Real talk. Whites are dying

Real talk. Whites are dying.

Trans people are on the rise and offer nothing to procreation. (Life expectancy of trans people are 30 years).

Our culture is polluted, becoming unrecognisable due to apologrticness/white guilt/being too tolerant.

Mainstream media sympathise wise muslims/blacks opposed to whites.

Rap is the most listened to genre beside pop, with more A-list celebrities being of colour, having a huge influence on the minds of young white kids.

How are we going to survive 2050? Honestly, fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We cant. Just enjoy the ride
>also for OPs pic related
Race mixing is okay, but not all

Race mixing is not okay when your race is a minority, that is the point.

Why should we not preserve the existence of our own race? Without whites, it will be the end of all races eventually

as races continue to mix iq and higher overall intelligence is on the decline. by 2050 most of what we have done will matter very little as the people of the time will not have the mental faculties to use the tools we have given them.

the overall goal is a one world race because then it is easier to control it. we need to just let the world destroy itself and call it a day. most of us were doomed from the very start and there is little if anything left to fight for in this living hell.

Controlling a docile population seems counter intuitive considering advancement will become less of a possibility as time goes on.

Regressive values like islam has to offer will only become more prominent and then the world will return to its former stone age,

The only race which havr built civillisation and brought others to its knees have been whites.

Whites have civillised other races when they adopt white values, beliefs and way of life.

Whites need to be preserved for this reason. People need to realise physiologically, races are very different and we will pay a toll at the end of it by being too apologetic to these vermin.

I’ll die one day, but I want to avoid the possibility of being reincarnated a nigger, and want a stable and flourishing life for my children.

Why don't you ask yourself a solid question.

"Who gives a fuck?". Blacks are running into the same problem, as are kikes and nips and everybody the fuck else. Culture is fucking retarded, you're not 'unified' with anybody because of color, and it doesn't matter if any of us die out in the coming centuries.

The biggest delusion is thinking you're unified with people based on skin color.


Kek. People will be fine without whites. Do you even know any Mexicans? Lots are doctors, engineers, etc... You're nothing special because you're white. Calm down little boy.

when your ancestors came to Europe they had darker skin for thousands of years before they evolved, culture changes faster than crusty fucks like you, it's all fucking arbitrary

>Objective reality

No, it’s the principle of letting vermin rule the lands which we created. Our culture/identity matter whether we cease to exist or not.

The hope for other potential life in the universe, and them never knowing of our existence due to it being being erased by the shitskins that will soon rule our lands is saddening.

Also, are we meant to stand by and allow shitskins to infiltrate our countries, take over and then what? Breed us out if not kill us first?

If a man walks up to you with a knife, will you allowingly let him stab you without putting up a fight? No you won’t faggot. It’s the same scenario.

I was to ensure that the present and future is secure, especially the past.

If you’re saying the way the white race currently is doesn’t bother you, i’d say you’re lying to act like an edgy faggot.

Unless you’re a shitskin yourself

Who cares faggot, have fun while it lasts. In the grand scheme of things we are meaningless.
We'll never conquer the stars and even if we do, our contribution will be next to nothing, with everything in this universe trying to annihilate our existence and legacy. This is my advice to you, be kind, be respectful towards others whether you agree or disagree with them.
Live your life to the fullest and do what you will of it, your life. If you want to fuck white women do so. Make a family? Do so.
You only have one chance, make it worth it.
Call me whatever you want, it is an undeniable truth that if the next second we disappeared nothing in this universe would have changed

That's life.
Get used to it, fuckstick.
Judge not by the color of skin, but by the content of character.
Givent the lying, stealing, evil pedophilic tendencies of Trump and Republicans, good fucking riddance. Firing squads for all asshats who betray America.
This straight whote male will take intelligent quality blacks like Cory Booker and Kamala harris over criminal cunts like Jared Kushner and the trump assholes.

it's too late to save western civilization now
just let it collapse and then create a new one.

>lots are doctors and engineers

You miss the point. The majority are regressive with regressive values. The majority outeeigh the minor populis that happen to be educated.

But you obviously don’t see how this is a detriment to society in their current state, and also how whites are their own worst enemy currently.

If we all came from africa from the beginning, Why can only black people say nigga?

"Racemixing" swings both ways.
Both gets dialuted.

Don’t listen to them OP these people aren’t white LARPing as whites. I agree, there is 0 reason to not protect what you built.



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Exactly, fucking niggas

Ok, that's what's happening in current white society as well. The number of white doctors and engineers is a minority compared to the majority of white stupid people. Only difference is the skin color of the people, and you're scared of brown people.

Ok mutt

cool. im going to become mixed thanks to some magical wizardry. maybe i wont get sunburnt so much

Telling someone to get used to the fact that it’s OKAY for incompatible cultures to mix is just insane. It’s like me walking into the middle eastern village, enforcing my values and culture upon them, only to create a country called Isreal.

Your jewness is showing kike, kill yourself

Does truth hurt you retard? I'm not a nigger and that's the truth. You are meaningless. If you died right now, the other side of the world wouldnt even fart in your memory.

Do what you will with your life. If your thing is to preserve "western" culture, go for it it's not unethical and you dont hurt anybody.

Now let the rest do as they will, as long as they respect and dont harm each other.

Whites are BETTER than every other race and this has been proven again and again throughout history.

All these salty faggots in this thread are pathetic jealous pos.

time doesnt give a fuck about anybody.

Too fucking wise for Yea Forums

Not OP but I dont care about past present or future you fucking retard. My point was it’s alright to protect what you fucking have.

I’m muslim and I hate seeing your fucking armies walking around everywhere infiltrating and trying to change our culture, stealing our oil and everything else.

Yet, I agree on the point that it should go both ways. I would not want to enforce islam onto a predominantly non religious /religious country or change their way of life.

Fuck you and learn to read faggot.


Exactly. People tend to view this ideology as "pessimistic", but it's actually realistic.

Its reality that in the grand scheme of things your life in pointless, but that doesnt mean you have to an hero because of that. Make what you will of it and let people remember you for the good man you are; and if possible become a benefactor to actually have an impact in a greater scale (still meaningless, but not as much)

Natural evolution. Deal with it. How do you think we fucking evolved?

This thread is full of apologetic whites/niggers sitting on a highorse claiming to care about skin colour.

It is the same tactics the jewish media use to enforce the belief that white people are entitled. The feeling of guilt allows for a man to willingly die at the hand of a sword even if he is innocent, and it is because he feels like he deserves it.

Don’t listen to these faggots OP. In regards to your question

>How will we survive 2050

Ensure that your partner is white. Have more than 2 kids, 3-4 at most.
Eat good, get a good education, put your kids into university. Give them a better life than you had.

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Jews don’t race mix due to the fact they are a dying population and currently fight to exist. The real enemies are mudslimes.

Take notes my white brothers. You guys are the next jews.

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You faggots tell Natives to get over it all the time after doing the same shit you're pretend mad about Israel for. Fucking dumb mutt hypocrite.

