How to find a hobby, Yea Forums? Everyone says "you're depressed, never get out of your bad...

How to find a hobby, Yea Forums? Everyone says "you're depressed, never get out of your bad, dwelling on your dumb and dark thoughts? Find a hobby bruh".
And I can't really disagree, it's just, when you're depressed, nothing is really enjoyable.
And then comes the human aspect. There would be plenty of options, it's just a stunning majority of them includes a human interactions, which is more than hard to overcome when taking social anxiety into consideration.
So, I do want to fight this dumb shittyness, it's just I don't know where to start. Any ideas?

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Maybe could you try to go to the gym, but at night?

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>Thought about it but I don't think I could really stick to it and be devoted, and this is what gym requires at the end of the day

you dont know how hobbies will affect you until you try them out and see how you react. of course everything sounds shitty when you just think about it because the same thing that is causing your depression is judging all of these activities without experiencing them. i used to hate going outside but now i go hiking or kayaking whenever its nice out because i have found over time for me that is a great way for me to forget about all the bullshit im dealing with in my life and the peacefulness of the nature helps me decompress and get my mind back on track. i have similar issues to this i dont want to do anything when i sit and think about what sounds fun so i just force myself to do one of the activities despite what my head is telling me.

Fair enough, although I'm bound to disregard everything that includes other people, and nature is not really an option for me since I'm living in centre of a big city, no nature to be found within tens of kilometers.
How did forcing yourself to go out affect you in the long run though. Did it change anything for you?

how about just buying a guitar?

Can't, I'm living with random flatmates

it made me more open minded about my depressive episodes and ways i can combat them. basically your mind is so complex that it can tell itself to go fuck itself and you can rewire your thought process to combat your depression with stubborn defience.

Learn chess on the web. There is a site called chesscademy. After you learn to play it, go to the parks or libraries where it is played in your city. You will meet people in a safe not overly social environment and you will have fun.

Cleaning your room is a great hobby.

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Is that Jordan B Cuckerson?

I already know how to play chess, but playing with others is still a too big of a no-no. Thanks for the idea though

Let's be real, you're on Yea Forums

If you're not a total sperg, go to Friday night magic, or the Renaissance faire, or something equally faggoty. Your surroundings will lift your 4/10 shitness to an 8/10 instantly.

Just try lots of stuff until you find something you like. I got into Yugioh and I might be a faggot but I’m not a directionless, depressed faggot

Yeah you got me. One day I even picked some of my shit up and put it into trash bags. These are sitting on the floor for the 3rd month now

Do you have daddy issues or something?

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Buy an Old Nikon, learn to use the controls, and get out, walk and take pictures.

Try outdoor activities like climbing, hiking, biking (mountain or road), if you're near a coast surfing. Do these coupled with gym and you will start to feel more like a man. Most of these take little money to do and can be done solo.

Don't just dismiss things like you did here You don't have to go to the gym 6 days a week for three hours right off the bat. Go once or twice at the beginning and maybe you'll get more into it but you need physical challenges.

Your current hobby is probably fapping. Stop, cold turkey. Within days or weeks you will be more open to everything.

Yeah I thought about that I indeed dismissed the idea of gym. It's just, I guess I'm fearful that I have no idea how to use any of gym stuff or how to train in general, which in turn triggers anxiety right off the bat.
Can't afford anything more expensive that a gym card though, being broke student and shit

I did, like 3 or 4 years back. Cold turkey, hardcore nofap for 4 months straight, no masturbation, no porn, nothing that could arouse me. 4 months and I didn't notice any effect. I figured I'd need to change something in life first and not expect nofap to do it for me

What it comes down to is:
How do you find out what hobbys you would enjoy?
Certainly not by sitting on your ass and thinking about it.
Try stuff out, get outside, join a club, read books.
Yes, depression is tough and a Illness but it's not like you can't actively fight it. Get up your ass, introduce some discipline into your life and force yourself to do shit.

That's the point, but I'm also held down by a few aspects, such as: social anxiety, money and living in a big city. Can't really fight with those

Enjoy your ban

lol u tk him 2da bar|?


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Try learning how to make things. I have depression. I learn stuff to cope with it, i.e. making soap, beer, new cooking technique, etc.
Pick 1 thing at a time, and go learn. The internet has a bunch of shit to learn.

The way I see it, there is no solution. You don’t like anything, and nothing works for you. I hope you don’t hit rock bottom, actual rock bottom, and change before anything like that happens.

There are solitary hobbies...
Hell, buy a home, fix it up yourself, and sell it again.