I will thoroughly rate every single picture in this thread

I will thoroughly rate every single picture in this thread

Please feel free to stop by and share an image anons

Attached: xd.jpg (640x360, 75K)

Attached: Screenshot (21).png (715x329, 231K)

Attached: crimson chad.jpg (768x1024, 85K)

Attached: pyscho.gif (480x252, 727K)

rate them now fuck face


There's a lot of emotion happening in this picture. As if trying to convey a message not with the image itself, but with the emotions emitting throughout.
The color scheming is unfortunately very vague, and the emotion of the negro child could have been captured more.


The colors are very loud, and the symbolisation is not done properly. Crimson Chin ought to have a bigger chin, and not a jaw cuck line like seen here.
However the angle of this picture is quite good. And despite covering the face with markings, it is still a recognizable face that one here would be unbeknownst to.

your a real art critic aren't you?


Despite this being a graphic interchangeable format, I will rate it.

The imagery is captured quite well. We see a middle aged balding man with stubble signifying no self-care and isolation to society. Committing to drugs, which at this point is his only friend and will keep him accompanied.

The colors in the background are vibrant, and the man himself is not. Creating a contrast of emotion and carelessness which can be again seen within his eyes.

Attached: 62a15b9455860af2540324632df33f02--nazi-party-german-soldier.jpg (474x640, 55K)

Attached: background - Copy.png (1146x608, 1.24M)

Attached: D4yFWkaWAAAqcZr.jpg (612x502, 43K)

Attached: Wrathprayer-TheSunofMoloch.jpg (700x700, 137K)

Attached: 1551504238616.jpg (634x627, 87K)

Attached: 1334238712209.jpg (356x480, 37K)

Attached: ye.jpg (350x142, 5K)

Attached: IMG_20190512_194824.jpg (1080x1629, 549K)

no endgame spoilers faggot

Endgame spoiler ban period is over, watch the movie or stop crying, faggot

Attached: 28E27636-9B1A-4BEC-B996-1617D8BA65DD.jpg (480x854, 97K)

Attached: IMG 231.jpg (507x473, 25K)

Attached: 3138BC9D-74D7-4CA2-83DA-14A978B09E39.jpg (1024x1024, 162K)