>life is pointless

Just because you don’t give a fuck about your own life doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about it when your school bully takes your lunch money.

Shut the fuck up you pessimistic, depressed, nigger loving, FAGGOT.

Who the fuck are you to determine who is incompatible to mix with someone else, you insignificant, basement dwelling degenerate.

>tell natives to get over it

As a white man, no I don’t. I hate thanks giving, we don’t celebrate it. Just because a holiday exists that celebrates the death of natives doesn’t mean you should come into my fucking country and enforce your shitty values onto me you walking piece of literal brown shit.

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I know your point. You seemed to disregard mine, by simply stating "These are LARPers dont listen to them" without attacking the point. So my point still stands attached.

Stop trying to comfort OP just by telling him "Dont listen to them".
Listen to everybody, adopt their ideas if they suit your final goal, dont be close minded or you'll be left behind.

The world progresses forward and for good or bad we march with it.

What happens in the middle east boggles me as well. I wish this place could be in peace for longer than 50 years. I dont want to see innocents killed and emotionless machines feeding off of them, whether that is the media, politicians, companies etc etc

The only one who's pathetic is you. Society looks down on racist scum like you. You are the bottom of the barrel.

I’m white.

That’s the only criteria I require to make such a worldy-executive decision. Stay mad, brownie.

White privilege exists for reasons

The most hypocritical statement of all all time.
>Yeah, we came over to take Natives land and enforce our values on them.
>Don't come to my country and try to enforce your values on me.
>It's different because I'm 60% white

You have no authority. You are no one. You have accomplished nothing in your life. Losers like you have no right to make these kind of decisions.

>I’m muslim and I hate seeing your fucking armies walking around everywhere infiltrating and trying to change our culture, stealing our oil and everything else.

Hey faggot. Not every white country has an army in your shithole Muslim countries. Also, your prophet was an illiterate warmongering pedophile. Your religion is the WORST in all of human history and the majority of muslims are inbred.

Fuck you and your backwards ideology.

Read my post carefully, illiterate.

My point isnt to make you feel bad about life.
My point isnt to make you kys.
My point isnt to spread negativity.

My point is. DO WHAT YOU WILL!
As long as you dont hurt anybody and act morally and respectfully there is no problem with anything you do!

Preserve your culture if that is what you will. Immoral and evil people will stand in your way, most likely.
Culture isnt tied to your race, so if you see a white man with a black woman that's perfectly fine.

Using 2000's black metal terminology like 'vermin' is fucking gay and you ought to know that by now. Your legacy means nothing, it will never mean nothing, and none of us have the capacity to forge a lasting legacy. The notion that it's important to preserve the legacy of people who had white skin versus people who had brown skin is laughable.

You are not being individually targeted, you are not being 'threatened with a knife'. You've been on Yea Forums too long, buddy. There's no white genocide occurring, and if you went outside and met some broads and got close enough to them for them to trust you, more than half would tell you they think that niggers are gross. Stop buying into media sensationalism, and remember that if we are truly superior, our reign wouldn't be contested and it will sort itself out either way. Find yourself a nice white woman to settle down with and make white kids instead of crying on the internet. Buy land. Hire whites if that's a thing you're into. But, it really isn't nearly as bad as the media makes it out to be. I'm from the south, and it barring the acceptance of gays, it's stayed pretty much the same for the last 30 years.

>Says to adopt the ideas of everybody
>Proceeds by calling OP faggot, that he is wrong and must accept being bred out by muslims or aggressively dealing with the shit that is tolerated in europe.
>none of this would be tolerated it white man colonised other countries

Yep, you sure sound like a retarded SJW millenial faggot.

Humanitarian obligation is a term that has been loosely defined as time has gone on.

Humanitarian obligation now equates to;

Allowing muslims/people of colour to infiltrate our countries
Change our way of life
Allow them to “peacefully” protest whilst they burn our flags, wish death upon us without consequence

The list goes on. To ignore it, you must be a mad man.

Only someone without any qualities would ascribe that much value to someting like race.
You were born white, you did absolutely nothing for it, and now you're proud of it?
Go back to the circle jerk that is /pol/, worthless shitstain.

>Protecting the existence of a race is racist
>Refer to Israel

>The biggest delusion is thinking you're unified with people based on skin color.

This is the horseshoe that brings the far left and far right together. They're both racists as fuck. One side is racist in favor of white people, and the other is racist against white people. They are both cancer.

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>imagine the only thing that makes you think you are in power is your skin color. Not your wisdom, not your education, not even your culture. Just a little less melanin

I can’t tell which is bait

The self-depricating whites or OP and racism

nice spacing shithead

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>if you see a white man with a black woman that's perfectly fine

Kike detected.

you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. what side of europe did your genetic determinism come from

I agree with the honker

Leftists are very racist against whites, what gives?

This is propaganda bullshit. We'll be fine.

>Just because a holiday exists that celebrates the death of natives

That's not what thanksgiving celebrates at all you fucking retard.

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>Insulting people is self-deprecating

>Muh supurior race
>Can't spell deprecating

>Imagine thinking that it’s OKAY to breed out a race and that said race should be OKAY with it.

You are a very regressive person who doesn’t want to admit he is racist. Hitler was a lefty with the same ideologies as you, only the skin colour preferences differed user.

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Everything Is fucked buy it doesn't matter humanity will go extinct soon

LMFAO “we created” the only thing you’ve ever created is a cum stain on a hand towel kill yourself

this is much smarter than hating people for being born with brown skin.

oh wait, turns out that getting a good education and putting kids in school is difficult no matter the color you are

>MUH JOOS!!!!!!

The only thing that keeps me going is that backwards thinking people are left behind.
The world progresses forward; if your monkey brain stays with an old mindset you'll be left behind to die.

Calling me a kike doesnt disprove my point and neither strengthens yours

Niggers given the same access as whites fail, why is that?

They're white supremacists with a guilty conscience. They treat minorities like children that need someone to watch out for them.


Woah, drama on Yea Forums


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No nigger on Yea Forums ever built anything, idiot.

Nazis, Republicans and assholes can all be run through a meat grinder.

You can't explain why it's wrong though.

Bad culture, bag genes, bad reputation.

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Pick one. Last I heard hitler was a lefty. Who said that I identify with any?

Cuz fags like you treat them like subhuman and didn't give them the right to a proper education until fairly recently

>all the most advanced countries are white
>taco benders still live in a shithole where most of the money comes from drugs
Okay shitskin, you'd be living in a mud hut without whites. And whites aren't going anywhere, this is just more propaganda that you're dumb enough to believe

maybe ask madison grant, who wrote "The Passing of the Great Race" which later became regarded by hitler as his bible

Seriously read up on history.

The technological advancements by whites and asians are largely due to the domestication of animals like oxen/pigs and any animal that could pull a cart. You didn't advance if you didn't have them cuz you just didn't have them.

If you're so worried about "niggers" then realize they had no choice in the culture they were born in, or what ship they were hoarded into or what hood they came out of.

