicans, scooping up the white libertarian bro vote


I'm working a silly job, i'm making less than that

If it happens, I'd use it to finish paying off my car, and then honestly just put it all in the bank in case something happens. Having an extra 1k a month would be pretty great to hold onto.

What are you a 52 year old rent boy?

car repairs and my student loans

so many of my friends are living pay check to paycheck. 1k a month will really help them out and give me a nice savings cushion

Wait for income tax to sky rocket so the commie bastard can steal my money.

Thats $6 dollars an hour after tax.

Maybe quitting your job and using the 1k a month will really benefit you in the search for higher education/skills training

it would be a value added tax on big corporations like Amazon and Facebook profiting from AI and technology

Attached: 5c8894800be00.png (600x541, 578K)

And for automation. Basically since companies wouldn't be paying workers anymore, they'd pay a tax and then the government gives that money to the citizens.

we have already automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs that's what got Trump elected

Giving everyone a thousand bucks a month will make the transition smoother once automation takes over

Bags of sand

>profiting from AI and technology
that they invested billions in development

>once automation takes over
we won't need you

That's kinda the point really. The jobs are just going away and there's not shit for people to do.

Not the companies buying the robots user. Only the ones making them.

thats why we need a path forward

If they automate 3 million truck drivers people are going to go blocking highways in their trucks.

This is a path forward, it's not much but at least it is a step in the right direction

Hopefully he does become president we really need some drastic changes in our society.
We are kinda becoming a police state maybe everyone will chill the fuck out if they are a bit more secure.

Food/gas and probably invest the rest in tech

That way as those companies grow so will my pockets $$

humanity first brother