Your idea of genetic determinism has already been shown to be scientifically racist and full of bullshit.

You're believing shit from the 1920s which is outdated as fuck.

White people like you and the OP are so frail.

I'd much rather you kill yourself and let another Teddy R. come into life. He might notve been the greatest man, but at least he said we're all American and that we don't have time for hyphenations.

He lived in a much more racist era than you and can see clearer than your dark heart

the scottish lived in mud huts. It's been proven that mountain dwelling whites were less educated than city dwelling blacks in American in the 1900s

Is this what you get from my post?
All I said was that the color of your skin doesnt dictate power of any level.

The fact that you claim I'm racist is just laughable, since I'm okay with races mixing and going along with one another.

I never said that outbreeding one race and forcing it into submission is okay. If you want to preserve your race go have kids with a woman of your own race. Nobody is stopping you from that, right?

Now if you see X person of Y race, deciding to go with another person of Z race, why would you care?

You hit the nail on the head that is why my philosophy is fuck em all and get as much as you can get. World cant sustain the population currently, will be lucky to get past a couple more generations at this rate of consumption. This is a key point in why the US needs to keep up its military, at some point we are going to be at war for resources.



You are all sensitive sally’s.

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Go back to rebbit dumbfuck

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Go figure

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>is this what you get from my post

Yes, you said because I am white I must accept my fate, and that it is racist to fight for my existence, kek

How racist of you user

Scottish have invented a lot please tell me what niggers invented other than crime

>All the most advanced countries are white
>Except Asian countries
>And some south American countries
>And slavic countries
>We're not going anywhere
>Stats prove whites will be minority in 20 years
>Loser thinks his ancestors actually did something useful
>Loser thinks ideas are specific to one race
>Loser thinks the concept of shelter is exclusive to white people

ive see you've copied trumps strategy of using misleading bar graphs. im proud that you've learned to save an image as and use an insult.

youre getting there

Post the proof then, an actual study not some facebook headline without sources. And who do you think taught blacks to be civilized? Even so, they still have an average 85 iq, even less back then. So that bullshit you ate before isn't very believable shitskin

Racism is the perception that an individual is racist to a person of colour. Blacks state they can’t be racist. Just because you condone race mixing doesn’t mean you aren’t racist. It’s equivilant to stating that your best friend is black. You sound pretty racist against whites.

>Basing value on who invented what
>Chinese are superior than you then

t sowell - intellectuals and race

Fuck off

Whites and people of all races have a right to exist within their culture without having a bunch of other people of different cultures telling them how to change

>Seething incel is mad at the possiblity that someone could be smarter than him

Guess what?

It's OK to have pride in your culture.

The Media has brainwashed Whites to hate themselves.

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classic case of white fragility, if you did so much and are doing so much and are so great, why are u wasting time on Yea Forums and not one upping your ancestors?

>White faggot
>Believes in reincarnation

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>hurr durr "changing demographics of America"

Because the Government keeps importing non-White into America who don't appreciate our culture...

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No counter?

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this is exactly it. whites have brain washed other whites into thinking that the world is out to get them, and they use it to control them.

its not about skin color its about culture. if it was about skin color then why did hiter hate jews?

Immigration will cause a civil war

Attached: Immigrants by Race pie chart in 2016 white percentage repla.png (408x696, 34K)


Why is it bad for whites to fight for their existence? How can you guys actually ignore that the media are less sympathetic towards whites but more so towards people of colour? It’s beyond me.

Yeah, maybe in your fantasy world. Reality is we're all here in America and there's nothing you can do about it. You bitch about Jews and blacks all day but at the end of the day they'll still be here and you'll still interact with them. Also, who decides if it's a right? Certainly not some autistic Yea Forums sperg like yourself.

when you step out of the modern era with your graphs and look at race/color/culture in terms of human history, then we can talk.

right now you're just fighting on Yea Forums, trying to copy shapiro, your hero

My point isnt to kys you dumb faggot.

Does reality hurt you? Is it too hard to even understand that that in the GRAND SCHEME of things you dont matter?

It's not pessimistic to think that; its realistic.

Now if this way of thinking is making you uncomfortable then you need to just get along with it and come to the realization that this is reality.

Once again. Coming to the realization that this is reality, nothing is there to stop you from achieving great things (in the little picture), but your monkey like brain

I agree with you on the media point. Fighting for your existence is fine. Doing so at the expense of others is not.

Not claiming White people are superior, fag

But for some reason, it's only White people who are attacked and forced to "accept Diversity".

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Kek, as if the color of your skin has anything to do with your intelligence.
Anybody is able to rise from the shithole ashes they grew from. Its usually whites pissing away their lives with daddy's money and privileges they go around flaunting- only to find they haven't done anything with their time but shit on other races for (ironically) being shittier than them.

Civil Wars in America and Europe when?

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if whites hated blacks so much then they shouldve had a plan for slavery and killed every single one of us off after it was done.

instead you let your white southerners get greedy and mistreat their slaves.

white people in america had no objective with slavery except who could build the most.

now white people are mad about blacks when whites couldn't control their own greed

civil war was fought over greed

lol, facts and evidence are too good for you?

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>Whites are dying
Is that supposed to be bad news?

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who said you have to listen? aren't you apart of the great race, Thor Odinson? Why are you here complaining about it?

If you're so great go out and change it! You're white after all, go do it!

no, adults don't go full out against children is all

Get out Jew

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if any of you actually believe any of this, please listen to someone who isn't trying to use your personal vulnerabilities to get your money

You realize other people than white people live here and also have to live with people of different skin tones, right?

Except that it's the entire government and Media forcing diversity down the throats of everyone

Trust me, bud.
In a few years, war is going to break out

Fucking snowflakes crying about a non issue like this.

Fuck off /pol/nigger. Get murdered.

if you think that, then youre easily controlled by the media you idiot.

if youre so great and white, rise up and change the media. blacks can't they're too dumb, so you do it

How is anything that I said racist towards white people?

I'm white myself and proud of my ancestry.

>blacks claim they cant be racist
Do you believe I condone this nigger behaviour?

All I'm saying is, your culture, traditions and ethics arent tied to your skin tone. Are they somewhat relevant?
Can someone of a different skin color practice your culture and adopt you ideals?

>86% Non-Hispanic White

>50% Non-Hispanic White

America was never founded to be a Global Multi-Cultural country.
It was founded as a Nation on European culture and principles.

Attached: White percentage over the years from Immigration both Legal and Illegal.jpg (812x3292, 699K)

>classic case of white fragility
The world tells whites to hate themselves. The new millenia claim they are entitled, that they are privileged and must succumb to the black phallus because they owe it to them.

By logic, you stated the world doesn’t owe us anything. Go figure, whites don’t owe anything to the blacks.

But I digress, your mind can’t comprehend how the media is subjective in their news stories regarding whites, or how sympathetic they are to the likes of muslims and blacks.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t tolerate people of colour but that society has become tolerable for the wrong reasons. They have made it about skin colour.

There is a major difference in hating a race for skin colour and protecting your identity. Racial preference does not make you racist you sound like a major shill right now.

Interracial relationships are fine as long as the people adopt said culture and can adapt to said culture. It shouldn’t need to change.

On the topic of outbreeding. I don’t mind race mixing, but yes whites are a minority. They have a right to exist on the basis they don’t hurt anybody in the process.

so you listne to what the world tells you to do? grow some balls and listen to yourself!

after all, youre white, so you should do it more!

no it wasn't. the whole reason this country was founded was to GET AWAY from tyrannical leaders in europe shit stain. respect your founding fathers by educating yourself dumbass.

you should get out of home. TV and medias make these things look way bigger than they really are. Most people are actually good and sane. They're just quiet as a general rule and therefore less noticeable.

>if you think that, then youre easily controlled by the media you idiot.

Yeah all the Right Wing Hollywood Movies and Right Wing News stations are poisoning our minds and not the Globalist White hating left wingers...

The Media is all Left Wing controlled, dude.
And noone cares.
Every single "news" channel is biased to the Left except for Fox

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Again, this comes down to culture you high school intellectual. There's a much more strict regiment in Asiatic countries. Whites can fuck around all day and glorify celebrities, drink Pabst and fuck their cousins.
If whites were to push for a harder educational program, you might have a chance. But at the moment, you're nothing compared to countries with an actual, sturdy curriculum.
Sure, there's downsides to the strictness of it all- but would you rather be unhappy and intelligent or happily stupid?

.>IMPLYING things dont change over time

You are not very intelligent

i dont care about what pictures youre posting from your alt right coloring book.

youre sitting on the backs of great white men that could see through racism touting that you can't do shit because of OTHER white people on the left.

get off your ass and go change the world idiot. your ancestors already did so much for you and you sit here and complain


Shut the fuck up and listen to yourself cretin, you are basing your views on an emotional response and think you are taking the moral high ground by defending an uncontrollable population while depriving whites of their existence in the process


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Please tell me you are trolling
What do you think our legal system and culture was based on?
It was founded on principles of British Common Law and to get away from tyrannical leaders with a system of checks and balances.

But, for some reason, a bunch of our politicians decided to lie and sell our country's culture to import a bunch of immigrants to work for cheap to line their donor's pockets.
The Right wing and Left wing do this.

And the Left wing wants illegals flooding into our country because we don't have voter ID laws either

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I’m OP. I didn’t say anything about white=intelligence. Thread was derailed by other views, racism on both sides. So I went to make some chicken and brocolli. Soz user.

That's not real talk, that's just propaganda
sad faggots on both sides of this lame shit


In 1 and a half generations, modern immigration law totally changed the concept of America
That's a huge deal and the media doesn't tell you that because Democrats and Left wing politicians want the easy Latino votes.

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and at the end of the day, the problem is not colored people, but white people driving the narrative that colored people are the problem.

i never can understand whites with this self defeatist attitude.

if you're so great and you cant control the right or the left, thats YOUR system that YOU created thats FAILING YOU.

not anyones fault but your own

>modern society doesn’t matter. Tryinf to prevent regressive past.

You miss the point. Faggot.

What stops you from being white?
Who told you to accept defeat?
Who told you to stop preserving your culture? Your ethics? Your ideals?

Not me.

>emotional response
What part of what I said is illogical?

>IMPLYING things dont change over time
see this you retard
>i dont care about what pictures youre posting from your alt right coloring book.

War will happen in a few years, bud.

Attached: 1484756631835.jpg (662x1236, 168K)

Anti White racists EVERYWHERE

Antifa goyim EVERYWHERE

God made a mistake creating you

youre not even smart enough to resist being emotional

Jump off a bridge and do a backflip

You are so fucked by Left Wing propaganda out of Hollywood you can't even detect when someone is telling the truth

Attached: 1484756929793.jpg (300x267, 31K)

if you believe that real white people with real resources that eclipse your entire generation are going to waste ammunition in the US on coloreds then youre dumb as shit.

you've been lied to if you think there will be an actual race war. you're not even counting things like climate change

the fk is the point of a war when you can save your money and save yourself if the earth warms up and just let the colored with less money die off?

fucking idiot


>if you're so great and you cant control the right or the left, thats YOUR system that YOU created thats FAILING YOU.

No it's not.
It's people who have manipulated a good system for their own evil motivations.
No system is perfect, and they found a way to ruin it.

And that way is to flood the country with Non-White Voters and then teach everyone that White people are bad and to play Identity Politics

White People invented a good system based on Freedom and Rights for all, gave women the right to vote, White countries were the first to outlaw slavery in the world, more Jews owned slaves than White in the US, etc.
And this is what happens.
Evil people teach the whole country to hate Whites for their own political gain.

Attached: Pew Research 2016 presidential race voting by demographic.png (309x773, 37K)

white people are crazy
>can confirm, am white

Attached: hello.jpg (863x549, 49K)

youre 12 i forgot my b.

you think that when smoke from your diesel goes into the air it just "goes away" because you cant see it.

>It is the same tactics the jewish media use to enforce the belief that white people are entitled
How stupid do you have to be to post garbage like this

It's people who have manipulated a good system for their own evil motivations.

and pray tell idiot, what color are these evil people.

arent blacks too dumb to get elected? there's been one negro for how many white presidents?

Nothing is scarier than when all goyim of all races come together against the Jews.

Race argument was all planned as a distraction.

Attached: jews_are_getting_scared.jpg (1332x822, 59K)

lol he ate the bait

Attached: lel.jpg (200x211, 10K)

Attached: JEW.jpg (2048x1536, 376K)

>US votes for Trump to build $20 Billion Border wall and to stop letting in so many immigrants


>38 Billion to Israel
>US Total Government Budget: 3.8 TRILLION

That's a Government that spits in the face of the Will of the People.
That's a Government that does not function.

War will happen soon because of this.

Attached: 1554437182562 38 Billion to Israel for their wall but the US cant get its own wall.jpg (2096x2344, 1.48M)

i dont care, i cant and wont do shit about it, humanity will do what it will do just like it always has and always will.

Um almost everyone is mixed already

Most of you people claiming to be "white" would be considered mutts a few hundred years ago

Their are no "pure" races anymore perhaps some isolated tribes are still "pure"

Also look around western white culture rules the world English is the most important language for business and our movies/books/ideas are recognized world wide.

a minority of the US voted for Trump for all sorts of reasons, but that's it

Let's say you get a Girlfriend
And that Girlfriend then lies to you and cheats on you.

The entire concept of Monogamy and having a Girlfriend isn't a bad idea that you inflicted on yourself, you incel.

It means evil people manipulated and abused you.

Attached: 1552003127986 Media lies.jpg (762x1024, 202K)

isnt the government composed mainly of whites?

arent niggers too dumb to have real power?

youre mad at blacks because a white man told you to be. you can't even see how race blinds you.

youve proven you're mad at the government, not colored people.

and blame whites for sucking jewish jizz.

you'd have more going for you if you realized this was about power and not about skin color, but you spent the last 10 minutes ripping out pages from your alt right coloring book.

kill yourself.

What is white culture?

Evil doesn't have a color.
Why do you keep thinking I'm a White Supremacist?
You are brainwashed.
Anyone who doesn't think White People are bad, is immediately suspected of being a White Supremacist.

It's people like you that will force a civil war to happen in America.

Attached: 1498019094390 How can you be this hypocritical in 19 hours.jpg (1203x945, 268K)

keep your hypotheticals to yourself.

and if i had a girl that cheated on me, id just get her tested. if she didnt get pregnant or get a disease, id make her have a threesome or dump her

im open minded, people cheat over impulses. id rather tell a girl that straight up front so if we both feel like cheating we could just have a foursome/three some instead.

your concept of monogamy is jewish in origin.

I see how polygamy works for you Mohammed

>White race
>white culture

jesus christ, such retarded times the jews have made everything into, awful to witness it

>hurr durr da popular vote!!1!!11!!1!

You do realize more Republicans don't go vote in New York and California than all the Dems who don't go vote in the Red states combined?

If the US had a popular vote system, Republicans would win every national election.

Attached: Electoral College Chess.png (1077x539, 54K)

lol now youre triggered. i was enjoying some pringles and a soda while ruffling your feathers.

you went from blacks/coloreds being dumb to whites controlling the media

and NOW youre saying "evil doesnt have a color"

keep your shit together. if evil is your fight, then there's no reason to be so racist.

dont need that to enjoy a threesome idiot

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

A waste of time this thread, if you don't know what's going on then you're just food for the Jew

so progressive

Your contributions aren’t wasted user. You are what makes the earth spin and you see through the lies of society and the media. Keep up the good fight.

I see the masterrace fights the good fight by complaining to a bunch of anons
>I'm a fucking NEET but it's everyone else's fault
Please do some good and fucking off yourself you tard

>isnt the government composed mainly of whites?
It's composed of a significant minority of Jews.
It's also composed of people manipulating Non-Whites into Identity Politics.

>youve proven you're mad at the government, not colored people.
That's what I've been saying this whole time dude.

"Racist" and "Racism" is a retarded word.
It's not about "Race".
Noone hates anyone for the color of their skin. That's never happened in history.

And White People, and all people, have a right to live in their culture without it being forced to be diluted and changed.

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Notice how the ethnic people turned this into a black/white thing. Where was the topic of trans?

Daily Reminder: Walls do work

Attached: 1541566973333 walls do work.png (1774x978, 619K)

How do you fight this battle user? What are your weapons and ammunition?

oh man. enjoy your shitty life. im off to fuck your mother.

she thinks im different for a black guy, she likes how well spoken and insightful i am.

in fact she thinks you could learn a thing or two from me.

don't you hurr durr me you fucking retard, the number of Trump voters is a minority of Americans and completely contradicts every dumbass thing you've posted so far you fucking mouthbreathing shitbird

I’m actually a Paramedic and I haven’t contributed to this thread beyong my original post. I have just been observing. A neet wouldn’t want to protect said identity, no?

I have a white baby with a white woman and im white so...

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I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords.

Stay safe user, very weird times we live in

If you're interested in the actual reason for this, instead of just trying to scapegoat immigrants and minorities, it's because the white fertility rate has dropped below replacement levels. It's more than likely because autists like yourself choose to sit inside shitposting instead of meeting women and procreating. But I'm sure you'll make it somehow minorities fault

Gov funded study on this:

I'm not really sure that any significant number of white people actually hate themselves as a result of media narratives. Sure, there are probably a few mentally ill people (and there are a lot of mentally ill people nowadays) who go around half-naked in stocks and chains whipping themselves, but those are isolated incidents for news stories.
A lot of the apparent self-hatred and white guilt is probably mostly just virtue signalling imposed on employees and consumers by the government and large corporations in order to appease black people and reduce unrest (from the government's POV) and to get minorities to buy more products and make more money (corporations' POV). I think only a few people feel any guilt for anything in their heart of hearts. Maybe I'm wrong.

Why does it matters so much to not mix races tho?

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The Egypt-Israel wall is barely over 100 miles over mostly flat terrain, it's not remotely comparable with the situation at the southern border

>whites controlling the media

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Teach the white kids to be respectful, uphold tradition and to get a good education. Feed them good food and nurture them to be fit individuals to thrive. Teach them not to hate, but to be weary of those who will decieve them and to not let it change their views or bring them down.

Education is everything. Words csn be more powerful than any weapon. Used in the correct context, they can bring a whole army of SJW’s to their knees.

The concept of "white culture" is retarded
It doesnt exist

If you mash all whites into one then you have a blob with no individuality or diversity.

Scottish culture isnt the same as German
Greek culture isnt the same as Italian
Even South Italian with north Italian culture isnt the same. Same goes with Greece and Germany (at least what I know of)

I think overall it is an issue of the spreading of the manner in which we interpret values, now, in this Honk world, the internet and media diet is spiralling us back into a sort of tribalism...interactions are individual occurences, one never has enough power to truly make a chart or graph or anything of the sort...I imagine that without an informational diet being fed from an outside source, everyone would be just fine, and the world might be a more peaceful place...

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. Let me wipe your ass please i want to serve you

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. There will be no peace until all aggression towards jews have gone

>the number of Trump voters is a minority of Americans

That doesn't matter, you retard. He won the election.
If the Government doesn't enact his platform and listen to the Will of the People, Civil War is required.

>20 Billion
That's it.

Attached: 1547055320212 Trumps wall cost.jpg (1582x1422, 256K)

Do you believe race mixing withholds this?

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. You should listen to me. In 100 years judaism will own this world

>That's it.
Somehow the government is efficient enough to stay in budget suddenly

I think overall it is an issue of the spreading of the manner in which we interpret values, now, in this Honk world, the internet and media diet is spiralling us back into a sort of tribalism...interactions are individual occurences, one never has enough power to truly make a chart or graph or anything of the sort...I imagine that without an informational diet being fed from an outside source, everyone would be just fine, and the world might be a more peaceful place....

Attached: Pantera_The_Great_Southern_Trendkill.jpg (300x300, 60K)

>it's because the white fertility rate has dropped below replacement levels.

Because politicians keep flooding the country with immigrants for cheap labor.

That means families stop having kids because they can't afford it.
That means Women go to work to have more money and the Women put off having kids.

Attached: 1553390032853 white replacement.png (763x742, 682K)


I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. I want to be useful to my jewish lords

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. Please i need to know how i can be of some use to my jewish overlords.

Regressive values are consistent in mostly non-white families whether it is from religion, culture, race or upbringing.

White teachings of values/culture ensures the prosperity of a culture. Without it, the world will be really shit.

There’s a reason why the majority of black mothers are single. Why the middle east and africa are the most regressive.

It’s like trying to fit the wrong jigsaw puzzle into the wrong slot. It’s incompatible.

The main issue isn’t race mixing, it’s that the white race is dying. A combination of factors including decreased fertility, an increase of trans, people making lifestyle choices and a lot of people are choosing not to have a white baby based on the idea of self hate proflogated by the media and millenial values.

I don’t know man, but anyway, there is such a thing as being too tolerable. Culture compatibility is the main issue.

The puzzle in perspective:

The countries being targeted by immigrants are Europe based, England, America and ALL under JEWISH control.

Places that preserves its White heritage is Poland and Russia.

Russia holds hands with China, so a pure White to Asian friendship here.

RU & CHINA strongest military in the world no argument.

EU, UK, US will sadly fill up with immigrants and weaken but China and Russia are untouched.

No JEWISH army can destroy Asia or Russia.

In the end Slavic White and Asians will outlive everyone by the current world state.

The big worry: Russia still celebrates defeat over Nazi Germany, the last hope for humanity.


Good riddance!

Trump can't save you!


>The concept of "white culture" is retarded
I agree.

But European culture is extremely different from Hispanic, Islamic, or Asian Oriental culture.

And the differences between German, French and Irish is much less.
European Culture is built of overarching similarities that can be shared between different European Nationalities.

Christianity is a big example along with valuing Art and Science

Attached: 1555737574929 European Scientific Development.png (516x438, 29K)

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. I want to wipe the ass of my jewish overlords so i have some use to the mighty

>hurr durr the media isn't left wing

Attached: 1484756022079.jpg (867x1024, 205K)

Because who wants kids that look like a retarded Lenny kravitz?

I thought you just said evil didn't have a color you faggot.

There's plenty of factors in play here, lowering value of manual labor due to automation, growing wealth inequality. Immigration is one factor, and not necessarily even a big one, though it's appealing to have a simple explanation for it, instead of a complex set of reasons.

>I thought you just said evil didn't have a color you faggot.

Holy fuck you are brainwashed.
Jews can be evil too, retard.

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. Black people are nice people

Attached: Demographic-growth-as-projected-by-the-UN-in-2012-from-Gerland-et-al-2014-World.png (707x486, 209K)

>Thinking there's no Jews there
White supremacy is a mental disorder.

It's a fact that Jews do run the media.
It's a fact that Jews in America are overwhelmingly Left Wing and Globalist

Just the thought of me criticizing Jews and you thought I was a racist anti-semite
Jews can be criticized too

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You should visit Poland and wave your rainbow colored Jew star, you'd get a nice greeting

>Thinking there are no world powers in places such as South America and the Middle East.

This is some mental illness shit, get help or meds or something

Not for everybody. No. Race comes with a culture shock that is the majority of the time incompatible. For people to race mix really, one must be self depricating.
Do you ever see a white woman who dates outside her race have love for her own race? Not really. They make it a topic of conversation that black is better, and they make everything about blacks.

Views then become bias, because they date said people and then start believing in the ideologies of said people of colour. Blacks have a vendetta against whites due to history, so yeah, they will inevitably teach their spouses such things.

I do not hate blacks/mexicans/asians. I just think if their culture differs, it creates more problems.

The problem is that whites are too self deprecating to acknowledge that their is a decline in their own race and it doesn’t spawn from being racist, but self deprecating.

Yes you can love a person from a different race, but I have yet to meet one who says they love white people as equally, and that is the harsh reality.

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Why the fuck can't you SEE what is SHOWN to YOU? The fucking proof of JEWISH CONTROL is THERE you dumb GOYIM

In case you're not larping, hopefully one day you realize how far you fallen into the /pol/ meme hole and recover somehow

>All a society needs are people constructing things and healing people

You're missing the point, you are dense.

>Holy fuck you're brainwashed
>Believes in the the Jewish conspiracy because of memes he saw on /pol/

Jews control america and america controls the world. Got it?

>Immigration is one factor, and not necessarily even a big one
You are SEVERELY underestimating how big of a factor Immigration is.

Entire sectors of the Economy have been devasted because of Immigrants.

Construction Jobs are impossible to make a middle class living in unless you are a manager of 30+ people.
Immigrants and Illegal immigrants work for unethically cheap.

The average age of Farmers in the US?
55 years old.
Because Illegal immigrants flooded into the country and did the work for extremely low wages and forced all the middle class people to find work else where

Same can be said for factory jobs.

Millions of people flooded into the country and you don't think that's a big effect to the economy?
You only think that because the News Media doesn't reveal this

Attached: suicide rate by demographic white men in america.png (370x244, 7K)

Ok, so the media is run by people with same views and they all happen to be Jewish. You realize these people don't even give a fuck about their heritage right? They're not secretly plotting some shit behind the scenes with each other. The reason the media is like that is because of a lot of factors, New York city culture being one of them.

You just don't fucking get it do you goy? keep paying your taxes you deserve it

Typical amerimutt view of how Europe is.

GOOD GOY we let you live

It's all fun and games until people start taking the jewish conspiracy memes seriously

>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

The point was that white people are the only ones capable of doing anything. Try to keep up mongol

bullcrap, i will naturally take up sides with white people. i believe there is something biologically driven about this, to protect and want to be around your own and no 'outsiders'.

i'm not a huge racist be damn i'll never allow less than 50% white population in my country, whites founded the country, to rid of our people and culture would mean we have accomplished nothing in our aim for diversity.

It's not a Jewish "conspiracy"
I don't think "DA JOOS" have a plan for world domination, you retard.

But, you can't reasonably deny that Jews run Hollywood and most Media.
Why did it turn out this way?
Probably just coincidence.
Probably something in the job of controlling Media that is attractive to People of the Jewish Culture.

But don't listen to me.
Here's an article by a Jew acknowledging this.

You can't have a brain, and deny that Jews control Media.
>pic related

Attached: 1548670034656.png (661x3961, 930K)

It's even moar fun and games when people start believing the 6 million Jews death meme as well

>still denying Jewish over representation

Attached: 1556777519955 Jewish Population compared to total populations.jpg (1200x1060, 182K)

As we are seeing in Europe, Islam/ Middle Eastern swine do not mix at all with Western values. Its like oil and water. They aren't compatable and they don't mix

The whole purpose of a country is to provide protection, continue a belief of values and continue your lineage through out generations to come. The US being founded by Europeans should remain largely European decedents. There are no others countries taking in large scale refugees in which are not white. Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, South Korea, ect. aren't taking in shit. Why should the US?

Race is a big piece of the picture considering that as much as they say "it doesn't matter." "Diversity is our strength" it does matter and it is not a strength. A team built of people with shit loads of differences and conflicting beliefs will not and can not thrive and succeed. Just because of some bullshit value like your from a 3rd world shit hole doesn't mean you bring anything other then cancer to the table. There are differences between races, IQ, physical size, beliefs, ect. These traits matter.

What you speak of is EXACTLY what a Jew wants you NOT to say, know your heritage and value it my friend

>They're not secretly plotting some shit behind the scenes with each other
I never said they were and I don't think they are.

>The reason the media is like that is because of a lot of factors, New York city culture being one of them.
I agree.
It still doesn't mean it's a good thing.
And it still means they have influence over a huge portion of America and can control what people perceive. (Control what people perceive and you can control what ideas they think)

Ok, but I think it has to do with their culture. Why is no one crying about asians being over represented in academics?

>Asians have higher IQ, niggers have lower IQ
>HURr Durr it's coz of culture

HAHAHAHAHAHA You fucking retard

Yes ofcourse. The world runs on nepotizm goy. Your credentials don’t matter, your views and values do. That’s why CNN only employ jewish people.

Attached: E8FEE02F-A00D-4B2D-9762-51E5D93BCB33.png (500x647, 96K)

Based, red pilled and lets get those numbers up to 70% white.

I like you.

I'm getting ready for civil war in 5 years.
What do you think about that?

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Fuck you racist honky. We fuck your girl

Attached: black-gangsters-skinny.jpg (357x386, 49K)

>When you only care about Jewish oved representation and not Asian oved representation because you've been fed /pol/ meme propoganda

Attached: 1556656473838.png (645x729, 127K)

>The US being founded by Europeans should remain largely European decedents.

It's not about Race.
It's about Culture.

Attached: 1555410147231 white people.jpg (638x1513, 138K)

Attached: 02546.jpg (1200x1200, 187K)

ugly as fu

Fuck niggers

Lol what asian over representation?

A few more Japs are in Stanford and Harvard?
That's the only place Asians are over represented and it's not even that much

Jews are small

Different user, but how are you getting ready? Curious desu

Make raps that expose the jews and their transgressions

Attached: 1531480854905 England protests of Trump.png (742x774, 552K)

Pic related. Your woman. She feels pure euphoria and pure life as her pussy gets stimulated the way it should be. She doesnt wash her vagina afterwards because black semen is pure gold. Hopefully she gets pregnant

Attached: 1550262276689.gif (240x180, 1.37M)

It's the only sector where Asians are over represented and that doesn't hold any power.

Also, academics are very merit based.

Positions of power in Politics and CEO of Media Companies are so open to slimey deals, corruption and nepotism and not on Morality or Merit.

For now just exercising and reading.
Napoleon, George Washington, 21 laws of leadership, some random stuff on /k

What about you?

this is not a bad thing.

as long as whites % decreases drastically, and we encourage this whether through pro-immigration which we must take in many millions more, or by encouraging race mixing .. the quality of life for white women in particular will decrease hugely. women and femanized men are much more gullible and nurturing / sympathizers which promote this diversity. we need to increase this immigration seven-fold.

as soon as they see less whites walking the streets, more non-whites and islamic figures in government pushing more restrictive measures, they will realize that we were right all along.

islam needs to be promoted much more, it just needs to be pushed more.

Attached: 1544318389817.gif (440x335, 1.77M)

1. Why does it matter? apparently minorities are all fine, right?
2. Pure of any color will extinct, so fucking what? Wanna stop evolution? Try with a train first.
3. Ur a faggot

We must ensure japs and koreans and chinks dont team up on us jews and whites. Our real enemy is china we must preemptive strike them before they grow too strong. Or our plan for world domination is in danger


Go back to Discord, closet homo.

Browsing /k/ and working out. Haven't been reading much, recommend anything?

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords.

It's about protecting Culture.
Not about hating someones Race.


Attached: 1555455626340 Blacks killed by whites vs whites killed by blacks crime.jpg (599x733, 56K)

I dont care honestly.I just obey my jewish overlords and i beg them to let me live my life until death.Thats all i want please my jewish overlords i kneel down in front of you oh you generous oh you divine master i kiss your feet please have mercy upon my poor soul.I hate all white resistance to the only chosen masters of this world.I must please my jewish overlords as best i could.I thank you so much you spare my soul and let me live my pity life on your world dear jewish overlords. I gonna join the military forces to fight the chinks to rape and pillage chinkland. You should do the same as a good goy

Youre right i protect culture aswell. Asian culture

Attached: 1556776326526 white vs black crime rate.png (536x392, 26K)

>Youre right i protect culture aswell. Asian culture
I don't have a problem with that.

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look.. ultimately i want a backlash. the issue must be exacerbated, it's happening at a low pace and under our feet. notice cologne rapes when all those many millions of refugees were flooding in.. same thing.

push more far-leftist shit and wait for it to explode.

cultures can only grow if they influence each other. Just fucking deal with the fact that there are no longer "isolated worlds" on this planet and there is only mixing left. You can't protect your culture from inevitable.
You want white race to be a dominant mix? Keep it for yourself, 1 billion of Chinese might not agree.

White girl here. I got a question for you user. Why does BBC feel so good inside my pussy?

You live in a sad place (I assume america) if there are people around you who hate whites (being indifferent and not really minding is okay)

From my experience and where I live race isnt an issue. We are vast majority white and yet some of my friends prefer people of other races, or at least dont mind being with another race. Yet we keep our traditions and are somewhat "stereotypical".

The problem with whites is that they dont practice their traditions anymore, which leads to lack of identity.

>Just fucking deal with the fact that there are no longer "isolated worlds" on this planet and there is only mixing left. You can't protect your culture from inevitable.

It's only White Countries that are being forced into this bullshit

As a neighborhood becomes more "diverse", trust among citizens goes down.

Attached: Putnam Study as community is less diverse people are more trusting of their neighbors 2.jpg (676x491, 27K)

Illegal Immigrants aren't good for any country.

-They artificially stagnate wages by doing work for way too cheap and living in squalor. It's a threat to the American middle class.
-They take jobs Americans do want (Landscaping, construction, contractors, entry level jobs meant for teenagers and young adults).
-They put a strain on public budgets. (Police, Schools, medical care, the cost to deport them back over and over again)
-The border patrol costs a lot of money
-They are usually poor, and even if they pay the same tax rate of poor US citizens, poor people take more tax money out than they put back in. The entirety of the group of illegal immigrants a net tax drain.
-They don't understand the culture of America, don't assimilate, and ruin the culture either through elections with their votes or simply just being here.
-they own homes at half the rate of native born americans
-Even though they commit crime at lower rates than native born americans, that does not mean they don't commit crime. This is another strain on our resources and an injustice to every victim.
-Differences in culture between people cause a lot of friction.
-American culture and immigrant's culture are often incompatible even when the immigrant is eager to live in America (Muslim culture from certain arab countries)
-Taking in immigrants from other countries makes the countries they are emigrating from worse. Why try to fix your corrupt government's country when you can just run away to America? If we continue to take in people, those countries will always remain corrupt and run by gangs.

Attached: 1555390772230 Illegal Muslims in Paris.png (660x857, 248K)

for now
Imagine transformation a Muslim world will have to undergo when people will find life in space but no Allah.

>The problem with whites is that they dont practice their traditions anymore, which leads to lack of identity.
Because they were taught to not take pride in their culture by tv shows, "news", feminists, BLM, Music industry and rappers, everywhere.

That leads to a trend of people being ambivalent or disliking their race higher than the norm of other races

I wonder why?
Is it maybe because white countries have a higher standard of life and people seek their well being?

>shitskins thinking they will ever have blue or green eyes.

Attached: 1510607388336.gif (300x296, 1.88M)

>magine transformation a Muslim world will have to undergo when people will find life in space but no Allah.

You don't understand Islam.
Islam isn't based in anything good. It's only based in Power.
Muhammed was a war lord.
"Islam" literally translated is "to submit".

One of Muhammed's Generals beheaded a man and raped his wife in a puddle of his blood. And Muhammed praised him for that.

And retards say "hurr durr I hate all religion lol Chrisitanity and Islam are all the same"

Almost all of Geopolitical conflict is because of Islam.

>We cant. Just enjoy the ride
That's never going to happen. People will get madder and madder until we see war. This kind of nonsense is exactly how big wars start.

That doesn't mean White countries should be obligated to erode their culture to placate hypothetical global citizens.

If citizens of other countries want to come to White Countries, they should instead work to make their own countries like White Countries.

America had to fight a war in the 1770's to secure a decent place to live.
People have to fight wars. It's a part of life.

What about white culture was founded upon white ideologies don’t you understand?

We got where we were from being culturally white. We are were we are now, with a mentally depraved millenial society from interacting and being too tolerable with other cultures in the first place.

I said for now. Every religion and every God will eventually get exposed.

If you just think of rising up against your overlords you will simply disappear. Dont forget that CIA and mossad are everywhere

so the world is a worse place to live now then it was 50 years ago?

Attached: Atheists.jpg (997x1120, 130K)

Actually i’m from the UK.

I don’t hate other races. While I hate the teachings of some things regarding religion, yeah, I don’t inherently hate people of colour.

I hate the millenials for the most part becoming too tolerable in the wrong way. Teaching that it’s bad to be white, that we are privellaged, that we deserve nobody’s sympathy, you know?

It really bogs you down. I see it from a racisl perspective how people of colour must feel in terms of decond class citizens. But all I wish for is that they come here with respect for our culture, that is all.

in the UK, muslims are allowed marches at the expense of british citizen views, propagating death to britain, proposing for culture change and everything else without consequences.

Whereas groups that fight back in defence get instantly banned and labelled supremacism.

Yes, the UK can be very racist, but it’s from experience, not inherit views.

Attached: 2CFC024F-75F1-488B-970E-E1B49558A182.jpg (634x908, 157K)

No we didn't come to where we are because we are white.

We got to where we are because some people thought
"Hey, wouldnt it be great if we made airplanes to make traveling faster and more efficient?"
"Hey, wouldnt it be great if we found this new vaccine that will save many lives?"
"Hey, wouldnt it be great if we reached to the stars and take advantage of them?"

No one ever thought about their skin color when making technological and societal advances, they thought of humanity's progress and preservation

Jews control media hollywood etc. Media takes away your identity. You become mindless cattle put on drugs and brainwashed. Theres still that one second of doubt but you are just overwhelmingly puny to do anything about it. Now economically pressure by the rothschild the godlike. You go to war and fight for your jewish overlords and you do the dirty work and you get shredded but you survive. Here is your promotion you get the good goy medal.

Islam actually teaches the duality of science and religion, minus all the other bullshit. So they would adapt to it. There is no getting rid of the cockroaches user.

>No one ever thought about their skin color when making technological and societal advances, they thought of humanity's progress and preservation

And that trait is prevalent more so in Whites than in other races.

It's also part of White culture to support our smart people and to create a government and culture that helps and facilitates those scientific discoveries.

Attached: 1555737610681 European Scientific Development.png (511x346, 36K)

Hahaha what a fucking moron are you? All they thought of was fame and wealth.

I’m talking about progressiveness faggot. We got to where we are because of white culture you idiot.

It’s the very same reason why india is still shitting in streets, venezuela currency is lower than that of Runescape GP, and africans are still spear chuckers, Moron.

You can take the slave out of the country, but you van’t take the regressive culture out of the slave.

Absoloute melt of a man.

Significant figures for who? Lmao is this pic from pol? Thats ridiculous even for nazi standard

Exactly this. How am I as a white person in any way connected to my neighbor. There are white people cultures that divide white people too. White people aren't a fucking culture. Skin color is about as trivial as hair or eye color. It affects fucking nothing. Black people can act apart from their stereotype just fine, just like a white person can act stereotypically black. Fuck all these /pol/tards

lol, guess which culture defined "significant' and decided which figures should be considered that, and then made this graph.
It would probably look a lot different if it were made in China.

>imagine thinking that every person that has made advances in human history would think the same greedy way as you

Do I deny the fact that some did?
No. I believe this is more prevalent in recent times where money outweighs ideals

In other words

>culture is inclusive to fucking country, and which country was founded upon white culture. Moron

Haters gonna hate

Attached: 1555737626254 European Scientific Development.png (762x703, 116K)

>It's also part of White culture to support our smart people and to create a government and culture that helps and facilitates those scientific discoveries.

nah, sorry, that's kind of an ad hoc cop-out to add that there at the end.
It is true that "white culture" is less tribal and more geared towards universal values and progress than others, but that comes at the cost of self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice is part of what makes white culture unique from other cultures, and even morally better in a sense, if you want to look at it that way. However, that means less self-preservation. If you add tribalism and self-preservation, then white culture loses its uniqueness and becomes like every other culture, which makes it not worth saving for any reason other than tribal reasons.
That's the paradox and tragedy of white culture: it's a unique culture because it's the only one where its preservation is sacrificed for the greater good, but that also means that it either dies out, or loses its identity in the end. In other words, either physical or ideological annihilation. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Physically? No

Politically, yes. Whites abolished slavery despite jews and the own african race being the main perpetrators of it, yet whites are always singled out as being the main issue for it.

We live in a society currently that enables self deprecation of the white race and if you are white or straight then you must be more tolerable of said people due to being privileged.

Yes, it is a worse world to live in for the sake of our children, who have to grow up and learn these values because it will be all they know.

People 50 years ago grew up knowing no different because the day and age was different and it’s all that they knew. Racism was the norm.

And my point in case stands, white extinction, self deprication and guilt is becoming the new norm influenced by the media/pop & rap culture/SJW’s and everything else negatively said about whites.

Attached: A5B6EDE4-58BD-44F6-B993-FBE1E0A94FBC.jpg (400x400, 39K)

Nothing to hate, my country is number 6 on that list. If this graph were made in Russian, I'm sure Russia would be either number 1 or number 2.
Isn't it a coincidence that the graph is made in English and Britain happens to be number 1? hmm.......

>That's the paradox and tragedy of white culture: it's a unique culture because it's the only one where its preservation is sacrificed for the greater good. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Yes you can?
Just stop letting in so many immigrants.

I'm interested in this

you don't have to flood your country with immigrants to be altruistic and culturally self-sacrificing do good in the world.

Here is what culture is
>pic related

It's a common theme among everyone. But everyone is still an individual.

Attached: This is culture and individualism in harmony KISS.jpg (772x634, 90K)
